Modern Express News (Reporter Li Ming) From December 6th to 8th, 2019, the drama "Faust" had its world premiere in Nanjing, becoming a work with excellent box office reputation of the year. From June 15th to 16th, 2024, version 2.0 of the play "Faust" directed by Rimas Tuminas wi

Modern Express News (Reporter Li Ming) From December 6th to 8th, 2019, the drama "Faust" had its world premiere in Nanjing, becoming a work with excellent box office reputation of the year. From June 15th to 16th, 2024, version 2.0 of the play "Faust" directed by Rimas Tuminas will return to Nanjing. What surprises will it bring this time?

The first performance of the restarted drama "Faust" was invited by Tsinghua University's first Philosophy-Drama Festival to enter the campus as a charity performance, get close to the teachers and students of colleges and universities, and let "the spirits of thought wander in the theater." At the press conference, the crew also announced the city tour plan for 2024. It will appear in Beijing, Shanghai and other places in the first half of the year, and will officially meet the national audience at the Beijing Poly Theater on May 9.

director Rimas Tuminas interprets Goethe's famous poetic drama "Faust" from a new perspective and will bring you a profound journey of ideological exploration in the theater: "Goethe's "Faust" is like a A philosophical fable that allows the audience to think about life. It carries not only Faust's life, but the entire era. 'Evil and good' are issues of concern to the world. I hope this play is humorous, this kind of A lot of humor must be added to a heavy work, but at the same time it is beautiful and simple. Theater is a tool for us to think. I think and analyze life through theater together with the audience."

It’s been more than three years since The 2.0 version of the drama "Faust" has launched a new cast, starring famous actors Wang Yanhui, Yin Fang, Zhang Xinyi and Hu Jingfan.

This allowed director Tuminas to make new discoveries about the work "Faust". He said: "This is not a revival of the previous version, this is a brand new creation. The new actors have their own personalities, and they have the right to show their unique acting skills and personality charm, and even their unique spiritual life. Faust and Mephisto's relationship has also undergone new changes because of the new actor."

Director Tuminas praised Wang Yanhui's very relaxed performance, "He is a very experienced actor and has very strong adaptability. I am really surprised. ."

Talking about this cooperation, Wang Yanhui said that he liked the script when he first read it. "Why do I like it? Because I can't understand it, but I feel it. I think it's okay to 'feel it'. I read the director's script before "Uncle Vanya", I think it coincides with me. Many profound things should be performed with dramatic things to make things that may not be very accessible become fun. Everyone will love to watch it first and then go to it. Thinking. I don’t think it’s better to act something that you understand so that everyone can understand it.”

Yin Fang, a film and television actor who was a dancer, plays Murphy in the play this time special. His youthful appearance and rich body language convinced the director that "Mephisto lives forever."

(Photo provided by Poly Grand Theater, proofread by Li Kaibo)