Nandu News Reporter Xie Xiangnan On the afternoon of January 14, the book "The Power of Women", produced by China-funded Overseas Chinese Publishing House and published by China Science and Technology Press, held its first book launch conference in Shenzhen. Fei Eili, a female gr

Nandu News Reporter Xie Xiangnan On the afternoon of January 14, the book "The Power of Women", produced by China-funded Shanghai Post and published by China Science and Technology Press, held its first book launch conference in Shenzhen. Fei Eili, a female growth writer and former senior reporter and director of Phoenix Satellite TV, was invited by the well-known reading promotion organization - the Backyard Reading Club to discuss with book friends at the Fashion Linfeng Art Space how women's independence, happiness and self-growth are important to contemporary people. A vital topic that conveys positive life force to readers.

The theme of this event is "Dear girl, please be brave enough to be yourself and love yourself seriously!" There was a "surprise" at the beginning of the event: Hunan Satellite TV host and well-known media personality Li Rui and well-known cultural scholar, writer, and director Hu Yeqiu appeared through short videos, congratulating "The Power of Women" with full enthusiasm. The listing set a warm tone for this event.

Dr. Guilin, the founder of the Chinese-owned Shanghai School, the publisher of this book, made an opening speech for this event. As the only female guest at this event besides the author, Dr. Guilin reviewed the similarities and resonances with Fei Li from the perspective of a publisher about her various experiences in growing up and starting a business, and at the same time expressed her appreciation for the book "The Power of Women" Recognition and attention to this book. She believes that this is a book that "sharpens a sword in five years", a book of life that records Fei Li's experiences in her young years and her thoughts over the years. The ideas conveyed in this book can help people in different fields and at different ages to continuously break through their comfort zones, meet challenges, and find their own strength at different stages of life.

As the core content of this event, Fei Lili's keynote speech deeply attracted many readers at the scene with her eloquent conversation and clear and profound logic. She called this book a "major gift in life": From the time she published her first tofu piece at the age of 8 to the launch of her first book, she waited for 30 years; when talking about why she wrote this book, Fei E Li admitted that in her past experience as a media person and entrepreneur, she had come into contact with many so-called "successful people", but she was confused by the fact that many people had lost their original aspirations or fell into depression. Because she didn't want to become such a "disheartened person", she resigned and went abroad to study. After "traveling half the world", she wrote down her experiences and thoughts. It took five years of polishing to finally write this book.

Fei Eli also had a profound discussion with readers on the opposing views of "independence" and "dependence", and about "giving up" and "gaining". Readers on site and in the live broadcast room were all impressed by her humorous and wise sharing. was impressed by her personal charm; during the keynote speech, she also raised two questions: "What is the biggest dilemma people face in the pursuit of happiness?" and "What is the power of women?" and had a lively interaction with readers. The author's witty exchanges and ideological collisions with the audience also made readers hooked.

After Fei Li finished her personal sharing, she had an in-depth conversation with Wang Shaopei, the founder of the Backyard Reading Club, and Pompei, a member of the presidium of the Guangdong Writers Association and chairman of the Guangzhou Writers Association, pushing the event to a climax. Wang Shaopei is also the recommended preface author of "The Power of Women". He said in his sharing that Fei Eli is a thinker, and thinkers are scarce in China; she has a lot of thoughts in the book, and this book is a book of thinking. It is also a philosophical book; there are many questions in the book that allow readers to keep searching and questioning, and gain more power for growth.

Pompeo reviewed the experience of rehearsing with Teacher Fei for the outstanding performance of the drama "The Unicorn" at the 27th Beseto (China, Korea and Japan) Drama Festival, focusing on Fei Eli's speech at the backyard reading meeting five years ago. The wonderful fate caused by the "snap" of sound. He especially appreciated Fei Li's self-confidence and exploration of her own strength, and finally took on the important role of the female lead in "The Unicorn" as the only non-majoring actor, and achieved the perfect presentation of this drama.