Walking in the old streets of Shanghai, where light and shadow are swaying and time has settled, it seems that you can hear the hustle and bustle of the past. "Flowers" is like a time traveler, using authentic Shanghainese dialect and delicate and picturesque emotions to take us

Walking in the old Shanghai streets with swaying light and shadow and the accumulation of time, it seems that you can hear the hustle and bustle of the past. "Flowers" is like a time traveler, using authentic Shanghainese dialect and delicate and picturesque emotions to take us back to the glorious old Shanghai. But in this masterpiece that aroused heated discussions among the audience, we unexpectedly discovered that the 41-year-old Sun Li did not show up. What is going on?

Some people say that Sun Li's absence is like a well-planned suspense, causing speculation and discussion. But when we got a deeper understanding of Sun Li's current situation, we discovered that there was actually an unknown mental journey hidden behind it. Her absence was not a momentary impulse or a simple accident, but a carefully considered choice, the silent cry deep in her heart.

Could it be that her awe for the role made her choose to give in at the critical moment? Or did her life trajectory have some strange resonance with "Flowers", making her decide to express her emotions in a more restrained way?

Sun Li’s appearance changes: from innocence to maturity, the true beauty under the traces of time

Sun Li and Deng Chao, the golden couple in the entertainment industry, always set off a wave of heated discussions about the "couple's appearance" every time they appear together. However, in recent years, as Sun Li's appearance has changed, netizens seem to be more concerned about the traces of time on her face. For her, who was once known for her incredible looks, this kind of attention may not be so pleasant.

Looking back on when Sun Li first entered the entertainment industry, her gentle and cool temperament made people feel lovable like the girl next door. Although her face shape is biased, her tight skin, full face of collagen, and her smart eyes make people ignore the small flaws in her face shape, and instead add a bit of innocence and cuteness to her beauty.

The 2011 "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is undoubtedly the pinnacle of Sun Li's career and the pinnacle of her appearance. At that time, her youthfulness had faded away, and her every move exuded the charm of a mature woman. From the freshness and refinement in the early stage to the dignified grandeur in the later stage, her beauty, like Zhen Huan in the play, has experienced transformation and sublimation.

However, time is not forgiving. As time goes by, Sun Li's appearance has inevitably gone downhill. The loss of collagen caused her skin to begin to sag, and her former agility gradually disappeared. Even wearing a sexy suspender dress, it is difficult to regain the softness and gentleness of the past.

The short hair style once made Sun Li look cute and cute, but now it seems to make her look older. The swelling on her face and the enlargement of her neck made netizens think her appearance had become mean. Especially those big eyes that were once alluring, now stand out in a scary way, making people even wonder if she has hyperthyroidism.

When she is on the same stage with other female celebrities, Sun Li's appearance disadvantage is even more obvious. Even Zhou Xun, who is 8 years older than her, looks younger and more energetic than her. This comparison undoubtedly makes Sun Li's fans feel regretful and unwilling.

Flowers in the Shadow, Who Can Compete?

In the drama "Flowers", the fit between the characters and the actors seems to have become a silent competition. Sun Li, the former heroine, seems to be a little weak in this contest.

Reiko, this role requires the actor to show a fashionable femininity, and at the same time be able to stand alone at critical moments and show a shrewd philistine side.

Ma Yili's appearance, her swaying walk, and warm philistine atmosphere revealed in her smile, seemed to be Lingzi herself walking out of the book. As for Sun Li, her temperament seems a little incompatible with such a role, as if she is two parallel worlds that are always difficult to intersect.

Let’s look at the character of Miss Wang. In the early stage, she was frank and straightforward, as if she was a burning flame. Tang Yan's beauty and naivety perfectly fit the image of Ms. Wang, as if she was a tailor-made character for her.

As for Sun Li, it seems that it is difficult to find the fearless energy of an ignorant person on her face. The traces of time have left fatigue and vicissitudes on her face.

Li Li, played by Xin Zhilei, and Lu Meilin, played by Fan Tantan, are sexy, hot and resolute, while the other is arrogant, domineering and vulgar. These two roles require not only acting skills, but also innate temperament. As for Sun Li, her temperament seems to have an insurmountable gap with these two characters.

Some people may say that Sun Li's acting skills are obvious to all and she can control any role. But in this "Flowers", we have to admit that some roles are indeed more suitable for other actors to perform. This is not a denial of Sun Li, but an affirmation of the fit between the character and the actor.

Health expert's red carpet embarrassment and acting worries

Sun Li can talk endlessly every time she talks about health care. But strangely enough, whenever she steps on the red carpet, she can't escape the ridicule of everyone. You see, she has distinct facial features and a well-proportioned body, so why does she end up in a "fashion black hole"?

