The stove is emitting sparks and the meat skewers are fragrant. Yan Hongqiao finished grilling the skewers, took two handfuls, and came to the stage. The people sitting on the stage were all well-known underground figures in Lanhe. They were all powerful, ferocious, and usually e

The stove is emitting sparks and the meat skewers are fragrant.

Yan Hongqiao finished grilling the skewers, took two handfuls, and came to the stage. The people sitting on the stage were all well-known underground figures in Lanhe. They were all powerful, ferocious, and usually extremely majestic.

However, when they saw Yan Hongqiao, everyone felt as if they were wilted, sitting on their chairs and not daring to move rashly.

Yan Hongqiao said he wanted to invite everyone to eat skewers, but most people really didn't dare to eat his request. He casually divided it into two bunches and threw them on the plate without saying anything, and he was not lenient with his words. He scolded these big guys just like he scolded the younger ones, without mercy at all.

Yan Hongqiao didn’t hide it, and told everyone the purpose of inviting everyone to eat skewers. When

came, it was for everyone to get together.

The second time I came, I just wanted to confirm whether Yan Hongqiao was okay when he spoke in Lanhe!

At this time, Mr. Pan of Daohe Group flattered the world loudly, smiled playfully, picked up the meat skewers and quickly put it into his mouth.

Yan Hongqiao paused for a moment, strolling around, then turned around and asked.

"How does the meat skewers taste?"

"It's fragrant and delicious."

"Do you know what kind of meat it is?"

"Isn't this mutton?"

"Didn't you see that there is one less person?"

In an instant, there were four people. Looking down, I felt nauseated and instantly vomited out the meat I just ate.

Yan Hongqiao smiled, look, it scares you!

Good guys, let alone they were shocked, I in front of the screen also vomited out the sugar orange I just ate, followed by a surge of sour water.

Although I didn’t vomit it out in the end, it still made me very uncomfortable.

This plot comes from the suspense drama "Black Earth Silence" starring Chen Jianbin, Hu Jun, and Xing Jiadong. After watching the plot of less than 10 minutes in the beginning, I was completely involved in the drama. This familiar look and feel reminds me of the 2021 "Sweeping Crime Storm" starring Sun Honglei.

At that time, the drama also had the opening scene, which immediately attracted my attention. Within 10 minutes, I was completely involved in the drama.

Of course, I am not the only one who feels this way. After the show was launched, it quickly took the first place in the popularity list, which proves the popularity of the show. A quick glance at the Douban comment section shows that many netizens have given it five-star praise.

Appreciating and watching dramas is my hobby. I would like to share my impressions of the first three episodes of "Black Soil Silence" with everyone!

1: Yan Hongqiao

Faced with these big guys in Lanhe, the reason why Yan Hongqiao dared to be so arrogant was not only because his own company had become bigger.

In fact, he is also a real ruthless character. In his early years, he was a well-known local brother, but now he has changed his identity and started a business.

In the play, a short plot was also used to let Yan Hongqiao show off her muscles.

There was one person missing from the seat on the stage, and this person was Mr. Jia, who was beaten so badly that his nose and face were bruised and swollen, and he could not stand up.

However, is also a tough guy. Faced with Yan Hongqiao's condescension, he was not afraid at all and sprayed spit on the other person's face.

What kind of person is Yan Hongqiao? He will definitely not suffer this loss. In a rage, he kills him.

Although the scene did not show it, looking at Yan Hongqiao's ferocious expression, it is estimated that the other party was also tortured enough.

But this was not over yet. Yan Hongqiao took off his dirty clothes, and the sound of fireworks suddenly sounded outside the door.

All the big guys on the stage seemed to have thought of something when they heard this voice, and they trembled in fright.

Immediately, through this scene, the character image of the ruthless Yan Hongqiao was established.

However, good and evil will eventually happen, and if you come out to mess around, you will have to pay back sooner or later. Although no one dared to mess with Yan Hongqiao, he had an accident at his home the next day.

Including Yan Hongqiao, his girlfriend Chen Xiaoming also fell from upstairs and fell on the roof of the car.

