Recently, I want to give everyone a "campus youth drama". I have recommended it to all my good friends, and I hope you can watch it with your children. Different from the "hazy emotions of boys and girls" or "bullying and revenge" in previous school dramas, this drama is about "l

Recently I want to give you a copy of "Campus Youth Drama" . I have recommended it to all my good friends, and I hope you can watch it with your children.

is different from the "vague emotions of boys and girls" or "bullying revenge" in previous school dramas. This drama is about "learning" , and it is extremely serious about the learning of high school students. .

It is "The Young Man Who Ming Dragon" is currently being broadcast on cctv. The main story can be summarized as follows: A few poor students at the bottom, under the leadership of passionate teachers, are determined to counterattack and get admitted to the prestigious "Qingbei" school (which can also be understood as Tsinghua University). Peking University) story.

Although the title of the film is a bit off-topic, it can be a good-looking shot of preparing for the college entrance examination, allowing us middle-aged people to look back on our youth of studying for the college entrance examination. The director and screenwriter really have two skills. More importantly, my son actually said thoughtfully after watching it, "Learning really depends on hard work!"

By the way, the male protagonist of this drama is Zhang Ruoyun. After the popularity of "Celebrating More Than Years", whether he is Her acting skills and her vision for selecting scripts are so good that it seems like she has been enlightened! Basically, any TV series with him starring in it is a guarantee of word-of-mouth! At the beginning of the plot of

, the prestigious school and the vegetable school are to be merged into one school. The original intention is to promote "equity in education", but the principal still advocates dividing classes within the school. In fact, the students from the prestigious school and the vegetable school are separated.

Under pressure from public opinion, the school allowed Lei Ming (played by Zhang Ruoyun) to form a special class. Teacher Lei Ming is full of passion and promises to let the poor students go to "Qingbei" (China's top prestigious school in the play).

This special class needs to be recruited by Lei Ming independently. If there are not enough people, the class will be considered a failure.

So Lei Ming conducted a sociology experiment on the playground and held a "starting line points competition" to let students understand that everyone's native family conditions are different and the starting line is different, and unfairness and objectiveness exist.

Lei Ming then delivered an exciting speech, saying, "No matter where you are born, the college entrance examination allows you to choose your own life again." The atmosphere was heightened here.

At this time, someone suddenly raised his hand. I thought he was moved, but I didn't expect that what he said was actually - "Teacher, I want to pee. Listening to nonsense makes me want to pee."

Then, the students in the entire playground cheered. And it's over...

This is the truth - today's students have seen too much to avoid being fooled by your chicken-blooded speech.

The pace has accelerated since then. The plot involves issues such as whether a poor family can have a son, campus depression, subject selection for the new college entrance examination, major selection and career development. After reading

, I can’t help but give it a thumbs up. It revolves around the college entrance examination, but the story it tells is not only about the college entrance examination, but also about family, human nature, choices, psychology, etc. As the screenwriter said: "Everyone has their own dilemma, the key is how to face it and get out of it."



A youth drama actually revealed the learning methods of top academics.

I know several friends who are teachers who are also following the drama. The psychological problems of students and innovative learning methods in the drama made them shout that the campus drama finally made the matter of learning clear.

In the drama, teacher Lei Ming takes a group of five people to the monitoring room to observe the differences in habits of students in the poor class and the excellent class. It is really used by many teachers in reality as teaching materials.

What high school students lack most is concentration, because it is all "sucked" by mobile phones. Lei Ming uses the four-step mechanism of mobile phone addiction (trigger, desire, feedback/response, and reward) to turn learning into a game. By the way, I cut off the mobile phone addiction of several bad students.

High school textbooks contain many knowledge points. How can we memorize them deeply and deeply in a short period of time? You can use "dendrogram" to organize the knowledge points of each subject systematically and graphically. The principle is that the left brain is responsible for language and the right brain is responsible for images. This can combine the left and right brain functions to assist memory.

