On January 21, 2024, the Guangdong Radio and Television Station Elderly University Cultural Performance was held as scheduled, with a wonderful and grand party, demonstrating the school's educational strength and the charm and style of contemporary middle-aged and elderly people.

On January 21, 2024, Guangdong Radio and Television Station’s University for the Elderly cultural performance was held as scheduled, with a grand party that showcased the school’s educational strength and the charm and style of contemporary middle-aged and elderly people.

"1. Guests gathered to share school achievements"

On the day of the event, many leaders and guests came to the scene to witness the first big show since the establishment of Guangdong Radio and Television University for the Elderly.

Zhou Wei, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Guangdong Radio and Television Station, sent her sincere message. She said that the establishment of the University for the Elderly is an important measure for Guangdong Radio and Television Station to actively respond to the national call and deeply serve the cultural life of middle-aged and elderly people. Today's first performance is not only a review of the achievements of Guangdong Radio and Television University for the Elderly, but also a demonstration of the achievements of the students. I hope that all students can show themselves on the stage and enjoy the happiness brought by art. We are also looking forward to it All sectors of society pay more attention and support to the cultural life of the elderly.

(Speech by Zhou Wei, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Guangdong Radio and Television Station)

Wang Yun, President of Guangdong Radio and Television University for the Elderly, solemnly thanked all walks of life for their strong support for the establishment of the University for the Elderly and the efforts of all teachers and students, and introduced the school's enrollment and teaching situation. . Guangdong Radio and Television University for the Elderly adheres to the school policy of "running a school for the people, learning in fun, and achieving success in learning", and takes "Happy Alumni Association and Life is More Wonderful" as the core, and strives to build the University for the Elderly into a spiritual harbor and spiritual haven for middle-aged and elderly friends. Happy Home allows every student to find their own stage here and release their passion and talents.

(Speech by Wang Yun, President of Guangdong Radio and Television University for the Elderly)

According to President Wang, since the official opening of classes in November 2023, the Guangdong Radio and Television University for the Elderly has enrolled more than 1,100 students in the first phase, opened 37 courses, and has achieved fruitful results. , arousing widespread concern from all walks of life. In 2024, the teaching level will be further improved and the scale of classes will be expanded. In the spring class, more than 70 courses are planned to be opened, and multiple teaching points will be set up in Renmin North, Huanshi East and other branch campuses, and online courses will be opened so that more people can enjoy it. to the excitement and joy of college life in old age.

"2. Teachers and students gather together to witness the highlight moments"

For any school, excellent teachers are the guarantee of school quality. Guangdong Guangdong TV University for the Elderly has a large number of outstanding teachers. Cantonese Opera and Cantonese Opera Class teacher Chen Guoqiang, as a teacher representative, shared his harvest and experience, expressing his joy in being able to participate in the education of the elderly and his expectation to serve more students in the future. Calligraphy teacher Meng Fanying wrote the four theme words "Art Performance" for this event, which were sonorous and powerful. Teacher Yan He even wrote "Happy Class Reunion, More Wonderful Life" on the spot, and presented it as a gift to Guangdong Radio and Television University for the Elderly, which won a lot of applause.

(Cantonese opera and Cantonese opera class teaching teacher Chen Guoqiang speaks)

(Teacher Yan He presented works to Guangdong Radio and Television University for the Elderly)

With its rich special courses and the quality assurance of radio and television education, Guangdong Radio and Television University for the Elderly became an instant success and not only attracted It has won the recognition of many middle-aged and elderly people and the recognition of many young people. It is common for young people to register for classes, for children to register for classes together with their parents, and for one person to register for three or four classes at the same time. Ms. Wang Feng, the student representative, is a typical example. It is understood that her "parent" daughter signed up for her in many courses such as Ba Duan Jin, basic body shape, cheongsam model show, etc., which made her feel physical and mental pleasure while studying, and also met Having like-minded friends makes your old life more calm and open-minded. She said bluntly that she hopes that when you and I grow old, we will sigh less about "how helpless the flowers will fall" and embrace the optimism of "no more gray hair and yellow chickens", so that we can live and learn as we grow old.

(Student representative Ms. Wang Feng spoke)

As a big stage for middle-aged and elderly people to show their charm and enrich their lives, Guangdong Radio and Television University for the Elderly has witnessed the talents and progress of many teachers and students. On the day of the performance, Deputy Director Zhou Wei and Principal Wang Yun presented awards to outstanding teacher representatives and student representatives respectively in recognition of their outstanding performance in the autumn class.

(Zhou Wei, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Guangdong Radio and Television Station, presented awards to outstanding teacher representatives)

(Wang Yun, President of Guangdong Radio and Television Station’s Elderly University, presented awards to outstanding student representatives)

"3. Brilliant and colorful programs"

This time The performance received strong support from all teachers and students. Everyone participated enthusiastically and rehearsed carefully. In the end, 18 programs were successfully selected, and more than 100 students brought a rich visual feast to everyone. Light and graceful classical dance, elegant and charming yoga, Cantonese opera with unique Lingnan characteristics, Tai Chi kung fu fan that combines philosophy/martial arts and art, soulful guitar playing and singing...a variety of program types and outstanding performances , it was dizzying, and the scene was full of climaxes and applause.

Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan with soft yet strong strength

Light and graceful classical dance

Cantonese opera performance with Lingnan characteristics

(affectionate guitar playing and singing)

It is especially worth mentioning that under the influence of Hulusi artist Li Xinyu, his granddaughter, since childhood I have been influenced by it and like Hulusi very much. This time I even performed on stage and became a veritable "conspicuous bag" on the stage. Just like the title of the program "Descendants of the Dragon", her appearance on stage fully interprets the word "descendants".

(Seven-hole Hulusi Performance, Descendants of the True Dragon)

(Zhou Wei, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Guangdong Radio and Television Station, presented awards to outstanding teacher representatives)

(Wang Yun, President of Guangdong Radio and Television Station’s Elderly University, presented awards to outstanding student representatives)

"3. Brilliant and colorful programs"

This time The performance received strong support from all teachers and students. Everyone participated enthusiastically and rehearsed carefully. In the end, 18 programs were successfully selected, and more than 100 students brought a rich visual feast to everyone. Light and graceful classical dance, elegant and charming yoga, Cantonese opera with unique Lingnan characteristics, Tai Chi kung fu fan that combines philosophy/martial arts and art, soulful guitar playing and singing...a variety of program types and outstanding performances , it was dizzying, and the scene was full of climaxes and applause.

Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan with soft yet strong strength

Light and graceful classical dance

Cantonese opera performance with Lingnan characteristics

(affectionate guitar playing and singing)

It is especially worth mentioning that under the influence of Hulusi artist Li Xinyu, his granddaughter, since childhood I have been influenced by it and like Hulusi very much. This time I even performed on stage and became a veritable "conspicuous bag" on the stage. Just like the title of the program "Descendants of the Dragon", her appearance on stage fully interprets the word "descendants".

(Seven-hole Hulusi Performance, Descendants of the True Dragon)