1905 Film Network News On January 6, the movie "Night is Coming" held its premiere at the Centennial Lecture Hall of Peking University. The film's director and screenwriter Haodong Suga, starring Liang Ji, Zuo Fei, producer Hao Yezi and other creatives appeared at the premiere ,

1905 Movie Network News On January 6, the movie "Night is Coming" held its premiere at the Centennial Lecture Hall of Peking University. The film's director and screenwriter Haodong Suga, starring Liang Ji, Zuo Fei, producer Hao Yezi and other creatives made an appearance , interact with the audience.

Dai Jinhua, professor of the Chinese Department of Peking University, doctoral supervisor, and director of the Film and Culture Research Center of Peking University, and Wang Hongwei, vice president of the China Film Directors Association, associate professor of the Beijing Film Academy, film producer, and planner, attended the post-screening to share their feelings about watching the movie. The premiere ceremony was hosted by Sha Dan, program planner of the China Film Archive, curator of the screening unit of the Beijing International Film Festival, and master's tutor.

"Night Is Coming" director Suga Haodong was born in Shanxi in 1989. He is currently a contracted director of Bad Monkey Pictures. This film is based on the director's personal real life experience. In the movie, Liang Zhe, who has been away from home for many years, returns to his hometown in Shanxi and prepares to attend his grandfather's funeral, but the journey home is really long.

On the way from the county seat to the village, he changed to four modes of transportation, met elders he had not seen for many years, an old classmate who drove a coal truck, met his first girlfriend again, and picked up a stray puppy. The fortune teller said that he was lucky. When he came to the ferry of life, his hometown seemed like a foreign land, and the scars of the years were still aching.

The film won three awards at the 6th Pingyao International Film Festival: "Fei Mu Honor Best Film", "Cinema Choice Honor" and "Tong Ye Honor". It was shortlisted for the Firebird Film Award in the 47th Hong Kong International Film Festival Rookie Film Competition. And won the Most Attracted Director in the Focus on the Future section of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival and the Best Director at the 10th Chongqing Youth Film Festival.

Pingyao International Film Festival's award speech commented on the film: the narrative is natural and powerful, the shots are simple and accurate, the character creation and performance control are self-consistent with the style, the emotional expression is restrained but abundant, showing a calmness and determination that transcends the director's age and experience.

Wang Hongwei was a judge at the Pingyao Film Festival at that time. He revealed that awarding the "Fei Mu Honorary Best Film" to "Night Is Coming" was the unanimous choice of all the judges without any objection. He recommended the audience to go to the theater to watch the film - "If you want to watch other movies besides simple and crude commercial movies, if you have been 'scammed' by those movies that are decorated like art movies, I hope you will Take a look at "Night Is Coming", it is very honest and uses movies to tell stories and emotions."

Dai Jinhua also affirmed "Night Is Coming". She believes that the film has a clear positioning as an art film, but it does not deliberately To find the external form that a certain art film should have, its artistic sense comes from the authenticity of creation and the capture of real situations.

Dai Jinhua commented, "This is my favorite movie, and it moved me from time to time during the viewing process. Each of us viewers can have a different opinion. You can treat it as a road movie, or you can treat it as a homecoming story. You can also think of it as 'writing one's own life', which young directors are very good at nowadays. I can very clearly see in it the reflection of one of our common emotions - our confusion, our frustration, our Due to our unwillingness and a little restlessness, we wanted to declare a complete failure, but we still have a motivation that cannot be given a name at all. We can use it as such a mirror."

talked about the form and style of the film. , Haodong Suga said that he did not want to show off his skills, but wanted to impress the audience in the simplest way. As for some movie fans who commented that the film resembled a film directed by Jia Zhangke, he clarified that although he was indeed influenced by Director Jia Zhangke in college and decided to make a movie, when he was a director, he never thought of imitating or paying tribute to Director Jia. "The film is similar. The place takes place in Shanxi, the environment and the dialects of the people in this land are similar, and what you may see are these similarities."

"Night is Coming" will be officially released in theaters nationwide on January 12.