Xin Wan'er reported today that around the New Year's Day holiday, Xin Wan'er updated its daily list of short dramas as usual, and suddenly a fantasy short drama "The Dragon King of Ten Thousand Ways" appeared. You know, 80% of the current short drama market is urban themed. This

New Wanderer reported today

Before and after the New Year's Day holiday, New Wanderer's short drama daily list was updated as usual, and a fantasy short drama "The Dragon King of Ten Thousand Ways" suddenly appeared.

You must know that 80% of the short drama market now has urban themes. This fantasy short drama has been ranked top 4 on the adxray hot list in just one day after its launch. Its strength cannot be underestimated.

After a deep dive into the producer, newbies discovered that this short drama was originally adapted from the original work of the same name by the great writer of China Literature Group, Shepherd Tingzhu, and the short drama itself was also created by China Literature.

Not long ago, China Literature announced its short drama Galaxy incubation plan. New dramas have already begun to be released in 2024. Let’s take a look at the quality of short drama works from leading IP companies.

"The Dragon King" is a fantasy martial arts vertical screen short drama. The drama has a total of 141 episodes. It is one of the short dramas with the most episodes. Each episode is about 1-2 minutes. It takes about 3 hours to watch the whole drama. Hour.

This drama mainly tells the story of Lu Ming, the orthodox heir to the head of the Lu family, who was suppressed with drugs by Lu Yao and his daughter, a side branch, and became a cripple without blood, suffering all the humiliation. On the day when his bloodline was developed, Lu Ming was killed by Lu Yao and his daughter and their bloodline was taken away. However, Lu Ming entered the Supreme Temple with the jade pendant given by his father. Not only was he reborn with the supreme bloodline and opened several divine veins, He also gradually learned unrivaled skills, and from then on he counterattacked all the way, embarking on a passionate and inspiring road to rise.

From a suppressed disabled young master to a blockbuster peerless genius, Lu Ming performed a legendary life of cheating all the way.

The overall structure of this short drama adopts a narrational shooting technique, with almost no flashbacks or interludes. It is relatively smooth to watch, and there are no peeing spots throughout the whole process, and I can finish watching the entire episode without thinking.

Judging from third-party monitoring data, the cumulative running volume of "Ten Thousand Dragon Emperors" in the past few days has been around 10 million. This is also the first time that a fantasy-themed short drama has achieved such good results. It can be said that China Literature has created a new track for creating high-quality hit short plays with fantasy themes, and opened up a new situation for the diversified development of short play industry themes.

For this drama, the new artist first concluded that "The Dragon King" should be the ceiling of current fantasy short dramas. Whether it is the script, production, or the final work, it can be called a fantasy-themed short drama. top1 hot model.

Three highlights, holding up the ceiling of fantasy short dramas

The short drama version of "The Dragon King of Ten Thousand Ways" is rare in fantasy short dramas in terms of plot content, storyline, actors and overall special effects. It can be said that this The play is all about making high-quality short plays.

Let’s talk about the core highlights of “Wandao Dragon King” in detail.

First, the story is compact, the logic is smooth, and the cool points are frequent.

The main scenes of Ten Thousand Dragon Emperors can be summarized into three places, the Lu Family, the Xuanyuan Sword Sect and the Dongyi Secret Realm.

In these three scenes, there were a competition to compete for the head of the Lu family, a freshman entrance test, a competition in the fourth house to compete for the key, and an encounter with a little witch to compete for the beast soul.

The story of every scene is gripping, fast-paced, refreshing, and never sloppy.

In the first 2 minutes of the movie, a person is crippled and killed, and the plot setting is very painful for the male audience. Seeing the bullied male protagonist, male users who have also been crushed emotionally are even more looking forward to the rise of the male protagonist as the God of War.

The male protagonist’s temple training process is briefly described. In the third episode, the male protagonist begins his inspirational rise.

Every subsequent scene has clear conflicts and contradictions, which made the rise of the male protagonist have twists and turns, but in the end the male protagonist was able to resolve them one by one, which made the overall plot very layered and fascinating.

All in all, it is not easy to quickly refine the theme based on the original novel of tens of millions of words. Only by telling the complete story in the shortest time can the audience continue to read with curiosity. This kind of plot processing method is concise and concise, the pace is fast enough, and the logic is very stable at the same time, which is the advantage of the plot of "Ten Thousand Dragon Emperors".

Secondly, both the service and the acting skills of the actors are excellent.

Let’s first convince the Taoist side, using several female characters in the play as representatives.

Elder Mulan is calm and majestic. He wears a long white gown throughout the play. The silver flower on his forehead is the finishing touch of the look, which enhances Mulan's sense of power and immortality.