Who dares to attack Yan Hongqiao? Is

for money? Or revenge?

Or is it competing for interests?

seems possible!

Yan Hongqiao was still bullying others, but he was killed in the blink of an eye. Moreover, what is even more suspicious is that the cause of death of each of the three people in Yan Hongqiao's company who had an accident was different.

Yan Hongqiao seemed to have been killed with a pistol, while Chen Xiaoming seemed to have committed suicide. The security guard seemed to have cigarette ashes behind him after falling from the building.

The opening chapter of "Black Soil Silence" is confusing from the beginning.

2: Yang Si

Yang Si is played by Hu Jun. He used to be a ruthless man. He was imprisoned for 15 years for hurting people and was just released not long ago. There are many rumors about Yang Si'er. Some people say that he is a bad guy, while others say that he is a knight and a thief.

Yang Si is the protagonist of this play. He appears in the play because his fingerprints were found at the scene of Yan Hongqiao's death. And with fingerprints, it proves that he has been to the crime scene, then he is the first suspect, and it is very likely that he is the real culprit.

So, Guan Yu (played by Chen Jianbin) immediately arrested Yang Si. Fortunately, Yang Si did not run away and the arrest went smoothly.

After Yang Si was arrested, he was vague at first. He did not explain the situation until his fingerprints were found. On the night of the incident, he went to Yan Hongqiao's company because his house was on fire.

At first, I wanted to find a warm place to spend the night, but I didn’t expect to encounter this kind of thing!

The reason why there were his fingerprints on the scene was mainly because he found out that something happened to the owner of the house and wanted to fish in troubled waters and find something valuable to spend, so he rummaged up and down the stairs.

Of course, Guan Yu would not believe all Yang Si's words. He was too experienced. When he saw Yang Si, he only picked out situations that were beneficial to him. As for other details, just skim them as cleanly as you can.

However, things did not develop as Yang Si expected.

Not long after, the police found another clue. The deceased Chen Xiaoming was once the girlfriend of Yang Si's stepson Yang Xuesong, and Chen Xiaoming was Yan Hongqiao's girlfriend, so there was a conflict. This case must be related to Yang Xuesong.

In addition, Yang Xuesong had a conflict with Yan Hongqiao's relative Feng Gen very early on. Moreover, according to the chat records between Yang Si and Chen Xiaoming, it can be known that Yang Xuesong still seems to be obsessed with Chen Xiaoming and thinks that Yan Hongqiao bullied Chen Xiaoming.

Judging from the chat records, Yang Xuesong had a motive for committing the crime.

So, Yang Xuesong is related to the case. Yang Si is Yang Xuesong’s stepfather, and he cannot escape the relationship.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yang Si took the initiative to confess that he had killed Yan Hongqiao and had nothing to do with Yang Xuesong.

At present, based on the plot, it is inferred whether the murderer is Yang Xuesong or Yang Si. The existing evidence is not certain. Although Yang Si took the initiative to admit it, it seems more like taking the blame for his son. It is also possible that it was him who Taking the blame without knowing it.

However, what is certain is that this case must be significantly related to the two of them.

3: Wang Ping

Wang Ping is played by Deng Jiajia.

Wang Ping is Yan Hongqiao’s ex-wife. The two have known each other for more than 15 years, and they are doing business together. Wang Ping is also a good player in the business field. After the two separated, they still had business contacts.

Chen Xiaoming is Yan Hongqiao's new girlfriend, and Wang Ping is Yan Hongqiao's ex-wife. She is also highly suspected of committing the crime.

And, more importantly, despite Wang Ping's appearance of being capable and decent, she also takes the initiative to do charity and is gentle and patient with children. But in fact, she is also a real ruthless person, and there is a driver behind her who acts as a thug to help him do things.

After Yan Hongqiao's accident, someone took her younger brother to her basketball gym to cause trouble, and he was immediately beaten up.

