In the early morning, a ray of light cuts through the hazy sky, reflecting the brilliant beam of light on the Huangpu River as it "wakes up" to a new day. This is the first ray of dawn in Yangpu in the New Year, illuminating the first morning of 2024. On the green hill, watch the

In the early morning, a ray of light cuts through the hazy sky, reflecting the brilliant beam of light on the Huangpu River as it "wakes up" to a new day. This is the first ray of dawn in Yangpu in the New Year, illuminating the first morning of 2024. On the green hill, watch the glorious Yangpu. At the transition between night and day, we came to the silent Yangpu Riverside, climbed up the steps of Green Hill to this "steel forest", and looked at the Yangpu Bridge in the faint morning light....

The sky in the east was slowly softened When it lights up, the sparkling river surface also turns into a "star river" of golden light. Yangpu Riverside, and this familiar city seems to have been injected with life by the sunshine, gradually becoming lively, with laughter coming from time to time....

Walking on the pier, "encountering" the New Year

Facing the morning glow, walking to the Oriental Fisherman's Wharf, quietly The quiet dock witnesses the passage of time and silently tells the story of the city's changes.

As the sunshine gradually became brighter, the peaceful picture gradually turned into a "fireworks on earth". Residents doing morning exercises and tourists taking a stroll ... On the first morning of the new year, they encounter the beautiful but extraordinary riverside.

The morning of a new day, the beautiful scenery of the new day, carries the newly opened life and heralds the new opportunities. Let’s write a new story and open a new chapter for Yangpu together!

Source: Shanghai Yangpu