Do you still remember Deng Minghe, the "little opera star" with a childish face and a loud voice in the 2012 Spring Festival Gala? His phrase "Don't be greedy, kid, it's the New Year after Laba" not only lit up the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, but also made him famous all o

Do you still remember Deng Minghe, the "little opera star" with a childish face and a loud voice in the 2012 Spring Festival Gala? His phrase "Don't be greedy, kid, it's the New Year after Laba" not only lit up the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, but also made him famous all over the world at the age of 6. At that time, veterans in the circles such as Feng Gong and Cai Ming couldn't help but nod and praise: "This kid will have a bright future!"

But fate, sometimes like a naughty boy who loves to joke, gives you a candy, In the blink of an eye, you may be slapped again. When Deng Minghe was 8 years old, this dazzling little star suddenly fell and disappeared into the night sky forever.

Genius child star Deng Minghe: The bright moments of the Spring Festival Gala and the endless bitterness behind them

In an ordinary farmhouse in Handan, Hebei Province, Deng Minghe was like an unexpectedly fallen star, lighting up this ordinary family. His parents, a simple farmer couple, worked far away from home to make a living, leaving him, his sister, and his grandfather to depend on each other. However, it was this life background that gave birth to a young opera genius.

Deng Minghe's grandfather was once the backbone of the county opera troupe. After retirement, he still had a soft spot for opera. Under the influence of his grandfather, Xiao Minghe actually learned to sing without any teacher.

The neighbors marveled at this little guy who couldn't even speak, but could sing opera arias clearly, and believed that he was a natural talent for opera.

When he was three years old, Deng Minghe was sent to art school by his grandfather. The lonely and interesting study life made him gradually fall in love with opera.

His talent was fully recognized and cultivated by his teacher. At just four years old, he won the silver medal in the Liyuan Spring Champions Finals and became a slightly famous child star.

As his popularity increased, Deng Minghe continued to receive invitations. He became the darling of major television stations and frequently performed on stage. His family also actively supports his acting career, and his grandfather has set an ambitious goal: to have his grandson appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

In 2011, Deng Minghe stood out in the program "I Want to Go to the Spring Festival Gala" and won a ticket to the 2012 Spring Festival Gala. He stood on the stage calmly and stunned everyone as soon as he opened his mouth, conquering all the audience and judges with his own strength. That year, he was only six years old, but he took on the important task of opening the entire Spring Festival Gala.

After the Spring Festival Gala, Deng Minghe's name became a household name. He became an unparalleled child star, and invitations came to him like a snowflake. His parents also returned to their hometown, served as his agent, and began a performing life all over the world. The little Deng Minghe shouldered the heavy responsibility of supporting his family.

However, just when everyone expected him to create glory again, fate played a cruel joke on him. In 2013, Deng Minghe once again got the opportunity to attend the Spring Festival Gala, but no one expected that this would become the countdown to his life.

Just when Deng Minghe was at the peak of his powers, the illness came quietly. He was diagnosed with leukemia, and the heartless news plunged the entire family into endless pain and struggle. Although his family tried their best to treat him, they were ultimately unable to save his young life.

Deng Minghe's death has made countless people feel regret and grief. His talent, hard work, and achievements all seemed to be a cruel irony of fate. His story reminds us: In the pursuit of success, fame and fortune, have we neglected the physical and mental health of our children? Should they be given more care and companionship?

Revealing the truth behind Deng Minghe’s tragedy: the fall of a genius and the helplessness of his family

When the news of Deng Minghe’s death exploded on the Internet like a bolt from the blue, countless netizens were shocked and talked about it. Many people pointed the finger at his parents, believing that their greed led to the genius's early death. However, what is the truth?

A few years later, Deng Minglu's sister Deng Minglu revealed the unknown past. It turns out that Deng Minghe's death was not entirely due to work fatigue.

At that time, their family had just bought a new house and were in the process of decorating it in full swing.Unexpectedly, these decoration materials had hidden murderous intentions, and the toxic substances released quietly eroded Deng Minghe's health.

After the chemotherapy, Deng Minghe's family learned from the pain and decided to let him stay away from the stage and return to ordinary life. They even planned to help him withdraw from art school and attend an ordinary primary school instead.

However, this decision was strongly opposed by Deng Minghe. He loves the stage and enjoys every moment in the spotlight. That persistence and passion for the stage made him unable to let go.

As a result, Deng Minghe continued to pursue his stage dream. However, God is jealous of Yingcai, and his life is like a flash in the pan, short but extremely splendid.

Deng Minghe's death has sounded the alarm to all parents: in the pursuit of money and fame, the health of their children is the most important.

We cannot ruin our children's future because of temporary greed. May Deng Minghe rest in peace in heaven, and may all parents cherish their children's health and let them have a happy and worry-free childhood.