Beijing News On January 18, the TV series "Break of Dawn", produced by Hewei, directed by Yang Yazhou, written by Lu Min, starring Yu Hewei, Wu Yue, Wei Chen, and Zeng Li, held a launch ceremony in Xiamen. It is reported that the drama will be filmed in Fujian, Shanghai and other

Beijing News On January 18, the TV series "Break of Dawn", produced by Hewei, directed by Yang Yazhou, written by Lu Min, and starring Yu Hewei, Wu Yue, Wei Chen, and Zeng Li, held a launch ceremony in Xiamen. It is reported that the drama will be filmed in Fujian, Shanghai and other places, and is expected to be broadcast online in 2025.

Yu Hewei.

"Break of Dawn" is the first major-themed TV series in China based on real people and stories on the hidden front in Taiwan. It tells the story of the Kuomintang's attempt to prevent New China from completing the great cause of reunification of the motherland before and after liberation in 1949. Our party's intelligence worker Wu Shi (played by Yu Hewei) ) General disregarded his personal safety, cooperated with the intelligence team latently, and delivered top-secret military intelligence to the organization within a few months, but was betrayed by a traitor, and finally went to justice generously. Producer and lead actor Yu Hewei said: "General Wu Shi's life is touching and admirable. Being able to play the role of General Wu Shi is a very, very proud thing."

editor, Xu Meilin

proofreader, Li Lijun