In the vast sea of ​​​​stars in the entertainment industry, there is a woman who emerged as the national runner-up at the age of 20. She was like a bright meteor piercing the night sky, attracting people's attention. She is Zhou Bichang, a musical genius whose name is as moving a

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars in the entertainment industry, there is a woman who emerged as the national runner-up at the age of 20, like a bright meteor piercing the night sky, attracting people's attention.

She is Zhou Bichang, a musical genius whose name is as moving as the melody.

The inheritance of the music house: Zhou Bichang and her musical journey

In 1985, in Changsha, a city with profound cultural heritage, a little girl was born who was destined to have an indissoluble bond with music. She was Zhou Bichang.

Her family is simply a history of Chinese music. Her great-uncle Lu Ji was the first chairman of the Chinese Musicians Association and a leading figure in the music industry.

And Zhou Bichang's mother, Lu Yuanyuan, was a bright singing star in the art troupe when she was young. But as time went by, she chose to fade away from the stage and became a primary school music teacher, using her singing to infect more young hearts.

It can be imagined that after growing up in such a family atmosphere, Zhou Bichang's interest and talent in music are almost innate.

However, what is interesting is that the word "Bichang" in Zhou Bichang's name actually means that her mother hopes that she will become a writer or word worker and be able to "write fluently".

But fate seemed to have its own arrangement. Zhou Bichang finally embarked on the path of music, using her singing instead of words to touch people's hearts.

Zhou Bichang’s father is a successful executive. His success provided the family with generous living conditions, allowing Zhou Bichang to have no worries about food and clothing since she was a child, and she could devote herself wholeheartedly to the music she loved.

Zhou Bichang has been a sensible and well-behaved girl since she was a child. She studies in the school where her mother teaches and comes to school early every day.

In addition to studying seriously, Zhou Bichang also maintains a rare simplicity. Her class teacher once said to her mother: "Your Zhou Bichang is so innocent. If a male classmate writes a note to her, she will report it to the teacher, making those boys very embarrassed."

This kind of simplicity and seriousness, Perhaps this is the secret to her ability to maintain her original intention and keep moving forward on her musical path.

The legend of short-haired tomboy and music's counterattack

In 2004, 19-year-old Zhou Bichang was like a dark horse, running wildly on the college entrance examination track, and finally amazed everyone with an impressive score of 681 points. She chose to study at Guangzhou Xinghai Conservatory of Music, a decision that seemed to herald the rise of a future music star.

The convenience of being close to home allows Zhou Bichang to go home every week and enjoy the warmth of family.

At that time, Zhou Bichang had short hair, black-rimmed glasses, quiet and simple, and looked like a tomboy. She seemed to have no chance of romantic love in college, but fate opened a window for her on another stage.

In 2005, Zhou Bichang, who was a sophomore in college, made a fate-changing decision - to participate in "Super Girl".

With her excellent singing ability, she passed all the competitions, won the Guangzhou Division Championship, and successfully advanced to the finals. On the finals stage in Changsha, she was even more unstoppable and finally won the national runner-up, second only to the champion Li Yuchun.

Ke Yimin, who was a judge at the time, was full of praise for Zhou Bichang: "You saved the pop music world!"

These words are enough to testify to Zhou Bichang's strength and popularity. In the era of sending paid text messages to vote, Zhou Bichang received a whopping 3.27 million text message votes, making him a well-deserved popular star.

The 20-year-old Zhou Bichang became famous overnight, and his destiny has undergone earth-shaking changes. After becoming famous, she signed with Tianyu Company and soon released her first single "Notes".

This song became her masterpiece, was widely sung, and was even included in the "Popular Music" textbook.

However, Zhou Bichang was somewhat disapproving of his famous work. She felt that the song was too slobbery and far from her own musical ideas. She said: “I don’t like such verbal songs."This kind of frankness and courage makes people can't help but praise her persistence and pursuit.

The twists and turns and rebirth on the music road: Zhou Bichang's contract termination and career resurgence

The boss of the same day entertainment company spoke frankly about Zhou Bichang's departure in front of the camera, His tone seemed to be a bit helpless: "This child's personality is like a wildfire igniting a prairie fire. She always seems to feel that the Avenue of Stars we have paved for her is not broad enough. Maybe, she needs more space to fly, think, and collide.

