Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Qiu Wei's director Zheng Xiaolong's TV series "Reconnaissance Heroes" about the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea is currently being broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV. Zheng Xiaolong was born into a military fami

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Qiu Wei

The TV series "Reconnaissance Heroes " about the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, shot by director Zheng Xiaolong, is currently being broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV. Zheng Xiaolong was born into a military family, and his early experience in joining the army also had a profound impact on him. Zheng Xiaolong has always regarded reflecting war and troops as his creative vision. In his opinion, unlike previous war-themed works that mostly focused on showing grand war scenes, " "Reconnaissance Heroes" focuses on the special unit of scouts on the battlefield to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea for the first time, presenting another side of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea from a new perspective.

The character stories in the play refer to real war examples

The War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea was a war in which the few defeated the many, and the weak defeated the strong. How to reflect the characteristics of this war with "less steel and more air" to overcome "more steel and less air" is "Reconnaissance" The first problem faced by the creative team of "Heroes". Zheng Xiaolong said that after receiving the creative task, the team did a lot of investigation work. By reading a large number of historical materials and the memoirs of volunteer army veterans, they found that "conquering more with less" can be demonstrated from the special unit of scouts.

There have been few TV dramas in China that tell stories from the perspective of scouts. In order to make the work fresh and watchable, the creative team unanimously decided to use the subtle perspective of volunteer soldiers’ reconnaissance, surprise attacks and other combat processes to create a narrative that sees the big from the small. way to tell war stories. In Zheng Xiaolong's view, scouts infiltrate behind enemy lines to disguise themselves, attack important enemy command posts and ammunition depots by surprise, and rely on the surprise attacks of a few people to win battles. At the same time, scouts are lone heroes who are often attacked from both sides and find it difficult to get support. They have to rely on themselves. The ability to win the battle also contains the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice. The characteristics of the scouts' arms are very consistent with the theme of "victory with less" of the volunteers. Choosing to tell it from the perspective of the scouts can best express the combat will and combat capabilities of the volunteers to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea.

"Reconnaissance Heroes" tells the heroic story of Liang Chen, the reconnaissance section chief of a certain division of the Volunteer Army, who led the reconnaissance company as the vanguard during the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, and repeatedly relied on super-high strategies and tactics to fight against the U.S. military. Zheng Xiaolong said that in the past, many works would focus on the macro strategic level, but "Reconnaissance Heroes" is about the "grassroots" and tells the stories of ordinary people to a broad audience. "Scouting Heroes" tells the story of ordinary soldiers in the war. This is the biggest feature of the play. The characters and battles in the play all refer to real war cases and are artistically processed and refined.

The core criterion for selecting actors is "fit"

The script of "Scouting Heroes" took more than two years to create and went through many revisions, polishing and adjustments. The creators strived to find a balance between protagonist-centrism and group portrait writing. Try our best to scout hero statues for the volunteers, so that each group character has its own characteristics without being flat.

When talking about the selection of actors, Zheng Xiaolong said that fit is the core criterion. The actor Luo Jin who plays Liang Chen, the chief of the reconnaissance section in the play, has worked with Zheng Xiaolong in the TV series "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes". His sunny and intelligent temperament fits well with Liang Chen's characteristics of both wisdom and bravery, " I hope he will not only play a warrior who wants to win the war, but also have wisdom." On the set, the first thing Luo Jin did every morning was to smear dust on his body, even into the gaps between his fingers. Zheng Xiaolong said that Luo Jin got rid of the niche feeling in this drama and became more like a mature actor. The actor Ma Sichun who plays Wen Jie in the play has a sense of simplicity unique to people of that era, and can perfectly interpret the image of a female warrior who is delicate but tough and smart. Yang Fan, who plays Baek Chang-ho in the play, has experience studying in South Korea, can speak Korean, and is familiar with Korean living habits. He has outstanding advantages in shaping the role of the captain of the South Korean military intelligence team.

In order to make the character portrayal more realistic and vivid, the crew organized the actors to participate in military training before starting the filming. Through various training courses such as physical formation, formation, tactics, weapons and equipment, everyone can experience the real military life and battlefield simulation atmosphere.As the male protagonist, Luo Jin not only participated in daily formation tactical training, but also marched up the mountain with his "comrades" to simulate reconnaissance and experience the true state of volunteer soldiers during marching operations.

Night scenes tend to restore real battle conditions

"Reconnaissance Heroes" has designed a large number of outdoor scenes and night scenes. Zheng Xiaolong explained that it was actually very difficult to shoot a large number of night scenes, but during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Volunteer Army did not have air superiority, and its firepower and weapon quality were not as good as those of the enemy. They often defeated the enemy through close combat and night battles. For this purpose, the main creative team traveled to Northeast China, Henan, and Hebei many times to scout locations. After comprehensively considering the shooting cycle, weather and terrain conditions, they finally chose Chengde City, Hebei Province, which has a latitude, climate, and vegetation close to the Korean battlefield, as the shooting location. . The crew went deep into the mountains and forests of Chengde and surrounding districts and counties, built bridges over water and opened roads across mountains during the filming, just to highlight the details of the scouts outsmarting and using mountains and rivers barriers to win the battle. Except for a few scenes in "Detective Heroes" that were set up in a studio, more than 90% of the scenes in the whole drama were shot in the wild.

Zheng Xiaolong said that a major difficulty in filming is to make the tactical actions on the battlefield realistic. "Reconnaissance Heroes" places special emphasis on sudden and unexpected casualties on the battlefield. Zheng Xiaolong believes that the way in which people are shaken for a long time after being shot in some works is not consistent with the real situation of war. There were three military instructors at the filming site of "Reconnaissance Heroes" who followed the group throughout the filming, explaining how to fight tanks, use rockets, and firearms. They also conducted tactical training for the actors before filming, including how to clear mines, how to find landmines, and tactical explanations. Some of the vehicle radios, gun scopes and firearms used in the play are things that have actually experienced the war and are truly left over from the Korean War. They are as large as a map or as small as a note. All of them have been searched for information and strive to be as accurate as possible. Truly restore the history of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea and the style of the volunteer army.