In the latest trailer, Wang Ping even showed his strength.After Yan Hongqiao's death, the group of people on stage just said nonsense if they wanted to share the benefits, and they didn't look down on Wang Ping at all.

However, the real situation is that as soon as Wang Ping arrived at the scene, within a few words, she managed to keep the group in submission and stabilized the situation instantly.

From Wang Ping's line, there is another important message, that is, Lanhe will develop greatly and open a new district. And among them, it seems that many people are ready to take a piece of the pie. Once the information about

comes out, other internal transactions will surely be implicated.

can infer that Yan Hongqiao’s death was definitely not that simple, and there must be a dispute of interest.

From this, various signs indicate that this Wang Ping is definitely not an ordinary person, and she is definitely involved in Yan Hongqiao's death. Moreover, it is foreseeable that if she is not the real murderer, she is also the mastermind behind it.

4: How was the performance?

After talking about the plot, let’s talk about the actors’ acting skills.

At present, "Black Soil Silence" has been updated for 3 episodes, and several main actors have appeared. You can comment on it. It’s clear at a glance how well the actors of


One of them, Xing Jiadong

Xing Jiadong plays Yan Hongqiao in "Black Soil Silence". He doesn't have many scenes, but every scene is remarkable. In particular, in the scene where Yan Hongqiao was about to establish his authority, Yan Hongqiao's methods were ruthless, his appearance was ferocious, and the impact was not too strong.

Before, I watched a lot of Xing Jiadong's dramas. Most of the roles he played were positive roles, and he still gave people the impression of a tough guy. In "Black Soil Silence", Xing Jiadong puts on a red senior sweater and gold-rimmed glasses. The contrast is really unexpected.

However, contrast is what the character needs.

Generally speaking, Yan Hongqiao portrayed by Xing Jiadong is quite satisfactory and he has successfully completed the role. And I also look forward to having more roles in the subsequent plots. Let us see how ruthless Yan Hongqiao is.

Second, Hu Jun

As mentioned above, Hu Jun plays Yang Si.

To be honest, let’s not talk about how good Hu Jun’s acting is. Just the appearance of half burned is enough to attract attention. Moreover, Hu Jun's acting skills have never disappointed anyone. He can play both Qiao Feng and Xu Xiao. It's no problem for him to portray Yang Si.

In the play, after Yang Si was arrested, although he spoke submissively and laughed, his eyes were full of murderous intent, giving people a chilling feeling. Especially, when he knew part of the information and wanted to admit that he was the murderer, his eyes suddenly shone with coldness and his aura was compelling.

Without bragging, I think the best actor in the first 3 episodes of "Black Soil Silence" is Hu Jun.

Whether it is body movements, facial micro-expressions, or words or words, they are all in line with the character settings. They are very touching and can make you fall into the drama in a second.

Thirdly, Chen Jianbin

Chen Jianbin plays Guan Yu in the play, a criminal police captain.

To be honest, Chen Jianbin playing the role of a policeman is not new. Not to mention, two works, "Trident" and "13 Years of Ashes", have been released in recent years. Playing the old policeman, he is a good hand and has his own unique flavor.

In my opinion, Chen Jianbin's performance in "Black Soil Silence" was quite satisfactory.

fulfilled the role perfectly, but there is still room for improvement. I personally hope that Chen Jianbin can perform brilliantly and bring you more exciting performances .

Fourth, Deng Jiajia

Deng Jiajia plays Wang Ping in the play. In recent years, Deng Jiajia has acted in many suspense dramas. She has tried various types of roles. Whether in "Cloister Pavilion" or "Tower of Babel", her performance is remarkable.

Under her shaping, Wang Ping also has the characteristics of a multi-faceted person. Sometimes, she is a loving and caring big sister.But as soon as she turned around, she became an extremely ruthless boss, decisive and ruthless, making people fear three points.

I infer that Wang Ping will play an important role in this drama, and Deng Jiajia's role in the subsequent plot is definitely worth looking forward to.

In the end, you have to watch it yourself whether the drama is good or not.

Have you watched "Black Soil Silence"?

Who do you think is the murderer?

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