These words were like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

When Zhou Bichang debuted, she conquered countless music fans with her amazing talent and popularity, but the subsequent termination of her contract... But she fell into an unprecedented whirlpool of public opinion. People speculated that this girl was too high-spirited and difficult to cooperate with?

In 2006, Zhou Bichang joined hands with Lelin Culture to launch the album titled "Who Moved My Her career reached a new peak when she released the music album "Qin Xian". The sales volume of 1.3013 million copies is enough to prove her popularity and strength. However, behind the success, there are unknown contradictions and Struggle.

The company took a fancy to her potential and began to arrange various jobs for her: commercial performances, variety shows, advertisements, movies... Her life seemed to have become a never-ending movie, with scenes constantly changing and roles constantly changing. Overlapping. These heavy workloads have made her farther and farther away from music.

"I just want to sing," she has shouted countless times in her heart, "Why do these things that have nothing to do with music? "This pure pursuit of music deepened the conflict between her and her agency, which eventually led to a half-year hiatus.

During that time, Zhou Bichang seemed to have disappeared from the public eye.

She was in a low mood At the bottom of the valley, she stayed behind closed doors all day, isolated from the outside world. But during this seemingly dark time, her heart experienced struggles and rebirths again and again. She began to think about what she really wanted. , is it to pursue those illusory fame and fortune, or to return to the essence of music?

When the contract ended, she made a decision that surprised everyone: not to renew the contract with Lelin Culture. This decision is undoubtedly It brought a huge blow to her career. People began to discuss, is this girl too difficult? Is her music career going to end?

However, Zhou Bichang was not defeated. She chose to go to the United States. She furthered her studies at the Los Angeles Conservatory of Music, using knowledge and sweat to heal her wounds. When she graduated with straight A's, people saw the determination and confidence shining in her eyes. She knew that her musical journey was not over. It opened a new chapter.

The Singing Queen’s Single Monologue and the Mystery of Fifteen Years of Living Alone

When the clock of history turned to 2009, Zhou Bichang signed a contract with Gold Medal Dafeng in Hong Kong. Her singing career was like an eagle spreading its wings. Soaring into the sky. Concerts continued one after another, albums sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and she bravely opened her own personal studio and created original masterpieces one after another.

However, behind the peak of her singing career, Zhou Bichang's But her love life is like an unsolved mystery, which makes her parents worried. She is so kind and simple, her personality is as calm as lake water, and her treatment of others is always as warm as the spring breeze. In the complicated entertainment circle, she is like a flower. A lotus that is unstained in the mud.

When she participated in "The 601st Call", she became attached to Zhang Guoli, and their relationship was as good as that of father and daughter. Zhang Guoli even loved her as his own daughter and called her affectionately every time they met. As a "daughter". But for such a good-natured and kind-hearted girl, her road to love is like a path in the fog, making people unpredictable.

In 2006, it was reported that she and Chen Bolin were filming "Springfield Flowers Class Reunion" During the scandal, the two were inseparable and as sweet as honey. A year later, rumors of a relationship with singer Li Jiuzhe once again caused fans to speculate.Later, Sun Jian also entered her famous list. But every time, Zhou Bichang chose to remain silent and insisted that he was still single.

When participating in the variety show "I Want to Live Like This", she revealed for the first time that she has lived alone for 15 years. 15 years! This number shocked everyone.

But she said lightly: "I quite enjoy it. When I am alone, I can really calm down and think."

As early as when she first became famous, she went to Beijing alone and started her own journey in Beijing. Living a happy life, his parents stayed in Shenzhen.

Zhou Bichang has long since learned to face his parents' urging for marriage with a peaceful mind. She no longer feels anxious and troubled about this, but looks at marriage and love with a more mature and rational attitude.

She knows that love is not everything in life, nor is it the only goal in life. What is more important to her is living her life, pursuing freedom and inner peace.

Zhou Bichang, now 38 years old, is still single, but she lives more freely than anyone else. She interpreted in her own way what true happiness is: not getting married or having children, but living according to one's own wishes, pursuing dreams, and enjoying every moment.

In her world, love is still a beautiful existence, but before it comes, she can still embrace the world and love life in her own way.