When it comes to health care, Sun Li is an expert. She is proficient in fasting, foot soaking, vegetarianism, acupuncture, exercise, and sleep. She often shares her health care experience on social platforms and even promotes her own massage techniques. For a time, there was an endless stream of fans who followed suit and followed suit.

However, the benefits of health care do not seem to be obvious to Sun Li. The aura-filled "Empress" image no longer exists, replaced by a slightly older "fashion black hole". The audience began to wonder: What happened to this health guru?

A dermatologist came forward and pointed out that some of Sun Li's health care practices may be too extreme. But Sun Li didn't seem to care and still went her own way. Wearing thick socks and turning on the air conditioner to 27 degrees in the summer is really amazing.

Having said that, everyone will grow old, and it is reasonable for their appearance to decline. But what makes it difficult for the audience to accept is Sun Li's increasingly routine acting.

I think her acting skills attracted countless fans back then, but now it feels more and more perfunctory. Sun Li, Sun Li, health care is important, but acting is the foundation for you to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry!

From peak to trough, where will your acting career go?

When the popularity of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" swept across the entire Chinese-speaking world, who didn't know Zhen Huan and who didn't know Sun Li? That palace drama seemed to be Sun Li's one-man show. Her emotions, anger, sorrow, love and hatred were all vividly displayed in Zhen Huan's every smile and every move. Since then, Sun Li's name has been closely linked to the "big heroine", and it seems that her acting career has reached an insurmountable peak.

However, after the peak, there are often endless troughs. As the audience's expectations for Sun Li continue to rise, every step she takes attracts attention. It's a pity that Sun Li's acting seems to have fallen into a strange circle from the exaggerated affectation in "The Legend of Miyue", the expressionless face in "An Jia", to the exhaustion in "Ideal City".

Some people say that Sun Li's vision in selecting scripts is not as good as before. The characters are the same and the lines are suspended, as if she is repeating herself. Even the central media couldn't help but criticize, making people wonder: Sun Li, what's wrong with you?

At the same time, Sun Li's appearance is also controversial. With obvious bags under the eyes and protruding eyes, this once stunning face is now making people feel uncomfortable. Are the traces of time really unavoidable?

Faced with all kinds of doubts and criticisms, Sun Li seems to have no intention of stopping. However, when news came that "Flowers" directed by Wong Kar-Wai was about to be released, people were full of concerns about Sun Li's participation. "Flowers" is a drama with a male protagonist, which is completely different from Sun Li's usual route of leading a female protagonist.

Behind the Scenes of Flowers: Love in the Shanghai Circle and Brilliance in the Beijing Circle

When the cast list of "Blooming Flowers" was announced like flowers blooming, it is not difficult for attentive viewers to discover that this drama has many actors from the Shanghai circle. In this lineup with a strong Shanghai flavor, Sun Li's absence seems to have become a unique scenery. For no other reason than that the focus of her career has always been in the Beijing area, and there always seems to be some distance from the prosperous Shanghai beach.

Recalling Sun Li's famous work "Jade Guanyin", the Haiyan drama that made her rise to prominence in Beijing circles, and her subsequent pinnacle work "The Legend of Zhen Huan", she has collaborated with Beijing circle boss Zheng Xiaolong so many times that it is enough It makes people marvel at her deep roots in Beijing circles. The passing of "Flowers" this time may be due to fate, allowing her to continue to write her own glory in the Beijing circle.

At the same time, although Hu Ge and Sun Li, the male protagonists of "Flowers", rarely collaborate, their trajectories in the entertainment industry often intersect. Hu Ge and Tang Yan have partnered up to five times, and their tacit understanding and friendship have long been a legend in the industry. The collaboration between Hu Ge and Ma Yili this time is even more exciting. They are both from theater backgrounds and have a deep connection in private.

It was revealed that Hu Ge had the right to choose his partner in "Flowers", and he finally recommended his friend Tang Yan. This move makes people speculate whether the brother-sister relationship between Hu Ge and Tang Yan can stand the test of time? Although it was Ma Yili's first official collaboration with Hu Ge, the funny interaction between the two at the award ceremony had already revealed their good relationship.

The entertainment industry is such a wonderful little world. Sometimes you can encounter unexpected surprises just by turning a small corner. Although Sun Li was absent from "Flowers", her career in Beijing was still going smoothly.

Perhaps for her, choosing the script and role that suits her is the most important thing. After all, a good drama requires the joint efforts and tacit cooperation of the entire team.

As an audience, when appreciating the wonderful performances of these stars, we might as well pay attention to the stories and growth experiences behind them. Because behind every success there are countless efforts and persistence as well as unknown bitterness and tears. In this ever-changing entertainment industry, being able to keep your original intention and enthusiasm and keep moving forward is the biggest challenge and victory.