Recently, the new drama "Mary and George" was produced by Sky and AMC, created by DC Moore, directed by Oliver Hermanius ("Pansy") and others, and starring Julianne Moore, Nicholas Gallicina and Tony Curran. "Published character posters, "Mother-Conspirator", "Son-Seducer" and "K

Total 5 pictures

1905 Movie News Recently, the new film was produced by Sky and AMC, created by DC Moore, directed by Oliver Hermanius ("Pansy") and others, and starring Julianne Moore, Nicholas Gallicina and Tony Curran. The drama "Mary and George" releases character posters, mother - conspirator son - seducer king - prize.

The play focuses on 17th-century England, where Mary Villiers (played by Julianne Moore), Countess of Buckingham, guides her beautiful son George (played by Nicholas Gallicina) to seduce King James I (played by Tony Curran). And become his lover with unlimited power.

Through outrageous intrigues, Mary and George grew from low-class families to one of the richest, most powerful, and most influential mothers and sons in England's history.

The British drama "Mary and George" has a total of 7 episodes and will be broadcast in March 2024.