In the year 2023, Chen Kaige overturned, Feng Xiaogang lost miserably, and Zhang Yimou became the biggest winner! In the 2023 movie total box office list, Zhang Yimou's two new films are on the list, namely "Man Jiang Hong" and "Sturdy as a Rock". The box office of the two films

2023 This year, Chen Kaige overturned, Feng Xiaogang lost miserably, and Zhang Yimou became the biggest winner!

On the 2023 movie total box office list, Zhang Yimou’s two new films are on the list, namely "Man Jiang Hong" and "Solid as a Rock". The box office of the two films

was 4.544 billion and 1.351 billion respectively, totaling 5.895 billion.

Not only did "Man Jiang Hong" win the annual crown, Zhang Yimou also became the director with the highest box office in 2023 and became the biggest winner!

This is also the first time in 17 years that Zhang Yimou’s film once again won the annual box office championship.

The last time it was directed was the 2006 film "A City of Golden Armor".

Coincidentally, "The City of Gold" was also controversial at the time, just like the current "Man Jiang Hong".

However, "The Golden Jacket" has won many awards overseas. It not only won one of the top ten movies of the year by Time Magazine in the United States, but was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Costume Design, and was ranked 33rd in the United States. 2016 Saturn Award for Best Costume Design.

In fact, since Zhang Yimou began to transform, both "Hero" in 2002 and "House of Flying Daggers" in 2004 were the annual box office champions that year.

But after "Three Guns", Zhang Yimou made both literary and artistic films and commercial films. He wanted both word-of-mouth and box office. However, during that period, he did not have both.

really started to turn around from "One Second".

Zhang Yimou has changed. Although "One Second" is still a solid literary film, at that time, he had embarked on another transformation path that challenged breakthroughs. The subsequent "Above the Cliff", "Sniper", "Riverside" and "Sturdy as a Rock", each one is a completely new genre.

Unexpectedly, at this age, Zhang Yimou's creative power is still strong. He is not only productive, but also of high quality. The box office has hit new highs one after another, until this movie "The River Is Red" once again made him stand at the top of the movie box office.

Among the older generation of directors, Zhang Yimou undoubtedly took the lead in opening up his own channel, breaking through bottlenecks and continuing to dominate the film industry.

Chen Kaige, a director of the same generation, was not to be outdone, but he took another avenue and got on the express train of the main theme film.

was first "My Motherland and Me", then "Changjin Lake", and now the "Volunteer Army" series.

is the chief director of "My Motherland and Me" and one of the directors of the "Changjin Lake" series. These films were box office hits.

But when it came to "The Volunteer Army", it overturned. As the first work in the series, "The Volunteer Army: Heroes Attack" also won a box office of 857 million, which did not look bad, but in fact it was not as good as expected. Of course, this is just the beginning, there are two more to come, but they are more dangerous than good.

Chen Kaige is bound to drain this wave of dividends, but the audience no longer pays.

Although there is a special time point, there is already the "Changjin Lake" series, which has achieved super high box office, and blindly repeating it will not only cause aesthetic fatigue for the audience, but also a huge waste of human, financial and material resources.

Chen Kaige started his commercial film career with "The Promise". Of course, that film was also criticized at the time. It was not until "The Legend of the Demon Cat" that Chen Kaige joined the main theme army. On the other hand, he also participated in some variety shows and became a mentor.

Chen Kaige's peak was "Farewell My Concubine", but later it was difficult to make a film like that, and now it is even more difficult to say, but at least it has certain box office results.

In comparison, Feng Xiaogang seems a little lonely, but Feng Xiaogang has always been unique. At the end of the century,

won the annual box office championship with "Party A and Party B", which was also the first New Year's film.

Since then, Feng Xiaogang has started his own road of Lunar New Year films. With Lunar New Year films such as "See You or Not Parted", "Endless", "A Sigh", "Big Shot" and "Cell Phone", he has dominated the Lunar New Year movies for more than ten years. Time and box office have always ranked among the top three of the year.

Before Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige entered commercial films, Feng Xiaogang was the undisputed king.

This also made Feng Xiaogang fearless at that time and fire guns wantonly, which gave him the title of "Feng Cannon".

But later on, both Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige found new channels, but Feng Xiaogang encountered a bottleneck. Now that he returned to the Lunar New Year period, he lost miserably!

During the three days of New Year's Day, although "If You Are the One 3" ranked fifth, it was at the bottom, with a box office of only over 50 million, which was more than ten times behind the first place. The reputation is also quite bad, the box office growth has been weak, and it is difficult to make a big improvement.

You must know that in the first half of 2023, "Hachi" starring Feng Xiaogang was not a popular schedule, and it also received a box office of 286 million. However, when he returned to directing a movie, it was still a popular Lunar New Year movie, but it was so bleak.

This time, Feng Xiaogang lost miserably. As the former "King of Lunar New Year Shows", Feng Xiaogang was completely abandoned by the audience.

This generation of directors is getting old. This is an indisputable fact. However, they have not stopped on the road to directing. They are still moving forward, making movies on one side and TV series on the other. However, not all of them are successful. Of course, opportunity is one thing, and talent and ability are another.

Although there are talented people from generation to generation, and although the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, there are always people who can keep pace with the times, actively embrace it, be in awe, maintain their ingenuity, and continue to make great progress. There are thousands of roads, and safety comes first. If you want to avoid overturning or being slapped on the beach, you have to face the difficulties and find a new way. Of course, there is no one-and-done solution, and it is impossible to never lose. Instead, we have to go with the flow, and maybe there is a glimmer of hope.