Liu Qian, the deacon of Zhuque Academy, is a little more clever and eccentric than the former, and even more out-of-the-box.

There is also the maid Qiu Yue who admires Lu Ming. Although she has excellent martial arts skills, she only thinks of the young master. Her goose-yellow dress only shows the character's innocence and sincerity.

As for the villain heroine Lu Yao, she uses dark clothing and heavy embroidery to set off the character's ambition and darkness.

The makeup and clothing corresponding to each character perfectly express their character traits and are highly identifiable.

In addition to serving the Tao, let’s look at the acting skills, especially the core roles of the villain heroine and the hero.

Compared with other female characters who are also motivated, the villain heroine Lu Yao's progress is at the cost and fuel of the lives of those close to her. Driven by her endless personal desires, she loves herself and her family without any bottom line. It's really hateful and pathetic that other innocent people are only interested in their own success.

also has the arrogance and power in her character, which the actors interpret and present in many details in the play.

For example, Lu Yao wanted to marry into the Duanmu family. In the scene where Lu Yao officially announced his succession as the head of the family, Duan Muqing appeared on the stage, and Lu Yao and his father solemnly bowed their hands in a bow.

But when other people arrived, Lu Yao always looked arrogant and looked a little disdainful towards everyone who came.

The performance of the male protagonist Lu Ming is also worth elaborating on. Throughout the play, the male protagonists Lu Ming and Lu Yao, Qiu Yue and Mulan all have emotional scenes, but each has its own merits in terms of expression.

Lu Ming and Lu Yao were childhood sweethearts. Before the betrayal, the way Lu Ming looked at Lu Yao showed that he was more responsible than the love between a man and a woman.

Regarding other female protagonists, the male protagonist’s emotional starting point is different from Lu Yao.

Qiuyue has served the Lu family for many years and is gentle and lovely, while Elder Mulan is mature and steady, aware of the overall situation and considering the overall situation.

In the last scene, Lu Ming is about to leave and is saying goodbye to Qiuyue and Mulan.

Looking at the crying Qiu Yue, Lu Ming coaxed her as lovingly as his sister.

But for Mulan, there is a kind of temptation and game between mature men and women.

Generally speaking, the acting skills of the leading actors are presented in many details, which are very exciting. Together with the exquisite costumes, it can be said that the overall quality is very online.

Third, the special effects are exquisite, but they are not 50-cent special effects.

There are many special effects scenes in the whole drama, and they are handled very naturally. We only selected Lu Ming’s practice of gunfire duel in the Supreme Temple as the representative scene.

The above moves are all the big moves that Lu Ming will use in the subsequent competition. The special effects and actors' movements are very smooth, and the presentation is also very textured. At the climax of the plot, it gives the audience a sense of déjà vu, and the overall effect Laman.

The above three points are just our feelings and summary after watching the drama once. The overall score of "Wandao Dragon King" by

is 92 points.

In terms of price, new wrists can pay 59 yuan in the mini program to open a 7-day membership, and then you can watch the complete 141 episodes of "The Dragon King" and other dramas in the theater. Compared with other dramas, which can easily cost hundreds of yuan, this one The price is very cost-effective. In terms of

risk control, the entire drama is relatively well controlled, and there are no illegal risks that need to be pointed out.

Behind the Scenes of the Creation: Focus on the big and small, it took nearly half a year

Is it reasonable or unexpected for this drama to become a hit on New Year's Day? Xinzhier interviewed the team behind Yuewen's production of this short play.

As for the script, the original novel "The Dragon Emperor" was written by the great writer "Shepherd Tingzhu" of Yuewen.

The shepherd boy Tingzhu relied on this novel to become the Twelve Heavenly Kings of Yuewen in 2020. The original work itself has a large fan base, which also provides fundamental guarantee for the adaptation of the IP short drama "The Dragon Emperor". However, the core reason why this novel was selected by China Literature to be adapted into a short drama is that it is an inspirational and passionate story for men.The person in charge of the

Yuewen short drama told Xinzhier that the team spent a lot of effort on polishing the initial script. First, after determining the IP, the team first refined the story outline based on the novel to ensure that subsequent scripts would not deviate from the main line of the story. Then we worked with our partners to go through layers of screening and polishing of the scripts. It took us a month and a half to finalize the script of this over three-hour short play.

