This year’s Weibo Night, no one discussed who won the award, and no one discussed who won on the red carpet. Instead, the exchange of gifts between celebrities was overly discussed. Although the organizer’s plan was quite innovative, it was also a disaster. Several guests. As the

At this year’s Weibo Night, no one discussed who won the award, and no one discussed who won on the red carpet. On the contrary, the exchange of gifts between celebrities was overly discussed. Although the organizer’s plan was quite innovative, it was also a disaster. several guests.

As the saying goes, "Gifts are light but affection is heavy." The organizer planned this gift-giving process just to bring closer the friendly relationship between artists. Everyone drew gifts blindly and it was all based on luck. For example, Bai Jingting got the gift from Hu Ge. A pair of environmentally friendly chopsticks has a good meaning. For this reason, Bai Jingting mustered up the courage to add teacher Hu Ge's WeChat account. This time and again, the gift-giving process is full of meaning. It is not impossible for Bai Jingting and Hu Ge to reach a cooperation in the future.

Tang Yan also drew the double sea fishing coupon given by Yu Shuxin. After going back and forth, Tang Yan and Yu Shuxin also closed each other. It is not a bad thing to make more friends.

Including Yang Zi was honored to receive the purple bamboo handmade by Zhang Songwen, which means that the purple energy comes from the east and rises steadily, which can be said to be a fate.

The Lego tree that Yang Zi put together by herself was received by teacher Hui Yinghong, which means good luck and good fortune. Yang Zi also said that she would like to cooperate with teacher Hui Yinghong if she has the opportunity. This is the meaning of this gift.

There were a lot of celebrities going to Weibo Night this year. Each guest prepared a gift. There must be a wide variety of gifts, but the gift-giving also shows the character. Several artists were questioned for being stingy because of the gifts they gave out.

The first one is Zhang Linghe. A folding fan he prepared was picked by Zhang Xiaofei, with the four characters "I will really thank you" written on it. However, netizens discovered that Zhang Linghe's fan was not a new product and had appeared on the scene several times before. Therefore, some people complained that Zhang Linghe was careless in giving gifts and gave away second-hand goods without spending a penny. He was extremely stingy.

However, a fan later explained for Zhang Linghe: This fan is his treasure, because the word "Xie" represents the character of Xie Wei, and Zhang Linghe hopes to bring good luck to those who receive this gift.

The second place is Tian Xiwei. She gave away a hair stick device, which was found to be worth a few dollars by netizens. It was completely inconsistent with her celebrity status. She was also criticized for being too stingy and how embarrassed she was to hand it out.

Afterwards, Tian Xiwei seemed to be dissatisfied with the negative comments about her on the Internet. She also posted on Weibo with a selfie of herself and a photo of a cat. She also had a lot of cat hair on her body, which meant that the gift she gave out was Necessary items for every home are not without their merits.

It's okay that Tian Xiwei didn't respond, but this response lowered her favorability. Netizens think that she is very glass-hearted. She has just become popular, but she can't bear the slightest ridicule. I'm afraid she won't be able to survive in this circle in the future.

The third place is Peng Yuchang. This time he prepared a small lion brooch, which looks very cheap. When I searched online, there were a lot of 9 yuan and 9. The key was picked up by teacher Zhang Songwen, who made it with his own hands. Compared with Zizhu, or compared with Yang Zi's own Lego, Peng Yuchang's gift is too perfunctory.

At present, Peng Yuchang’s Weibo comment area is completely ruined. Netizens left a message saying: Is it a bit embarrassing? I had a good impression at first, but you gave me a brooch worth 9 yuan and 9 yuan. You are crazy. You really don’t have to worry about it. It’s a gift of only a few yuan. It's to the extent that ordinary people despise it. You really don't deserve Teacher Zhang Songwen's sincerity.

Some people suspect that Peng Yuchang’s gift may have been prepared at will by the staff. Perhaps Peng Yuchang himself did not know about gift giving, but why Yang Zi and Zhang Songwen could prepare it in advance? The organizer must have given the notice long ago , it’s just that some people are careful and some people are perfunctory.

In this gift-giving, Huang Bo's paintings, Jing Tian's couplets, Bai Jingting's movie reservations, Deng Wei's camera warmer, Zhou Shen's Weibo annual VIP membership, Ayunga's own mutton, Xu Jiaqi's own knitting Scarves, Yu Wenwen's voice-changing microphone, Ma Li's mugwort hammer, Lei Jiayin's antique walnuts, etc., these gifts can show the thoughtfulness of the preparers.

It is true that Peng Yuchang and Tian Xiwei were too hasty this time. Although other artists did not care about what gifts they could get, Zhang Songwen prepared for so long and ended up getting a toy brooch, which he cannot wear at all. I feel a little bit disappointed in my heart.