1905 Movie Network Special Article Produced by Er Dongsheng and directed by Mai Qiguang, the movie "Temporary Robbery" was released nationwide. In the film, Aaron Kwok plays Mei Lantian, a "polite" gangster. He has a slovenly appearance and buck teeth, which is full of contrast.

1905 Movie Network Special Article The movie "Temporary Robbery" produced by Er Dongsheng and directed by Mai Qiguang was released nationwide. In the film, Aaron Kwok plays Mei Lantian, a "polite" gangster. He has a slovenly appearance and buck teeth, which is full of contrast.

Faced with the movie channel host Lan Yu, Aaron Kwok talked freely about the story with Mei Lantian. He admitted that he has portrayed many serious characters in recent years, and this role is full of comedy, which makes him very excited.

At first, the director and screenwriter approached Aaron Kwok to film "Temporary Robbery". He was very interested after reading this script with a black humor style.

"In the past ten years or so, I have mostly been asked to act in some very serious movies, and I have played a lot of police roles. This time, I will play a more absurd gangster role, which may give me more room to play, so I am taking on the challenge. "Just a moment."

When deciding on the look, Aaron Kwok proposed not to put on makeup, "The texture of the skin will be completely different after putting on makeup. Don't be too nice. It's not like Mei Lantian. So I didn't wear makeup in this scene." , and there is only one set of clothes in the whole film."

Mei Lantian is a wrestler with a pair of wrestling ears that have been deformed due to injuries from years of training and competition. Aaron Kwok also took the initiative to design buck teeth for the character, and initially chose from three sets of buck teeth models.

Among them, there is a pair of buck teeth with uneven shapes, and another pair of buck teeth are all canines. "I said it's not like we're making "Alien". We're not making a horror movie, we're making a comedy." In the end, he chose the third set of buck teeth with a sense of humor.

Before filming started, Aaron Kwok wore buck teeth at home to practice speaking his lines. "When I want to say something loudly, the dentures will fly out and there is no way to control them. It can't be too tight, and I won't feel comfortable if it's too tight. So I have to Try how hard you should use to say those words."

Because of this, Aaron Kwok gradually found the rhythm of Mei Lantian's speaking, "I am more impatient, and I will speak very quickly and quickly. But for this role, I think I can slow down a little. When you say it, it's more three-dimensional. For example, when you say thank you or sorry."

Aaron Kwok had a common Mandarin voice actor who dubbed Mandarin versions of his works, but he unfortunately passed away due to illness.

"He is half a fan and likes me, so he will really get into each of my different characters and follow me to explore the feelings of different characters. But unfortunately, he left because of illness. When I heard the news, I Very sad."

So this time, Aaron Kwok began to dub Mandarin by himself, and also found a teacher to help correct and adjust the pronunciation. Aaron Kwok said that his wife and daughter usually speak Mandarin, and he also speaks Mandarin at home, so he is making little progress. He hopes that his Mandarin voice can make Mei Lantian as expressive as the Cantonese version.

There are many action scenes in "Provisional Heist", and Aaron Kwok is very used to shooting action scenes.

As a singing and dancing singer, Aaron Kwok has always had high self-requirements and always maintains daily exercise and physical fitness. He said that every day when he was free, he would take an hour to do some exercise, such as running, cycling, etc. "From when I was a dancer to a singer, I always remembered that I had to perform on stage and have a lot of physical fitness."

Aaron Kwok said that he did not deliberately build a strong body or show off his muscles. "Because I am also an actor, this makes it easier for me to act. If the movie requires me to gain weight, I am willing to do so, but it is impossible to eat myself very fat and then lose weight, so I have to maintain a moderate figure."

from In 1984, he was admitted to the Hong Kong TVB dance training class. After graduation, he transformed into a singer and actor. It has been exactly 40 years since Aaron Kwok has brought many classic music and film and television works to generations of audiences, and has also won many personal awards and honors.

In the past ten years, Aaron Kwok said that apart from filming sequels such as "Journey to the West" and "Cold War", he has not played any repeated roles. He is willing to try and challenge new genres and constantly break through himself.

At this stage, he found that he had never acted in a comedy before, so he wanted to challenge the comedy genre through "Temporary Robbery" and hoped to be recognized and encouraged by the audience.

"I have acted in many serious dramas, so let’s change it up and play something different. I hope Mei Lantian in "Temporary Robbery" can give everyone a surprise."