"Looking back at 2023, what makes me happiest is participating in One Point Wish activities. I heard from volunteers that the gifts I bought made the children happy for several days." In the charity circle of One Point Charity Platform, user friends have expressed They left the y

"Looking back at 2023, what makes me happiest is participating in One Point Wish activities. I heard from volunteers that the gifts I bought made the children happy for several days." In the charity circle of One Point Charity Platform, user friends They all left their memories of 2023 related to charity. Although their experiences were different, everyone had the same view: because they participated in charity 2023, they felt particularly warm.

In 2023, Yidian Charity and volunteers have been on the road. Public welfare projects such as "One Point of Wish", "Community Cultural Festival" and "100 Yuan Student Aid" have warmed the hearts of countless people and delivered positive energy to society. In 2024, Yidian Charity Association will continue to move forward and provide help to countless people in need.

More than a thousand children in need have fulfilled their "micro wishes"

In 2023, the "One Point Wish" public welfare project was launched. One Point Charity, in conjunction with the Communist Youth League Shandong Provincial Committee, collected the micro wishes of children in need throughout the province, and claimed them through the mini program. Through this method, countless caring people across the country learned about the children’s little wishes, and everyone enthusiastically claimed them, and each little wish was fulfilled. When everyone adds firewood, the flames are high, which is the best interpretation of this project.

Children's wishes are very simple, a pencil box, a new school bag, a new pair of shoes, a new dress. These things may be insignificant to an adult, but they can make a child happy for a long time. During the "One Wish" claiming session, many caring people claimed six or seven wishes each. When talking about the original intention, they all said, "The children's wishes are very simple, and I feel very fulfilled and sincerely happy to be able to help them."

Helping children in need grow up healthily is the goal of Yidian Public Welfare. Yidian Public Welfare used the summer vacation to open a charity summer camp, inviting children in need from all over the province to Jinan, taking them to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Quancheng City, eat delicious food buffet, and go to the children's favorite zoo... During the whole process, every child's face was full of joy All were filled with happy smiles.

The outside world has broadened children's horizons and planted a seed of charity in their hearts. "We went to Baotu Spring, Daming Lake, and Baihuazhou. There, I enjoyed a lot of Jinan's beautiful scenery and learned a lot of historical stories. I think volunteers are very great. When I grow up, I will also help Those who need help." Children participating in the summer camp wrote what they wanted to say most on the postcards.

The seeds once planted

bloomed into gorgeous flowers

During the 13 years of Yidian Charity, we have planned and participated in the implementation of more than 100 public welfare projects. Each project is like a seed that will bloom one day in the future. Produce gorgeous flowers.

6 years ago, an old man saw the story of "A single mother in Gansu supported her triplets by getting haircuts" in the Qilu Evening News·Qilu One Hundred Yuan Student Aid Project, so he formed a support pair with the family, and every day Each child is given 100 yuan per month, which is 3,600 yuan per year for three children, and has been subsidized for two consecutive years.

This old man’s name is Wang Hongli. In July 2023, good news came from Gansu. The three children he once sponsored were all admitted to college undergraduates, and the second one was admitted to Tsinghua University! Seeing the children he once helped become successful, old man Wang Hongli smiled from ear to ear. "When I helped them, I never thought about asking them to thank me, nor did I expect that they would come to tell me the good news. I am happy that the children are going to be successful!" said Wang Hongli.

Also bearing fruit is the story of "Uncle Han". Eleven years ago, caring person Han Meijiang sponsored 15 college students to help them complete their studies. Today, these college students have supported their own careers. Some are studying for PhDs, some are working in large companies, and some have become gold medal salesmen... They all have a common goal, which is to pass on Uncle Han's goodwill. , help more people.

Public welfare projects have helped countless people. These warm stories not only illuminate the path forward for the "protagonist", but also convey positive energy to countless people.

Using public welfare actions

to promote social governance

html For more than ten years, Qilu Evening News·Qilu One Point has insisted on deeply cultivating the community, and the "Community Culture Festival" is the main form of taking root in the community. In 2023, the 8th Community Culture Festival of Qilu Evening News·Qilu One Point "Shuyu Civilian Cup" will enter 30 large and small communities in Shandong, delivering performances and benefits to residents, allowing citizens and friends to enjoy free services at their doorsteps Free clinic service.

The smiling faces of citizens are the greatest affirmation of the community cultural festival. At each event, citizens and friends sit together. In addition to watching the program and checking their health, they can also chat with each other and talk about the troubles they encounter at home. Maybe there is nowhere to talk about these things on weekdays, but at the community cultural festival, community residents gathered together, and many troubles were slowly relieved during the chat.

In the summer of 2023, Yidian Public Welfare will launch a drowning prevention safety class to use public welfare to help children stay safe during the holidays.

On the bank of the Yellow River, Yidian Public Welfare invited people who blocked swimming in the Yellow River to demonstrate the dangers in the water. Each vivid video alerted the children. Next to dangerous waters, Yidian Public Welfare invited the captain of the rescue team to tell the children about the dangers in the water to reduce the occurrence of accidents.

Behind every activity is Yidian Charity’s actions to serve the society and help more people.

2023 has passed. In the new year of 2024, One Point Charity will continue to move forward and illuminate the future of more people with the light of charity.

(Qilu Evening News·Qilu One Point Client Reporter Liu Guibin)