The movie "Han Dan" will be released on January 5. The film will premiere on the evening of the 2nd. Director Huang Chaoliang and starring Zheng Renshuo will appear and share the behind-the-scenes story of the movie with the audience. "Handan" is composed by Hu Yuwei, Zheng Rensh


movie "Han Dan" will be released on January 5. On the evening of the 2nd, the film will premiere. Director Huang Chaoliang and starring Zheng Renshuo will appear and share the behind-the-scenes story of the movie with the audience.

"Han Dan" is performed by many well-known Taiwanese actors such as Hu Yuwei, Zheng Renshuo, Yang Guimei, Gao Jie, Huang Chengyi (Xiao Xun), Lin Yuxi, Lu Yijing, Chen Bozheng, Yan Yiwen and so on. The film tells the story of Zheng Kun, who comes from a poor family but has excellent morals and academics, and secretly falls in love with Xuan Xuan. However, the turning point of fate occurred on the night of the 15th day of the first lunar month, with gongs and drums roaring in the streets and Han Danye being bombed, an accident happened that changed everyone's fate. In this accident, Xuanxuan died and Xuanxuan's boyfriend Ayi was injured. Zhengkun also chose to give up his studies. The film uses this dramatic love as a clue to deeply depict the complex and exciting emotional entanglements between people. The whole story is very Taiwanese and presents the audience with a profound collision between tradition and modernity, destiny and choice. In this story about a low-level person from a Taitung family, the director not only explores the ups and downs of life, but also hopes to inspire the audience to find a way out when facing difficulties.

"Handan Ye" is a folk activity in the Taitung area of ​​Taiwan. It is held every year during the Lantern Festival. The "Handan Ye" actor goes shirtless and stands on a mikoshi similar to a parade float. On the street, "Han Dan Ye" will be baptized by the firecrackers thrown by many gunners, and the "Han Danye" who completes the firecrackers will be respected and applauded by the people.

The movie "Handan" takes Taitung's unique folk culture "Handan" as a clue, and uses a choice on the edge of good and evil as an opportunity to connect the relationships between the three protagonists and trigger subsequent love-hate entanglements. As a drama about brotherhood and the redemption of humanity, the film not only has a delicate and moving emotional story, but also has a unique Taiwanese flavor, implying the tragic life of farewell between life and death.

In order to show the audience the real "Han Dan" scene, director Huang Chaoliang filmed a documentary about "Han Dan Ye" before shooting the movie, and even made a "Han Dan Ye" himself. Director Huang Chaoliang said, "The instantaneous explosion of firecrackers cannot be fully captured by current cameras, because in reality the explosions are actually full of smoke, so it is impossible to see people and the surrounding environment clearly. The explosions of firecrackers close to you are basically all Special effects are used, so I have to go up and observe the changes of these special effects. I want to make it real, perfect and beautiful." Director Huang Chaoliang also said that he was very ungrateful because when he was "exploding Han Dan", his mother was always beside him. She cried with distress when watching him being bombed by firecrackers.

Many guests also came to the event and praised the film after the screening. Emerging director Lai Guanlin said, "I haven't seen such an authentic hometown movie for a long time. I was very excited. When Director Liang told me about this movie for the first time, I insisted on waiting until today to enter the theater, and I feel that my wait has been lived up to. The struggle of every character in the movie resonates with us."

"Handan" has been screened in many film festivals and has been screened Many road shows have received a lot of praise. In addition to the exciting scenes of bombing Han Dan, the true brotherhood shown in "Han Dan" also deeply moved the audience at the premiere.

In the film, Zheng Renshuo played a drug addict. His superb acting skills conquered a large number of audiences. Zheng Renshuo also shared his experience, "In order to master the drug addict's feeling of being in a trance and having his eyes unfocused, I chose the stupidest performance, which is I kept myself awake for three days and maintained this state. In order to find the deaf state of this character, I also got along with deaf people and recorded and imitated their words and deeds."

director Huang Chaoliang even praised the scene without hesitation. "Zheng Renshuo is a very dedicated actor who works hard for his performance. Halfway through the filming of the movie, I smelled a strong smell of alcohol when I was acting opposite him. I scolded him for having to drink before filming, but he didn't say anything. Much later, I realized that during that time, I was filming a scene where he was taking drugs and being treated like a waste. He was ruining his body to achieve the status of the character."

Although the story of the movie is very painful, Huang Chaoliang said that the core of what he wants to convey most is to bring positive energy to everyone's thinking, and to be brave and responsible, just like there is a line in the film: "Pain, it means that you Still alive," Huang Chaoliang said: "The second half of that line is: If you are alive, there is hope."

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang