In 2023, there will be no comedy competitions or talk shows. But there is a replacement version of their movie: "The Annual Party Can't Stop!" 》. Director Dong Runnian (screenwriter of "Old Paoer"), whose last film was his debut film "The Man Caught by the Light"). Internet grass

In 2023, there will be no comedy contests or talk shows.

But there is a replacement version of their movie:

"The annual meeting cannot be stopped!" 》.

Director Dong Runnian (screenwriter of "Old Paoer"), whose last film was his debut film "The Man Caught by the Light").

The two kings of grassroots comedy on the Internet, starring Dapeng and Baike. There are Zhuang Dafei, the "little flower" who plays Huang Rong, who was selected by Xu Keqin; Sun Yizhou, Li Naiwen and Wang Xun who came from the Golden Five Group in "Sturdy as a Rock".

In the next lineup, you will know why I said it is a replacement.

Tong Monan, Damu & Huanghuang (carnivore), Yang Lei, rock, Wang Hao, Song Muzi, Liu Beast... the creative actors of the talk show & "Yixi".

Because of the participation of these comedians, "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" 》It is different from ordinary domestic comedies in and new .

's lines are crunchy and crisp, with a strong online feel and a warm tone. It is absolutely on the same frequency as the workers.

《The annual meeting cannot be stopped! 》Young and connected, this is the biggest advantage. It is closer to workers than the existing workplace comedies on the market.

If you want to celebrate the New Year and express your emo feelings, the appearance and joke output of "The Annual Party Can't Stop" are reliable.

But if you want to see a satirical comedy that pokes holes in the heart and lungs of China’s modern workplace, you will be disappointed.

Precisely because it is too young and too novel, "The annual meeting cannot be stopped!" "In the second half, it lived up to the expectations of the workers (at least me).

This × annual meeting must continue to be held after all.

(The article will contain various levels of spoilers, so please read with caution if you haven’t read it yet)

The Rise of the Screw

Let’s talk about its new part first.

Among the posts in recent years, there is a topic that definitely has good traffic.

workplace complaints.

In 2019, the best program of the New Oriental Annual Meeting was on the hot search. The more than 5-minute song and dance program "Oriental Drama Queen v2.0", the lyrics displayed amplified on the LED are the strongest resonators.

Uncle Meat re-watched it (1.25x speed is the most comfortable), and there were three sentences that got the loudest cheers.

complains about workplace bastards:

"just wants to cope with assessments and doesn't want to work hard."

complains about sycophants in the workplace:

"What kind of independent personality, what kind of integrity and responsibility, only singing for the boss's circle of friends."

complains about the company's reporting culture:

"It's exhausting to work, so what if you get results, but in the end you can't do anything but write ppts."

This sentence was the loudest.

’s applause at the scene showed how accurate this complaint was.

《The annual meeting cannot be stopped! 》The intensity is also comparable.

An honest man, Hu Jianlin, was promoted unexpectedly and unexpectedly reorganized a major Internet company.

Who is Lao Hu?

A senior fitter at Hezhong Standard Parts Factory has been working hard all his life. Ever since he won the house with his song "My Future Is Not a Dream" when he was young (played by Wang Hao) and even brought a beautiful woman home with him, he has tasted the sweetness of the annual party and has become a New Year's Eve star. Be an activist and sign up every year.

20 years passed, the company became bigger and bigger and successfully went public.

But he got worse and worse. He was still hiding in that factory. His wife thought he was worthless and got into someone else's car and drove off.

By some mistake, Hu Jianlin was transferred to the headquarters.

The one who received him was Ma Jie (played by Bai Ke), the director of employee relations and the "scapegoat", and he worked with Penny (played by Zhuang Dafei), an outsourced employee who had been struggling for many years and could not become a regular employee. The three of them Their career destinies are tied together.

In the past, the hardest hit area for domestic entertainment film and television works was workplace dramas. A very important reason is that the screenwriters seemed to have never worked before, and their understanding of companies, offices, and workers was either one step into the romantic world, or they were depicting low-life people in a serious way. The sight of the Colosseum made the workers like me angry and funny.

But this time, I am very grateful to the main creative team of "Annual Meeting". I deeply doubt that there is someone who has lurked in a big factory and actually worked in it, so I wrote about the real daily life of a big factory that can only be shown by installing a monitor.

let’s talk about a few details.

In order to explain the complex professional titles and hierarchical relationships in the group, the director did not use clumsy methods to rely on people's words. He just took a screenshot of the email. The send and cc were clear, and the reporting relationship was clear at a glance.

Every new employee must choose an English name in the database. Ma Jie said that he did not dare to overstep his bounds and named him "Jie Ma" (look carefully, the name of this name is cultural, the insinuation is almost revealed) , Hu Jianlin finally chose "john" (he pronounced: Zhuang).

Hu Jianlin is like Grandma Liu who walked into the Grand View Garden. Using his perspective to panoramically scan, he divided the group building into "eighteen levels of hell" through scenes such as workstations, canteens, tea rooms, employee leisure areas, etc. It looks exquisite and gorgeous, but in fact, no matter Executives or grassroots, each has its own purgatory.

The relationship is there, the scene is there, but it’s not interesting enough.

Behind the language is the breath of the soul


Who would have thought that the once joyful prosperity of wealth could be used by the HR staff of large companies as "layoffs and prosperity".

The "layoffs" packaged goods are packaged to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and the strategic policy of forging ahead is called the "Guangjin Plan", which is similar to the actual "graduation" of a large factory. The most colorful thing about

is the perfect collision between the two systems of Hu Jianlin’s factory master’s foul language and Dachang Internet’s slang.

Dachang: Optimize

Lao Hu: Leave

Dachang: Align

Tiger: Recognize the face

Lao Hu: Cut the butt with a knife, open the eyes

Dachang: Admire for a long time, humorous

At least one third of the movie In the narrative process of "making mistakes, mistakes are made", the underwear in the real workplace is pulled out, revealing the red and oily buttocks.

I even felt that the material was too full, filled with the stubbornness and bitterness of the workers.

Overtime work cannot be disclosed to the outside world. It can only be said that it is voluntary. It is said that it is okay to go home anyway, and it can save water and electricity in the company.

Here @Some big manufacturers' "big and small weeks": It's not that there are no weekends, it's the relationship between big and small.

Business departments are fighting for their own advantages. There are no secrets in the company, only rumors, and rumors are often true nine times out of ten.

Nepotism in large organizations means that even a small leader is "little piggy" and has a follower.

uses Lao Hu’s eyes to scan the modern workplace everywhere.

uses the "old ghosts" of the outdated old state-owned factories to deal with the "new ghosts" of the Internet, fighting viruses with poison, suppressing ghosts with ghosts, and making mistakes.

Standard parts of the fairy tale

《The annual meeting cannot be stopped! "The biggest dramatic conflict is the showdown between senior screw fitters and "inhumane" executives.

Both parties are responsible for determining (identifying) whether the screws are compliant, but one relies on hardness and the other depends on efficiency.

To put it a little further, this is also a duel between human beings and systems under the background of high-speed operation of enterprises and highly refined division of labor.

"When the train of the times rolls out, there is always someone to increase friction under the wheels."

This sentence is both brave and sad.

standard parts are a metaphor for people, and the destiny of tools is to operate as they are told.

The annual meeting is a metaphor for the relationship. The "annual meeting" that really cannot be stopped is actually a "meeting". There will be meetings in the meeting and secretly, and the business conducted at the meeting is actually a battle of interests.

So the sharpness of the final showdown was weakened by the singing and dancing, and softened by the impeccable referee (chairman).

Even the counterattacks of the screws are interesting and appropriate:

The three Dapeng men cut the evidence into ghosts, compiled the incriminating evidence into rap, and turned this indignant revelation into the most entertaining event of the annual meeting. axis.

is as exciting as New Oriental's best program 4 years ago.

But it's just exciting.

Every program has to go through HR, administrative reporting, and review. Even the lines to complain about the boss are within the allowed range. A slight tease is just another form of flattery.

"The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" concocted a standard fairy tale in this way:

When the vice president asked who could solve the most difficult problem among the laid off employees, a master who studied abroad and a technical backbone, Lao Hu didn't understand. He stood up and said that he could gnaw on this hard nut, have nothing to do, become a punchline, and become a spectacle that is not seen in today's workplace.

Lao Hu broke the unspoken rule of "meeting": Never volunteer for the benefit of others. This is not a professional, this is a superhero.

How can we be the people of Penghao? We smile up to the sky and go out (the movie uses Ma Jie to say it twice, deliberately reversing the order).


You are electricity, you are light, you are a hero, a superstar.

But there is only one ending for you: the door is there, go out: actively or passively, in short, it is graduation, optimization, and being laid off.

Among the three people who don’t want to die, only Penny (rebellious) maintains the director’s final insistence on idealism: work hard, if you can’t even do this; the outside world is huge, and I want to go out and see it.

The question is: What happens after you go out? What can you see? Going from one group to another?

A New Year's Eve comedy only has so much capability.

's sharp expressions died down in the joyful final scene, which is the weakness of "Annual Meeting".

In other words, it is the kindness of the movie to you and me as workers.

After all, the old and the new change, we are always willing to acquiesce, and we will win in the future.