At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, there are always some surprises. In the past few days, the popular "Zhejiang Propaganda" series of books has finally been released under the constant urging of readers! The new book "Words Born from the Heart" is a follow-up t

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, there are always some surprises. In the past few days, the popular "Zhejiang Propaganda" series of books has finally been released under the constant urging of readers!

's new book "Words Come from the Heart" is the fourth book launched by "Zhejiang Propaganda" after "Words Should Follow the Times", "Being Correspondent with the Times" and "A Literary Heart Helps the Times". It is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. This volume contains 184 original articles published by the WeChat official account from April 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023. The content of the book covers theoretical interpretation, media observation, hot commentaries, humanistic history, decrypted archives and other fields. It has a unique perspective, novel topic selection, and clear viewpoints. It not only provides readers with a lot of inspiration for understanding current affairs, observing life, and understanding society, but also It allows readers to easily learn writing in a younger way of expression.

"Words Come from the Heart" Author: Zhijiang Xuan

The four-character title of the book "Words Come from the Heart" can be said to continue the characteristics of the "Zhejiang Propaganda" account: "Speak in human terms, touch on hot topics, and have an attitude." Just as on the first anniversary of the creation of the account, its author Jiang Xuan wrote in the article: In the era of screen reading, the right to choose and judge the article is in the hands of the reader. The reader agrees or disagrees with our views, and is satisfied or dissatisfied with the work. , are all "voting" with their fingertips. Every read, every like, and every comment contains the reader's emotions. We always adhere to the principle of keeping in touch with readers' situations and voices, respecting readers' intelligence and emotions, communicating with readers candidly, refusing to be pretentious, and sharing our thoughts and opinions.

Sincerity is always the surefire weapon. When sharing his writing experience, Zhijiang Xuan said frankly: "Speak more truth that speaks directly to people's hearts, and others will believe you; speak more new words that have not been spoken before, and others will pay attention to you; speak more and people will be attracted by it at first glance. Only when you understand the vernacular will others understand you..." From your fingertips to your heart, you need the support of high-quality content, and you also need to break the shackles and dare to talk about difficult topics and dare to say things that are difficult to say. Such as ""People first" is not "epidemic prevention first"" "History will not be condensed in one night" "Six major hazards of "low-level red" and "high-level black" "If you want to deal with "public opinion", you must first do "things" well "It's a pity that my writing skills are mediocre and I can't write all this year" and other popular articles, which prove that traffic is the heart of the people.

And how can we master the essence of "Zhejiang Propaganda" writing? This is the sigh that many readers made after reading the "Zhejiang Propaganda" article.

Since 2022, "Zhejiang Propaganda" has published the "Times Trilogy" successively, providing accurate answers to readers' doubts. At present, the series has issued 130,000 copies and has received numerous praises from readers.

"The pen and ink should keep pace with the times", "Being in tune with the times", "A literary heart helps the times"

Some readers commented: The articles in the book are original, with both depth and breadth, and are very suitable for literary workers to read and study as a reference book . Some readers of

also said: I have written a lot of articles, especially review articles, and the more I write, the more I feel a deep sense of powerlessness - many topics are not allowed to be touched, and many topics are not allowed to be done. I have learned a lot from reading these sets of books published by "Zhejiang Propaganda", and I can also see how their team is groping forward, which is a great gain. I hope that the transformation of writing style can start from learning from Jiang Xuan.

After reading the three sets of books, many readers began to leave messages: Will "Zhejiang Propaganda" continue to publish books? When will the next set of books be published?

In order to respond to readers' expectations as soon as possible, the new book "Words from the Heart", with the joint efforts of the "Zhejiang Propaganda" editorial department and Zhejiang People's Publishing House, will meet the readers in time on the occasion of the New Year. It is understood that the book will be put on the shelves in online stores such as Dangdang, and offline bookstores in the near future.