On December 26, romance rumors between Lu Yu and Ayunga were exposed. In the paparazzi video, the two were photographed riding in the same car and entering the same unit in the same community. Later, the two were found to have the same leather jacket, belt, bag, T-shirt... and ev

On December 26, rumors about the romance between Lu Yu and Ayunga were exposed.

In the paparazzi video, the two were photographed riding in the same car and entering the same unit in the same community.

Later, the two were found to have the same leather jacket, belt, bag, T-shirt... and even the same staff member, so their credibility soared.

Source @ chasing melon boy afei

In fact, this rumor had been widely circulated as early as four years ago, but the person involved chose to deny and clarify it at that time.

This scandal is quite magical when told in detail. Judging from the

setting, the 19-year age difference between the two and the gap in status in the industry make them the most popular "sister-dog" flavor.

But in fact, it doesn’t seem that good.

: The reason lies in Luyu.

In the public's long-term perception, she does not have such a strong sense of an elite big woman. Instead, she has long carried labels such as "head circumference is inversely proportional to both quotient".

It was unexpected by the public that a female star who was regarded as a "silly dog" fell in love with a sister and a dog.

It was this accident that aroused my curiosity about Lu Yu.

Why did she, who was so dull in the eyes of the public, become a big woman in the wealthy industry?

Many people actually don’t realize Lu Yu’s status and influence in the entertainment industry.

In 1992, Chen Luyu entered CCTV before graduating from university, two years later than Ni Ping and ten years earlier than Dong Qing. Judging from her qualifications, she can be considered a senior in the hosting industry.

She hosted the first program "Art Garden Scenery" on CCTV

What made her become a host was not only her career, but also her resume and connections.

Since joining Phoenix TV in 1996, Chen Luyu has handled a series of world-class news events in the 1990s. From the return of Hong Kong to the US presidential election to the death of Princess Diana, she participated in the reporting as a "main pillar".

These experiences have allowed her to reach a considerable height in the first few years of her career, which is enough to leave a mark in the history of television.

Source @Xi Ke Image Database

As for connections, we naturally have to mention "A Date with Luyu" which was broadcast in the new millennium.

After expanding his career focus from social events to the entertainment industry, Chen Luyu gradually became one of the most influential hosts in the country.

Many people have the impression that she has offended many people.

can u1s1, the people she can offend, many hosts may never have the opportunity to visit in their lifetime, they are always top in the industry.

Even outside the entertainment industry, from business tycoons such as Wang Jianlin and Xiang Huaqiang to giants from all walks of life such as Yuan Longping and Xu Yuanchong, they have all been invited to her show.

To some extent, whether or not Chen Luyu has been offended has become a symbol of status in this circle.

Moreover, these celebrities are not just selling their face to a flagship program or a well-known host.

Dong Mingzhu hugged and held hands with her, and they got along like best friends.

Gambling king Si Tailiang Anqi brought her into the mansion to make dumplings with her family, and she didn't treat her like an outsider at all.

Xiang Huaqiang is even more exaggerated.

When Xiang Tai brought Chen Luyu into the bedroom to visit, he saw a whole box of carefully numbered discs in front of the TV.

These are all copies of previous episodes of "A Date with Luyu".

Chen Luyu is almost a mystery in this world.

Those famous embarrassing interview scenes that are still circulated in the market almost confirm her image of having low business intelligence.

But in Vanity Fair, which tests humanity and wisdom the most, not only did she not show any discomfort, but she was more comfortable than most people. There are two possible causes for this phenomenon of


One is that Chen Luyu may be really not smart, but based on her influence, she has become a natural and easy-to-use mouthpiece, so the entire circle has attracted her.

However, this cannot explain the respect that some high-ranking people have for her, because simply using a person does not require such exertion.

Another situation is that she may have some kind of wisdom that is not known to the public.

Actually looking back, in the first half of his career, Lu Yu always followed the route of high-quality talents.

Her parents are both small-language hosts at China Radio International. Growing up in such a family, her starting point is naturally much higher than many others.

html In the short film of Beijing's Olympic bid in 1993, there is also a scene of her giving a speech in fluent English.

Here we must also mention the senior who had a huge impact on Lu Yu’s life:

Zhao Zhongxiang.

When CCTV boss Zhang Xiaohai spotted Lu Yu, who was still a student, he asked Zhao Zhongxiang to help him eyeball him.

At that time, Zhao Zhongxiang saw that she lacked the grace to control a program, but luckily she didn't say anything to death, and Lu Yu was able to survive.

When he appeared on "A Date with Lu Yu" more than 20 years later, he had completely regarded Lu Yu as a respectable colleague.

He repeatedly expressed how much he liked this program, and used "A Date with Lu Yu" as a case study every time he taught.

What flattered Lu Yu the most was this sentence:

I think you are really

Born for this show

How dare the giants regard Lu Yu as the light of the industry?

Therefore, I have never believed in the saying that "foolish people are lucky".

Anyone who can fly first must be somewhere unknown.

If we also have Zhao Zhongxiang’s perspective and the experience of participating in the entire history of Chinese television development, perhaps his appreciation will not be so difficult to understand.

