For many viewers who like to watch variety shows, "Ace vs. Ace" is definitely an ace variety show not to be missed. Although the show has been criticized every year for so many years, the ratings of the show can always be regarded as gods. Whether it's the first three seasons or

For many viewers who like to watch variety shows, "Ace vs. Ace" is definitely an ace variety show not to be missed.

Although the show has been criticized every year for so many years, the ratings of the show can always be regarded as gods.

Whether it is the first three seasons or the last four seasons after Shen Teng and Jia Ling came, or the eighth season when Jia Ling is not here, which season does not lead by a cliff in the ratings?

When this season first aired, many viewers felt their hearts drop when they saw that Jia Ling was not there.

After all, everyone likes this variety show because of the lively pair of Shen Teng and Jia Ling who exchange jokes with each other. Once one person is missing, the audience's expectations will naturally be lowered a lot.

Of course, with the addition of Sha Yi, this season's program is really not broken at all. The cooperation between him and Shen Teng is so tacit that every word spoken will never fall to the ground. It can be said to be a joke, and every word is a joke.

In addition to Sha Yi, Yang Di and Tang Yan are also regular guests this season. In comparison, their performances are somewhat average.

In the past few years, many viewers liked to see Yang Di in variety shows. When he was most popular, he appeared in more than a dozen variety shows a year, and they were all popular variety shows.

It is said that Yang Di was really up to date during that period. As long as he was there, the show would definitely be able to make the show laugh. He also had high emotional intelligence and would never embarrass anyone.

Looking back at the past and then looking at his performance this season, Yang Di is really different. I don’t know if it’s because he has made enough money and doesn’t work so hard, or if he just wants to be a support player and doesn’t want to steal the spotlight from Shen Teng and Sha Yi. Anyway, his highlights this season are really too few.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Yang Di performed like this when he first debuted, I am afraid he would not be as good as he is now!

Of course, I am not complaining when I say this, but my expectations for Yang Di are too high. I want him to always have funny performances in variety shows. After all, there are not many variety show stars who can do it well. Yang Di really counts. Number one.

As for Tang Yan, even though she is a resident guest, her performance is really not much better than that of a flying guest.

After a whole season of the show, if I were to ask you what is amazing about Tang Yan, I might not be able to answer it even after thinking about it for a long time, because it is really not outstanding.

The three permanent residents this time, Sha Yi can indeed replace Jia Ling, but as for Yang Di and Tang Yan, they really can't even match half of Jia Ling.

Time flies so fast, and before you know it, this season’s program is meeting you again.

If possible, I really hope that the ninth season of the show will come soon, because it should be here according to the normal broadcast time.

Of course, as a viewer, I hope that Jia Ling can return in the next season and Sha Yi can continue to be a permanent resident. In this case, the laughter will be guaranteed.

Now that we’re talking about the finale, let’s briefly talk about Shen Teng’s performance in the finale.

To be honest, Shen Teng's performance is still quite good, and many details are worth mentioning.

In the finale of "Ace", Shen Teng became a god three times, once for himself, once for Jia Ling, and once for the Ace family.

first, make yourself a god.

In this episode, there is the classic old game "You figure it out and I guess it", with Shen Teng and Fan Chengcheng performing in a group.

When the two got the words "Mud can't support the wall," Fan Chengcheng raised his hands and acted like a wall. This was obviously to let Shen Teng act as mud.

Who wants to act in the mud? This word is indeed a bit insulting.

If this happens to someone else, facing Fan Chengcheng's preemptive operation, he can only be angry and has no choice. But if he wants to use this little trick to trick Brother Teng, it is simply a joke.

I saw Shen Teng directly holding up Fan Chengcheng. He wanted to hug him but couldn't. Looking at it like this, Fan Chengcheng directly became the "mud".

I have to say that Shen Teng's IQ is really high, and it would be even harder to make him suffer.

For the sake of his own reputation, Shen Teng’s on-the-spot reaction was truly amazing, and it was hard to believe!

Second, become a god for Jia Ling.

In the game "Knowing Everything", Shen Teng answers the questions raised by the host, and then the two teams need to discuss and give their team's only answer. Whichever team's answer is closer to Shen Teng's answer wins, and the other team has to accept it. Water punishment.

has a question: "Rate Shen Teng's performance in the eighth season of "Ace vs. Ace" from zero to 100, a close win."

If this question were to be answered by the audience, it would have to be over 90 if not 100, because Shen Teng's performance this season is indeed good, and he contributed most of the laughs.

Of course, the scores of both teams were not too low, but no one expected Shen Teng to directly give a ten point. After

saw this answer, everyone felt that Shen Teng was writing randomly and a reasonable explanation must be given.

When I first saw this 10-minute score, I thought Shen Teng was going to start making all sorts of lies again, but I didn't expect him to directly say "because there is one missing Ling (0)". Isn't

100 equal to 10 if it lacks one zero? Shen Teng's explanation is perfect and can be called a god. On the one hand,

expressed his feelings for Jia Ling, and on the other hand, he immediately made the show more effective. Shen Teng's reaction ability was really not to be boasted. Everyone in the audience was convinced and willing to accept the punishment of being sprayed with water.

Third, become a god for the ace family.

In the tug-of-war game, the individual battle against the ace team really failed miserably.

In fact, this is normal. After all, several members of the guest team are from the training family, and their strength is really not comparable to that of the ace family.

However, Shen Teng won against Fan Chengcheng.

Of course, Shen Teng was able to defeat Fan Chengcheng not because of hard power, but because of his strategy. He first lay down to consume Fan Chengcheng's physical strength, and finally used force suddenly when the opponent relaxed his vigilance.

I have to say that Shen Teng's IQ is quite high. Not only did he win, but he also contributed a lot of laughter. After watching

's performance in the individual battle, many viewers felt that Shen Teng's victory over Fan Chengcheng was not based on hard power, and could even be said to be a bit overwhelming.

However, in the team battle, Shen Teng's performance was simply astonishing.

Whether it was the five-person Ace Family versus the four-person guest team, or the five-person Ace Family versus the five-person guest team, the Ace Team won both games.

The ace team was able to win entirely because of Shen Teng’s technical guidance. He knew very well that tug-of-war requires teamwork.

To be honest, there are too many tug-of-war games in which the weak defeat the strong. After all, teamwork is a hundred times more important than individual strength.

said without bragging that as long as it is not suppressed by overwhelming absolute power, the weaker side has a chance of winning, as long as they cooperate well.

In the two games, Shen Teng played a big role. He directed everyone to lower their center of gravity and stabilize together, and then shouted the slogan and worked hard together. Compared with the guest team, which was a mess, everyone used their own strength. To put it simply, it is the difference between a professional team and a temporary team.

It is no exaggeration to say that Shen Teng became a god for the ace family this time.

You must know that the Ace Family is a team and a family. Although they usually fight and fight, they must have a tacit understanding and a team spirit at critical moments, otherwise they will make people laugh. This time Shen Teng’s performance is really It's so awesome, this great parent is really convincing!