The e-sports industry is very popular now. I believe everyone has been paying attention to the news in this regard. During this period, the spring competition has begun. For the audience, it is finally not boring now. It is really great to watch games. It’s great, but for the anc

The e-sports industry is very popular now. I believe everyone has been paying attention to this news. During this period, the spring competition has begun. For the audience, it is finally not boring now. There are games to watch. It's so cool, and for the streamers, the start of the game is their nightmare.

Because after the game starts, netizens will go to watch the game, and the live broadcast popularity of the anchors will decrease. This is very tricky, so for the anchors, they must find the effect of the program. Those with permission can do it in the live broadcast room Explain the game here, which can attract some people.

Anchors who do not have the right to commentate have a more difficult life. They must find some program effects in the live broadcast room. For example, the anchor mentioned by the editor today is like this. He is AJ. He is a former professional player, but His performance in the professional arena was not ideal, so he did not have much popularity.

Fortunately, he joined rng at the end of his career, attracted some fans, and got to know rng players, so after retiring, he often interacted with old rng players, and gradually went off the rails, and started to like driving and live broadcasting When I was young, I also liked to have cp groups with other female anchors.

But it is understandable. After all, his live broadcast effect is indeed very average. Recently, aj announced his income for the past month during the live broadcast. January 10th was his best day, with as much as 1800 on that day. Yuan, but on January 6, aj’s live streaming was only 13 Yuan.

It is definitely not enough to earn only 13 yuan a day, so aj recently had a whim and actually sold stockings on the live broadcast. The stockings were sold on the little yellow car. So far, 27 pieces have been sold. Many fans also ridiculed them and expressed that they did not know how effective the stockings are on the upper body. , so I asked the anchor to try it on for everyone’s reference.

Not to mention, aj has actually worn women's clothing before, and he is very familiar with stockings. If the income of the subsequent live broadcast room is not ideal, maybe aj will really wear it for everyone. His behavior this time was also criticized by letme: Is it so bt? No way, the competition in the live broadcast circle is too great now. Is there anything you want to complain about?