As we all know, the birth of "Date with Luyu" is closely related to "Oprah Show".

In 1995, Lu Yu, who was studying in the United States, developed a huge respect for this program and hoped to create a similar variety show in China.

You must know that this was a quite groundbreaking idea and a major innovation in the television industry at the time.

From the beginning, Chen Luyu had a market-leading vision and an extremely clear orientation.

means "variety show".

And this orientation also destined her to take a different path from most hosts of the same period.

During the conversation with Yang Lan, Lu Yu mentioned that during the interview process, not only the interviewees would have emotions, but also the interviewers.

And Yang Lan gave a very classic journalistic perspective: This kind of emotion should be restrained as much as possible and proceed from a rational perspective. Because

refused to intervene, Yang Lan's program looked much more professional and serious.

And "The Oprah Show" is not the same as news.

is essentially a talk show and a variety show.

She needs to be full of emotions and fully participate in the narrative, making the story become Oprah's version.

Lu Yu may never be able to match Oprah in terms of strength, but she has long understood that the essence of variety shows is storytelling.

When I realized this, a conspiracy theory repeatedly rose in my mind:

Did Lu Yu really not know that she was provoking others, or did she do it on purpose?

Because after putting on the vest of "silly dog", Lu Yu seems to always be able to shamelessly ask more things than others.

is like what many people have complained about, the interview with Tony Leung Ka Fai.

Even though the other party repeatedly stated that he would not stop his daughter's puppy love but would respect it, she still didn't seem to understand.

asked: Boy, if you really don’t like him, will you tell him?

asked again: It’s different, I’m talking about his personality.

Under pressure step by step, Tony Leung's answers were no longer appropriate, but in order to explain clearly to the stubborn "old-fashioned" in front of him, he had to give more information:

Because when he and his wife got married, his father-in-law Didn't stop it either.

And men will grow up. Faced with a woman's unreserved commitment and trust, he, who was not a good character at the beginning, has grown into an actor.

In the end, the audience got to know more, and Tony Leung's story became a little more exciting.

Perhaps there is a suspicion of over-interpretation here, but to be able to single-handedly make a program so long-lived, it is really hard for me not to doubt Ms. Chen Luyu's mind.

The most revealing of her true strength was the famous special program where she talked with Oprah.

is only four minutes long. Faced with the indiscriminate bombardment of the world's top hosting queen, Chen Luyu didn't suffer a single problem.

At the beginning of

, Oprah went straight to the point and directly judged that the arrangement of "A Date with Lu Yu" was very similar to "The Oprah Show", and used this to ask whether Lu Yu was copying, without saving any face for her young fans.

However, Lu Yu took his time and led the entire audience to question Oprah, expressing his respect for her and relaxing the other party's wariness.

then detailed the arduous journey of establishing his own show, avoiding Oprah's questions and only giving objective results:

so here i am today.

So I am in front of you today. The sentence

can be interpreted into two meanings.

First of all, this is a fan’s struggle to meet his idol at the top, so please hold your hand high.

Secondly, since we appear on each other's shows, there is no difference between us, so don't be pushy.

Ms. Chen Luyu’s fluent English made the other person stunned for a moment, which obviously made her respect this foreign “copycat” more.

And the next round fully explained why Lu Yu can be called Oprah's "big disciple":

Isn't Oprah's question the same as Chen Luyu's?

Sharp, abrupt, rigid, and impolite.

Pay attention, almost every sentence of Oprah has a hidden pit:

The comparison between "24 years" and "7 years" once again emphasizes his originality, suppressing Lu Yu while promoting himself.

"Topics that really affect people's lives" means that her program cares more about people's livelihood, and China may not.

"What we heard in the United States" widens the geographical distance and explains the offensive nature of the question. At the same time, it also creates a scornful perspective of "the civilized world looks at the backward world".

It is no exaggeration to say that this series of questions has turned from a dialogue between two variety shows into a provocation with strong political meaning, and ordinary people may have jumped into the trap.

But Ms. Chen Luyu continued to talk without any hesitation.

Are the topics you mentioned so sharp? They are the stories of ordinary people. The implicit implication in the words is that the other party regards these issues as abnormal, which is a disguised form of discrimination.

Being able to hear so many stories also proves that she has outstanding character. This is Sister Lu Yu bragging about being modest.

The reason why it is said that Lu Yu got some real information about Oprah is that these two women are actually well versed in pretending to be stupid.

How could it be impossible for Oprah, as a minority herself, to know how offensive stereotypes are?

If you really want to know how China discusses sensitive topics, just watch a few episodes of the show. Why bother setting up a routine with such a long list of words?

Let’s look at her next question: Are there any tabloids in China?

Lu Yu almost rolled his eyes on the spot.

Source @网informationdig

From Oprah’s triumphant laugh when she saw Lu Yu’s expression, it can also be seen that she was not unaware, but was deliberately pretending to provoke the other party.

But she probably didn’t expect that the little fan who was so respectful and smooth in the first half would be so spicy in the next sentence:


Chinese tabloids

are not as bad as those in the United States

Source @wangwendig

I dare not say anything to death.

