On January 20, the "Mushroom Family" children's interactive drama "Little Rabbit" produced by Liu Tianchi Gengzheng Drama Club premiered at the Dahua City Art Theater in Beijing. The play is the first work of Liu Tianchi Farming Drama Club. It tells the story of Chang'e and Jade

Liu Tianchi

1905 Movie News On January 20, the Mushroom family children's interactive drama "Jili Gulu: Little Rabbit" created by Liu Tianchi Farming Drama Club premiered at the Dahua City Art Theater in Beijing.

Director Jing Niansong and starring Ma Xiaoji

The play is the first work of Liu Tianchi Farming Drama Club. It tells the story of Chang'e and Jade Rabbit living a leisurely and happy life in Guanghan Palace. Unexpectedly, the four evil men did evil in the world, causing disease, pain, fatigue and other germs to spread, making everyone miserable. At this time, Chang'e asked the Jade Rabbit to go to the world to help people overcome their difficulties.

Liu Tianchi said that starting a drama club was not a spur of the moment, but the result of careful consideration. She wanted to introduce a new kind of living room drama that would allow children to extend their personalities without limit. In her opinion, the living room is a place where families gather together to relax. The living room can accommodate many children's innocence. The concept of living room drama contains relaxation and happiness. She hopes that children can gain happiness from relevant courses and learn to appreciate art.

As a mother of three children, Guan Yue, who has not appeared in public for a long time, attended the event and revealed that her and Tong Dawei's two daughters are studying drama performance with Liu Tianchi.

Today’s children are under a lot of pressure, and schoolwork is very, very difficult. We may really have to think about how we can relieve our children from academic pressure and various psychological problems. Guan Yue said that children feel very happy every time they train and study with Liu Tianchi, and drama art is particularly healing. She hopes that children will feel the beauty in life and art, so that they can become more confident and even bring the energy they draw from art into their lives.

It is reported that "Jili Gulu: Little Rabbit" will be performed in Beijing every Saturday and Sunday from January 20 to February 4.