Remember the song "Chinese Folk Song" from 1994? It was like a fresh wind, sweeping through the streets and alleys, and also brought a young man named Sun Hao into our sight. At that time, he had a clear voice and a childish face, as if the whole world was at his feet. But fate i

Do you remember the song "Chinese Folk Song" in 1994? It was like a fresh wind, sweeping through the streets and alleys, and also brought a young man named Sun Hao into our sight. At that time, he had a clear voice and a childish face, as if the whole world was at his feet.

But fate is always joking. Just when Sun Hao thought he was sailing smoothly to the top of his life, he unexpectedly "hit the rocks". And this "reef" turned out to be fellow singer Yang Kun.

From the pinnacle of the music industry to a new star on the screen, how Sun Hao's entertainment road has become wider and wider

I think back then, the name Sun Hao was well-known in the music industry, and his musical talent, hey, that's amazing! In the ancient city of Xi'an, his musical dreams were like bricks on the city wall, accumulated one by one.

Having said that, things are not going smoothly for Sun Hao. Once, an important exam almost made him say goodbye to music. His grades in cultural classes were so low that he had to put down the microphone temporarily and go work in a factory. But who would have thought that the broadcasting and publicity work in this factory would become a turning point in his music career.

Jin Tielin and Wang Min, two big guys in the music industry, want to set up a music class in the school. As for Sun Hao, he was like a sleepy man meeting a pillow. With his outstanding performance in the factory, he attracted their attention. After this back and forth, Sun Hao embarked on the road of music again and made great progress all the way.

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, his song "Chinese Folk Song" refreshed the audience. This song is like a breath of fresh air, breaking the stereotypes of music at that time. Although some people advised him to change the song, Sun Hao was stubborn and insisted on his choice. In the end, of course he succeeded!

But, the entertainment industry is not a good bowl of rice. Sun Hao found that he and "Chinese Folk Songs" were tied together. No matter where he went, the audience only wanted to listen to this song. This situation is not a good thing for his career development, and his reputation has gradually declined.

The music career encountered a bottleneck, and Sun Hao had to find another way out. He started to try acting. Although it was only small roles at the beginning, it didn't matter, just take your time! Fortunately, with the help and advice of his friend Zhang Jiayi, he began to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry. Finally, with his outstanding performance in "White Deer Plain", Sun Hao successfully won the hearts of a large number of fans.

From the controversy of "rejecting Yang Kun" to the amphibious superstar in the entertainment industry

Sun Hao is not what he is now. He once stumbled on the road of music and fell into a trough. But fate is so magical. When he transitioned into the entertainment industry, the movie "Anti-Gangster" directly made him famous! Although the villain he played in the play was scolded by the audience, who can deny his penetrating acting skills?

Having said that, Sun Hao's entertainment journey has not been smooth sailing. In his early years, he had a little-known entanglement with Yang Kun. At that time, Yang Kun was still a young man with a music dream and came to interview for a job as a singer.

But what about Sun Hao? He already had two "loyal" singers under him. In order to save their jobs, Sun Hao was determined to reject Yang Kun.

This rejection caused a big problem. Yang Kun had a grudge against Sun Hao because of this, and the relationship between the two was thus forged. Many years later, Sun Hao expressed his apology to Yang Kun in public, but Yang Kun didn't seem to buy it. This period of grievances and resentments also caused Sun Hao to go through twists and turns in his development in the entertainment industry.

But having said that, Sun Hao is not a vegetarian either. With his own hard work and talent, he managed to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry. In terms of music, the songs he released have repeatedly topped the charts; in terms of acting, his acting skills are beyond the reach of his younger generations.

Today, he has become a superstar in the entertainment industry, capable of doing both music and acting.

Speaking of which, are you full of curiosity and expectations about Sun Hao’s entertainment career? Want to know what surprises he will bring us next? Then please continue to pay attention to his updates!

Having said that, Sun Hao's success is not accidental. He once persisted in his dreams and never gave up in the low points of his life; he once faced difficulties without escaping with courage. It is precisely because of these experiences and hardships that he has become more tenacious and stronger.

So here comes the question: If Sun Hao had not rejected Yang Kun but chosen to accept him, would the current entertainment industry landscape be different?

Perhaps only they themselves can answer this question. But no matter what, we should all praise Sun Hao for his persistence and success! Because his experience tells us: No matter how many difficulties and setbacks you encounter, as long as you persevere, it is possible to realize your dreams!