But at least Chen Luyu did not lose any of his business in this fierce battle.

Let’s do the math. From joining CCTV before graduating to having my own program.

What others may not be able to do in a lifetime, Chen Luyu only has 8 years to do it.

Later, she not only founded her own company, but also transferred the production rights of "A Date with Lu Yu" to her hands and became her own boss.

It can be seen that the production company is still "Beijing Energy"

. I often feel that she has an unpredictable character and is playing the most advanced role in domestic entertainment, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

If you think about it carefully, her news concept may be a bit like that of Sister Man:

There are many ways to expose the truth, but she is used to choosing the one with the most eye-catching effect, even if she is embarrassed by it.

Therefore, Lu Yu continued to use various aggressive and offensive questions, just to make the story fuller.

For example, the most controversial interview.

She asked the left-behind children: "Why don't you eat meat? Is meat easy to spoil?"

If you think about it more, it is not difficult to understand that her intention is to let the children express the dilemma behind "not eating meat", because these words It must be the protagonist himself who has the most impact.

It's just that she didn't realize that the story is a means after all, and the people it serves are still people.

When she was still trying to write a story from the perspective of a superior person, the Internet has already put us in the position of the interviewee.

felt the same way, which made her question seem redundant. These four words were also the main reason why she was scolded "Why don't you eat minced meat?"

When she chose the latter between humanistic care and variety show effects, it was inevitable to be criticized and denounced.

Of course, this is a story for another day.

I don't necessarily want to prove that Lu Yu is a smart man who plans the world.

But I feel that Lu Yu, who has been a top student since childhood, must also have a common problem among smart people:

he too regards himself as a superior person.

This kind of attitude is actually difficult to simply judge as good or bad.

However, it can answer the original question: Lu Yu’s mental strength is worthy of a decisive and decisive woman.

In "Super Speaker", Lu Yu once rarely talked about the topic of love under the title "This Damn Love".

At the beginning, she took a precaution: the "I" in the speech was not necessarily herself.

But the whole story behind always makes people think of her two previous marriages.

In story one, "I" is an extremely strong and decisive woman.

On her first date with her husband, she started by saying:

I don’t have time for love

I want to get married

Then within two weeks, the two met their parents, set an engagement date, and got married quickly.

In 1995, when Lu Yu was studying in the United States, he had a flash marriage with an American. The following year, she returned to China with her husband and joined Phoenix TV, which marked the peak of her career.

In fact, she has already played the so-called "career" script used by today's leading heroines.

In the second story, she mentioned that "I" have an old friend who has known her for many years, but she has never met the right moment.

It wasn't until they both truly matured and achieved each other that they came together naturally.

This coincides with the story of her and her second husband Zhu Lei.

The other party is Lu Yu’s friend since he was 13 years old, and it took many years for them to get back together again, which is quite fatalistic.

What these two relationships have in common is that Lu Yu actually knows what he wants.

She is playing with a very new kind of "love brain".

In the collection of embarrassing encounters in "A Date with Luyu", one of the ones that impressed me deeply was that she once had a public argument with the female writer Huang Tongtong.

Huang Tongtong has been talking about the theories of self-examination and maintaining mental maturity in love.

But Chen Luyu still asked in an almost arrogant way:

What if people are happy with it?

Once again, she became the only fool in the room who was not clear-headed and did not understand things.

But in fact, in the next question, Lu Yu revealed a bit of his cunning:

You experts can always answer other people's questions rationally, but what about you yourself?

Perhaps just like her hosting style, Lu Yu doesn’t think it is more noble to claim to be sober and rational in love.

She would rather act stupid and remain dumbfounded to maintain the experience and immersion.

In fact, Lu Yu has never concealed that she is a person who longs for love and believes in love.

But why do you say she is a "big woman"?

Because she believes in love, but is not superstitious about love.

To be more precise, she will not believe in a specific man or a specific marriage.

She has sold this idea to Ruby Lin and Huo Jianhua respectively (laughing to death, so good at causing trouble).

was also used to ask Jane Zhang who was embarrassed due to the "concert proposal incident".

On this topic, Lu Yu is not as stupid as usual, but rather has the attitude of a wise man who flexibly moves in and out of the river of love.

In fact, a big woman is never about appearances, but about whether her value orientation is clear or not.

No matter how rational and calm a person is, and how good he can talk about truth, if he has no judgment about his own life and does not know how to choose, he is ultimately a paper tiger.

Chen Luyu may seem short-sighted, but he does not lack heart.

She is very clear about what she wants in career and love, and is willing to make concessions and sacrifices for it.

This choice may not be correct or advanced, but it is definitely decisive and clear.

A grown woman must be an elite recognized by the whole society?

I want to say: Really? You do not believe.

The first thing a truly independent woman must do is to recognize herself.

Like Chen Luyu, while being regarded as a fool by the whole world, he lives his life in a colorful way. Isn't it a state of mind?

She knew that she would not miss any pitfalls, so she did not take the criticism from the outside seriously at all.

This woman is not simple.

You can look down on her, but don't underestimate her.