In addition to the brilliant storyline, the cast of "The Dragon King" is also a highlight of this drama. The team behind the scenes took great pains to choose the actors for the main roles of

. The most typical one is the male protagonist Lu Ming.

was disappointed in his infatuation. After practicing martial arts, Lu Ming, who rose to prominence in the later period, attracted many women to like him. However, if the male actor is too rosy, he will look greasy. Therefore, the Yuewen team chose the male lead actor mainly in the direction of a tough knight in a traditional martial arts drama. The person in charge of the

Yuewen short drama said, "We will first look at appearance. The actor who plays the role of Lu Ming needs to have an image and temperament that looks naive, but has a sense of martial arts, similar to Guo Jing. Based on appearance We conducted many rounds of costume auditions with our partners, and finally settled on the role of 'Lu Ming' in the short play."

The male protagonist in the play now has a decent and neat appearance, and at the same time, his acting skills are exquisite, and he has two characters in his chivalrous character. The tenderness is in line with the characteristics of Lu Ming's character in the original work.

Of course, for fantasy short dramas, the most difficult part is post-production, which involves thousands of details such as color correction, special effects, and BGM. Especially the special effects. Basically every episode of this drama has a competition scene involving special effects production. The person in charge of the

Yuewen short drama said, "Our actual shooting was actually very fast, only taking two weeks. But in order to present the final effect of this fantasy short drama, we and our partners spent a long time in the post-production special effects process. , to pick out the details frame by frame. In terms of sound effects, we also passed it at least three or four times, and the feedback was accurate to a few minutes and seconds, so as to ensure that the work can be improved."

It can be said that Yuewen strives to produce high-quality content. The advantages were copied to the short drama track. The final effect of this short drama did not disappoint the hard work of the team behind the scenes.

new watcher learned that the current sales of this drama have exceeded 10 million within 72 hours, which is a rare high-quality hit on the fantasy track.

Mining IP treasures to help the short drama industry move towards high-quality products

As early as the second half of last year, China Literature issued a call for short drama scripts to Internet writers, and the contract salary was guaranteed to be between 15,000 and 50,000. +Maximum 2% diversion rate.

One month later, Yuewen CEO and President Hou Xiaonan announced the "Short Drama Galaxy Incubation Plan", launching three major initiatives: a hundred IP cultivation plan, a 100 million yuan creation fund to support and explore interactive short dramas, aiming to create together with industry partners Ecology of high-quality short plays.

's fantasy hit "The Dragon King" is one of the hundreds of IP short dramas, and it is the first shot of Yuewen's high-quality short dramas.

For a long time, in the eyes of the market, Yuewen's "IP treasure" has unlimited potential, just waiting for the right opportunities to be discovered and released. Obviously, the skit was that opportunity. The significance of

short plays to China Literature is that the short, fast video format of short plays has expanded new users and commercialization channels for the IP resources that the China Literature platform has accumulated for many years, and the web IP itself also provides a platform for short plays. Rich and diverse story themes such as fantasy, fairy tales, urban, history, science fiction, etc.

Take fantasy-themed novels such as "The Dragon Emperor" as an example. Fantasy-themed online novels usually have a grand world view and rich character structure, which provides a good story foundation for serialized film and television adaptations. In addition, the logic of the "hooks" set in the web content and the cool points in the short drama are similar. The fan base of the original online novel itself can also be effectively transformed into the audience of the short drama.

Therefore, adapting a short play based on Internet text IP can greatly improve the success rate and influence of the short play itself, whether from the perspective of complete and smooth story logic, exciting plot, or the conversion of fans of the original work. force.

According to the relevant person in charge of the short drama of China Literature, before the short drama "Ten Thousand Dragon Emperors" was launched, many readers of the novel expressed their great expectation in the group chat. After the short drama was launched, there was a large wave of original fans online urging for the second season. .

In addition to the massive Internet IP reserves that provide China Literature with a first-mover advantage in developing short dramas, China Literature’s own IP industry chain advantage is another deep moat in the short drama market.

In the current short drama market, users’ demand for high-quality content is constantly increasing. The short dramas produced by major companies have continued to increase the level of industry self-reliance. The short drama market in the future must be dominated by high-quality short dramas.

And creating high-quality content is exactly what China Literature is good at. Relying on its own advantages in the IP industry chain, China Literature has successively created popular male video phenomenon-level blockbusters such as "Celebrating More Than Years", "Sister-in-law" and "Swordsman in the Snow". Rich film and television experience determines that Yuewen can quickly deliver high-quality content to the short drama market.

On December 11, China Literature announced that it would join forces with Tencent to create short drama projects. From 2023 to 2025, the two parties will cooperate on approximately 40, 100 and 160 short drama projects respectively. It is foreseeable that in the next two years, the total number of self-produced short drama projects of Yuewen will double.

Newcomer believes that with the dual support of massive IP reserves and industrial chain advantages, the high-quality operation ideas of Yuewen short dramas have become very clear. "Ten Thousand Dao Dragon King" is just the beginning.