Stills from "The Young Man Who Sings the Dragon". Red Net Time News, January 3rd (Reporter Hu Yi) Recently, "The Young Man Who Ming Dragon", which is popular on Youku, scored 8 points on Douban, becoming the most popular drama in the same period. ” is the third high-scoring drama

Stills from "The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon".

Red Net Time News on January 3rd (Reporter Hu Yi) Recently, "The Boy Who Ming Dragon", which is popular on Youku, scored 8 points on Douban, becoming the most popular drama in the same period. It is also the second most popular drama in the same period. In addition to "News Queen", this is the third high-scoring drama series on Youku Q4. The play tells the story of the outstanding teacher Lei Ming (played by Zhang Ruoyun) and the psychology teacher Sang Xia (played by Huang Yao) who jointly established the Minglong Class 11. In order to help students regain their dreams, Lei Ming and Sang Xia teach students in accordance with their aptitude, guide students to develop good study habits, help students face difficulties, improve family relationships, establish an optimistic attitude, and finally start a new life journey. Today, the reporter talked with Chen Shu, the screenwriter of "The Boy Who Calls the Dragon", to explore the story behind the creation of the play.

Excavating typical traits to create soulful characters

"Whether it is the excellent teacher Lei Ming, the psychology teacher Sang Xia, or many student representatives, the reason why these characters in the play are understood and loved by the audience is because they are derived from real-life interviews. Live and real individuals." Chen Shu said in an interview with reporters.

Before the filming of "The Boy Who Called the Dragon" started, the screenwriting team came to Changsha, Hunan Province, where it was shot, and spent almost a year on research and interviews. In terms of research, I mainly collected local stories, learned about local schools, took classes with senior high school students to feel the tense atmosphere of senior high school, and assisted in reading documentaries and books on related topics. In terms of interviews, the writing team focused on three groups: students, teachers, and parents, and conducted a large number of character interviews, including offline face-to-face interviews with real people and online telephone interviews.

After sufficient preliminary research and a large number of interviews, each of the characters finally created by the TV series has flesh and blood, which deeply resonates with the audience.

Li Ran grew up with his grandmother. He was more likely to encounter various unfair treatments from the beginning of his life, but he must seek fairness in the future through his own efforts. Cheng Yushan grew up in a reorganized family that valued boys over girls. What she saw more in her was the growth and independence of women under patriarchal control. Bian Xiaoxiao was born in a rural area and has been trying to escape from her original family, eager to integrate into the seemingly glamorous group of urban classmates. Jiang Qinglang is a representative child from a typical middle-class family. His life plan faces various conflicts and contradictions due to his parents' emotional problems, competitive pressure and his own ideal future. On the surface, Yu Yang is the hope of the whole village, but he is forced by family ties and coercion. As a result, he gradually gets used to hiding in his protective shell and dare not express his true thoughts.

The valuable thing about "The Young Man Who Sings the Dragon" is that these selected students are not only students with poor academic performance, but also marginalized groups with broken original families and the bottom of society. For them, education is not an anxiety about "good or better", but the only weapon against real life.

"Because the samples are very rich, the topics and real-life situations covered are also very comprehensive." Chen Shu said that when making the first few student character structures, the screenwriting team would have some themes they wanted to express, and combined with a large number of Interview materials, the writing team organically integrated the two, and finally shaped the characters in the play.

Exploring Mental Health and Unlocking Learning Methods

In recent years, youth campus-themed TV dramas have continued to flood into the market, with almost all kinds of masterpieces from various perspectives and genres. Some tell young and ignorant love stories, some focus on the disputes and estrangements between parents and children when taking exams, and some show the counterattack of high school students who are immersed in hard study and working extremely hard.

But "The Boy Who Screams the Dragon" is another solution to the youth school drama. Although it is also a counterattack story in which teachers lead students to create miracles in the college entrance examination and realize life reshuffle, the path of counterattack is different from previous perceptions - "The Boy Who Calls the Dragon" pays more attention to the exploration of students' learning methods and the construction of psychological level. . In short, this youth campus drama pays more attention to the students themselves. As Chen Shu said, what attracted her to this play was that it wrapped a realist core with a romantic framework.

“When we were studying, there were no psychology teachers in school. Now when we go to many middle schools, we find that psychology teachers are very important in the teaching position."Chen Shu introduced that during the interview at the High School Affiliated to Hunan Normal University, a psychology teacher born in 1995 left a deep impression on everyone. She was very beautiful, lively, young, and full of enthusiasm for the work of studying students' mental health. In addition, the entire The school attaches great importance to the mental health of students. There is a building with an entire floor dedicated to psychological activity classrooms, which contain secret tree holes for students. The school also arranges psychological dramas every semester and provides meditation counseling to students... "This completely opened up our minds." Our vision also affects our design of the mental health status of the students in the play and the shaping of the psychology teacher Sang Xia. "

's early interviews and accumulation of theoretical knowledge were the foundation. When it came to actually writing the script, the screenwriting team also hired a senior psychological expert for guidance. A lot of the play involves adolescent psychology, including psychological counseling, Psychology games, student psychological problem case analysis, psychotherapy methods, etc., these parts of the screenwriting team will fully communicate and communicate with the psychological guidance teacher. Chen Shu said: "What is impressive is that there is an episode in the play that involves teenage depression. We handled the topic of disease very carefully, carefully considering every word, and the psychological counselor also gave us a lot of cooperation. After the filming, when the writing team watched the episode in the post-processing room, just like the audience when they saw that episode, they were completely overwhelmed and burst into tears. "How does

make the study stories of senior high school students less boring? The writing team does not talk about hard study, but researches new learning methods. On the one hand, the writing team follows many learning bloggers on platforms such as Station B, and sets settings based on students' learning conditions. We have developed relatively interesting learning methods such as the "House Tree Man Experiment", "Catfish Effect" and "Little Bee Learning Method". On the other hand, the writing team also hired a learning instructor to design some more visual and interesting Learning methods, such as "singing karaoke to memorize words", "the teacher does Tai Chi", "the history teacher uses Feihua Ling to teach you to memorize knowledge points", etc., make the plot of high school learning more exciting.