Copywriter | Tiantian Editor | Nan Feng There is no kissing scene, but the audience can "take the right seat" and meet their favorite CP. The King of Sunglasses does have something good in capturing the pull between adults. The five couples in the play are all very annoying. ....

Copywriting | Tiantian

Editor | Nanfeng

There is no kissing scene, but the audience can "take the right seat" and bump into their favorite CP.

Sunglasses King does have something good when it comes to photographing the pull between adults.

The five pairs of cps in the drama are all very annoying.

Reiko and Mr. Bao may be the couple with the fewest CP fans, but they are the most familiar with each other.

Although every time they meet, it involves "asking for money", but this just proves Reiko's possessiveness and how much Mr. Bao indulges her.

It’s just that Reiko is not Mr. Bao’s cup of tea after all.

After recognizing the reality, Reiko seemed to be a different person. In fact, she just put away her willfulness and was bound to make Night Tokyo stronger and bigger by herself.

Ms. Wang and Mr. Bao’s CP fans are so delicious.

These two people are the ones sprinkling sugar in the entire drama.

The careers of the two people are interdependent. Together they have worked together from nothing to their current position. Ms. Wang has transformed from a newcomer in the workplace and is respected by everyone on Huanghe Road.

However, they are destined not to have a happy ending.

Miss Wang is innocent and only wants love. She is willing to give up everything for Mr. Bao.

Mr. Bao will never sell tea eggs, and he will not allow Miss Wang to be left with nothing and be heartbroken if she cannot love her.

Mr. Bao and his first love, as well as Ms. Wang and Mr. Wei, have not made much splash yet.

Perhaps as the plot progresses, Mr. Wei, the pure love god of war, will be able to counterattack, and the male protagonist of the subsequent "idol drama" will definitely need to be replaced.

But in my opinion, Wong Kar-wai's favorite couple is Mr. Bao and Li Li.

They are destined to be attracted to each other.

When Li Li first came, he directly targeted Mr. Bao, and was bound to pry away his order. In fact, this move had already attracted Mr. Bao.

He knew that she would lose, but he also admired her courage.

Here in Zhizhenyuan, Mr. Bao even cooks in person to support him and creates a new hot style "Dry Fried Beef River".

He clearly knew his status, and he must also understand what kind of public opinion climax this move would set off on Huanghe Road, but when he was cooking, he was even elated, he was looking forward to it.

However, Li Li's love of ignoring and not sticking to small love will make Mr. Bao even more fascinated unconsciously.

Yes, Lingzi and Miss Wang love Mr. Bao more, but in Li Li's case, Mr. Bao may be the one who is more "obsessed".

The most direct evidence is the scene in the updated plot where Mr. Bao drives Li Li.

Li Li was taken away for interrogation. Mr. Bao sat alone in Zhizhen Garden. For the first time, he "eat a meal just for the sake of a meal." He waited for Li Li's call all afternoon. He was too worried about her.

When Li Li returned to the hotel, the first thing Mr. Bao did was to open the trunk.

Several boxes filled the trunk. Obviously, they were filled with banknotes.

Li Li was a little surprised. He paused and asked him: "Did give it to me?"

Mr. Bao: It’s all yours.

Li Li seemed to understand something. She looked back at the situation in Zhizhen Garden, then looked over again, smiled and asked Mr. Bao to wait for her for a while.

Mr. Bao calmly asked her to go about her business and said that he "will always wait for her."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Li walked back to the hotel, and Mr. Bao almost "flyed" back to his driving seat, and then looked at the place where Li Li left.

’s meaningful and interesting smile at the end has already shown that the relationship between the two people is about to turn.

The next step is the real "driving" scene.

It seems boring. One is sleeping in the car and the other is a driver. In fact, it has a deeper meaning. Let’s take a look at the language of this shot -

Li Li is holding something and nodding slightly in the shaking car. , she seemed still immersed in a sweet dream, the car was so unstable, and she still fell asleep.

fell asleep, and she turned over.

It was uncomfortable to lean on, and then she raised her head high and leaned her neck on the back seat. This action does not need to be explained, everyone understands it.

Turning over and over, we don’t know whether Li Li fell asleep or not, but he never opened his eyes.

seemed to feel uncomfortable after leaning for a while, and leaned his head against the car window again.

At this time, the black color next to Li Li leaves a lot of room for the audience's imagination.

obviously has nothing, but the ambiguous atmosphere is instantly overwhelming. Coupled with the brisk soundtrack and retro filters, it is so good, it is simply so good.

Mr. Bao is not idle on the other side either.

He had been driving, and the camera shot from Li Li to Mr. Bao in the front seat. He had been "moving forward steadily", fastened his seat belt, dressed upright, held the steering wheel with both hands, and turned the Control the direction.

You said, just drive a car, who can show this guy's happy expression?

Suddenly, with a sharp turn, we arrived at the right place.

This driving period is over, and the connection between several strange shots ends here.

From the moment they got in the car, they didn't even eat, just to drive to other places. I think it's self-evident what Wong Kar-wai really wanted to shoot.

Li Li continued to fall asleep in the car, but this time she really leaned to the side while sleeping.

Mr. Erbao opened the car door and walked out, leaning in front of the car "with a cigarette afterwards".

An inexplicable monologue followed.

Bao always had a face filled with joy. He closed his eyes and seemed to be still remembering. He raised his head, and the monologue happened to say "I have been in and out of sorrow and joy since I was a child."

At the same time, this upward view happens to be connected with the previous camera angle of Li Li sleeping in the car, seeming to be looking at each other.

Cruel, really cruel, this is a real master.

does not have any vulgar or explicit lines or scenes. It is "hidden" to the extreme. The scenes that seem to be completely different from the plot can clearly show the sexual implications. I really admire it.

Moreover, the audience is willing to believe across the screen that this is indeed a "good memory".

In fact, Mr. Bao and Xuezhi had similar hints earlier.

"In the middle of the night, we sell back-door tickets, and two people can talk together."

What follows is a clip of crowded buses during the day.

Xuezhi walked up to Ah Bao, then turned her back to Ah Bao to collect the ticket, and then turned around again, accidentally bumping into the other person because the car was too swaying.

With Wong Kar-Wai's skill, would he shoot these clips for no reason?


In fact, sometimes sexual hints are not difficult to say. In Wong Kar-wai's shots, these selling points, which are usually used to stimulate the audience's visual nerves, have also become beautiful and obscure, warm shots that symbolize the relationship between men and women.

turns out to be able to shoot such high-level sexual innuendos without being exposed to vulgarity, and even make the audience taste it again and again -

is a good job, and you should be rewarded!

However, judging from the plot, Li Li and Mr. Bao are suspected of having a substantial relationship, but there is no love at all. This is completely a pull between adults.

After all, it is impossible for a character like this to be bound by a small love.

I don’t know if you understand the hints in director Wong Kar-Wai’s lens?


Nanfeng Entertainment Circle

Quality Entertainment Viewpoint