There are also two particularly useful reading methods. uses the flowing reading method to improve reading speed: uses fingers to guide the line of sight (principle: eyes/attention will be attracted by moving objects), allowing the content to flow into the brain naturally, without thinking You have to remember something, that will only lead to anxiety.

Use the dehydration reading method to extract the "dry information" of the book : According to the 28-20 rule, the most important content (dry information) of a book only accounts for 20%, focusing on refining the preface & table of contents (summary), preface book review (refined), appendices and postscript (Summary) Three parts, clarify the relationship between the other 80% of the content and the 20%, and carry out selective memory.

makes perfect use of time and manages work and rest scientifically. If you sleep for 5 sleep cycles (for example, from 10:00 pm to 5:30 am the next morning) and wake up at the 90-minute sleep cycle node, you will not feel sleepy.

There are also many innovative education methods. Teacher Lei uses singing karaoke to teach students to memorize words.

The geography teacher uses Tai Chi to teach ocean currents...

The Chinese teacher uses love poems to express his feelings, allowing students to discover the charm of poetry and literature. The history teacher uses Feihua Ling to teach students to memorize knowledge points, etc., which are quite useful. Innovative teaching methods, effective tactics to defeat the enemy, interesting and useful, worth copying into a small book.

It is said that in order to write the learning method of the top student, the screenwriting team bought all the textbooks for the third year of high school, did the questions themselves, and went to the Internet to observe all the learning bloggers. The collected methods are quite reliable.



The poor students cannot stand up to the wall, and the top students retreat, all because of "not being seen."

However, compared to the practical learning tips, what troubled me the most in the drama was that was the invisible fragile soul of teenagers in a suffocating native family.

The students in the drama cannot be seen by their original families, nor can they be seen by the school.

So they rebel, either living in the bad way you said, or living in the bad way you can't imagine. So they simply gave up on the college entrance examination - a threshold that is regarded as a standard in the adult world.

11 class gathered five students, Cheng Yushan, Li Ran, Jiang Qinglang, Bian Xiaoxiao, and Yu Yang. Every student represents a type.

Cheng Yushan is a type in a reorganized family. He is peeped by his stepfather and lives on the edge of insecurity.

Li Ran lives with his grandmother, living under the roof of others, eager to make money to support his family.

Jiang Qinglang loves to sing, but his parents, who seem to have a high-tech background, don't care about his hobbies at all, and their parents' relationship is on the verge of collapse.

Bian Xiaoxiao is living in the house of her aunt and uncle. The sensible person who lives under someone else's roof is heartbreaking to watch, and she lives a completely selfless life.

Yu Yang, a child who studies hard to please his mother, is constantly bullied in school because of his stuttering, and also falls into deep social fear.

In order to make each character more three-dimensional, the original family in the play is quite delicately portrayed.

Yuyang’s mother is extremely controlling, even disregarding her child’s privacy and wiping her child in public in the staff dormitory. It seems that everything is being protected, but in fact it is trampling on self-esteem.

Yushan's mother fulfilled her basic responsibility of raising her, but privately she still favored boys over girls and didn't care about her mathematical talent. Her stepfather's peeping at her has no limits.

Qinglang's mother is strict and controlling, suffocating her, and her father plays the role of a "loving father", but in fact he is cheating, selfish and irresponsible.

Although Li Ran's grandma loved him, she told him to give up fighting early and keep his head down, which polished the young man's character.

In the drama, Shen Yao, another top student and school idol, has a superior family and leading grades. His parents suppress education, and his grades are only used for appearance. He seemed to have everything, but he couldn't even collect the smallest concern and suffered from depression.

When a scumbag is not seen, he will want to scum into dust. When a top student is not seen, he will be broken sooner or later.

How many people recall their own depression back then, and also see the shadow of contemporary parents.

The native family ignores them, and school teachers cannot see them.

The school only looks at scores and the admission rate, and regards you as a decimal point in the admission rate. The pine and cypress classes and the peach and plum classes are just wood moving forward at a constant speed on the assembly line, waiting to be divided.

Being a human being but not being seen triggered the rebellion in the hearts of teenagers, who were full of resistance to integrating into the adult world.

Lei Ming, who wants to lead a group of children to counterattack, has experienced his father's indifference and harshness since childhood, and has always longed to be "seen" by his father. Perhaps only those who have experienced it can understand what it takes to get up from the quagmire. What kind of power.

As if to redeem himself, he decided to take the children through the college entrance examination, ushering in the rebirth of both parties.



The legendary teacher saves poor students, and there is a prototype in reality!

Many netizens have doubts about the story line of the counterattack of poor students in "The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon", thinking that it is still disguised as a "cool drama" and is a bit exaggerated. In fact, in reality, there are many prototypes of the story, such as the "College Entrance Exam God of War" Wang Jinzhan.

What shocked me was that he once brought up such a class - 9 students in the class were all admitted to prestigious schools, 37 of them went to Qingbei, 10 went to prestigious foreign universities such as Yale, and 2 went to Fudan University and Nankai University.

Even TV dramas don’t dare to write it like this.

The reason why he is successful is inseparable from his experience as a poor student. When dealing with students, his core educational philosophy is always: "We must awaken students' inner drive. What this inner drive awakens is not necessarily the curiosity for cultural knowledge, but the learning attitude that will accompany students throughout their lives."

Wang Jinzhan In middle school, my grades were lagging behind. There were about 50 students in the class, and my grades ranked below 40th. At that time, the class teacher mobilized the top five students to prepare for the college entrance examination. He fearlessly told the teacher that he also wanted to take the college entrance examination. Those students who were good at studying lined up and laughed at him: "If you can pass the college entrance examination, we can I just graduated from college." When

later interviewed Lu Yu, he laughed and said that he thought so at the time: "I had already given up on the idea of ​​going to college. Just because of the virtues of the five of you, I decided to go to college this year. "

's unwilling youthful spirit, coupled with hard study in spring, summer, autumn and winter, made him the only person in that class who was admitted to college. After

, he was determined to continue the legend of the counterattack of poor students. Many students who other teachers refused to take over directly went to Qingbei after his training.

is true, a wonderful drama in the world.

Let me tell you a little story.

Once, Wang Jinzhan received an order from the principal to pick up a boy who was very famous in his grade and was now rejected by other classes. The student cheated on the exam and was discovered by the invigilator who notified his parents. This sparked a "war" in the family. In anger, the student ran away from home in the middle of the night.

This child entered Wang Jinzhan's class and had to drop out if he couldn't keep up. He was finally persuaded to come back, and he didn't even dare to take the mock test. After some persuasion, he mustered up the courage to take part, but he failed in everything.

Wang Jinzhan holds a "magnifying glass" to see the students' strengths while formulating a practical and attainable goal, such as moving up one or two places from the bottom, which is also progress! The teacher should give timely praise and encouragement so that he can taste the joy of success. Achieve the first goal and set another goal.

After rounds of encouragement, this student became a student and finally entered Peking University.



Some people may say that Wang Jinzhan's counterattack miracle could only have existed thirty years ago. Today's college entrance examination reform requires parents to respond with strategies. "Double reduction" makes educational resources more expensive. Wang Jinzhan's style of poor students The score-matching legend is hard to recreate.

So this is also the most valuable part of this drama. Although the drama depicts the struggle before the college entrance examination, what Lei Ming took five "scumbags" to fight for is not only to be able to reach the "Qingbei" score line High scores, and more importantly, allow these teenagers who were once in darkness to find the light that lights the way forward.

This drama is very slow to update, and it will take another week to reach the finale, so I can't give you a definite follow-up. But I think these children will definitely find the path that suits them best, and Lei Ming can also make peace with his childhood self while redeeming others.

There is more to life than the college entrance examination, but if you pass the college entrance examination, you can gain a transferable positive attitude towards life, find the love in your heart and be able to change and fight for it, and you can believe that you can stand out among the crowd and not be afraid of the judgment of others' eyes. This is far more valuable than going to a good university.