Adapted from the classic original work "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta" by "Fairy Tale King" Zheng Yuanjie, the animated film "Shuke Beta·Five-Pointed Flying Saucer", directed and written by Zheng Yaqi, has recently been officially launched in major theaters across the country.

 Adapted from the classic original work "The Adventures of Shuke and Beta" by "Fairy Tale King" Zheng Yuanjie, the animated film "Shuke Beta·Penta UFO", directed and written by Zheng Yaqi, has recently been officially launched in major theaters across the country. December 30, 2023 is the 40th anniversary of the birth of Shuke Beta. The film is released on the New Year's Eve, with a sense of ceremony. For the first time, Shuke Beta will celebrate the New Year with readers in the cinema, embracing imagination, childhood, and the future. We also look forward to parents and friends accompanying their children to the theater during the holidays to "bring their children to meet their own childhood." The film has previously been screened in major cities across the country for several rounds. After watching the film, it received a lot of praise from parents and children. They all said that it is a must-see parent-child animated film during the New Year. It is "very passionate" and "very suitable for children and adults to watch." "Full of childhood memories", "Super technological" and so on. The story tells the story of Shukbeta driving a brand-new equipped pentagonal flying saucer to venture into the universe. However, due to a sudden accident, he traveled to Rubik's Cube City ten years later. In order to protect his homeland, he joined the Extreme Thieves Group and launched an undercover operation.

Release poster

In the release poster, Shukbeta is driving a pentagonal flying saucer under the clear sky, preparing to set off. The two rats look at each other, their eyes sparkling with confidence, and they seem to be full of desire for unknown adventures. As partners, their expressions also reveal the firmest trust in each other. "Today's Release" in the distant sky is composed of white clouds. The soft and fluffy shape is very cute and full of childishness. And on the other side of the clouds, is there a new adventure waiting for Shuke and Beta? Let's follow their flying saucer to the theater.

Video: The movie "Shuke Beta·Pentagonal Flying Saucer" happily flies into the universe during the New Year. Source: China News Network

In the "Flying to the Universe" clip released simultaneously, Shuke and Beta flew a pentagonal flying saucer for the first time. With the help of artificial intelligence, Under the guidance, I came to the vast universe for preliminary exploration. Beta, who was full of curiosity, first tested the bombing capability and blade attack mode of the pentagonal flying saucer. The powerful functions made Beta say "it's so handsome". Shuke, who was not satisfied with the status quo, said "autonomous driving is too boring", so the two Shushu turned on the manual operation, but unexpectedly lost contact with the omnipotent water of life. The pentagonal flying saucer instantly lost control and hit an asteroid. The trouble seemed to be even greater. Although the first space exploration did not start well, I believe that Shukbeta's adventure in space will plant a seed of exploring the universe in the hearts of children watching the movie. And how will Shukbeta drive the pentagonal flying saucer back to earth? Do they still have the confidence to continue taking risks? Let's go to the video to find out the answer.

Stills from the movie "Shukebeta Pentagram"

As a national classic fairy tale, Shukebeta is the memory of five generations from the 1970s to the 10s. There are also many people who came up with the dream of being a pilot because of Shuke Beta's story and worked hard to realize it. At the previous premiere of the film, aerospace workers came to the scene and communicated face-to-face with their idol Zheng Yuanjie, saying that he was influenced by Shuke as a child. Beta's influence led him to become an aerospace worker, and he is now very happy to be able to watch movies with his children. Director Zheng Yaqi expressed the hope that "Shukebeta Pentagram" can convey the spirit of optimism and unity to children through entertaining and educational methods, and hopes that children can spend a happy childhood with Shukebeta's company. This movie continues the 3D image of the characters in the new animated series in 2019, which is more in line with the aesthetics of today's children. In order to adapt to the changes of the times, many interesting technological elements have been added, and more characters have been added to the story to enrich the plot. , with its climaxes and full of attractions, I look forward to having friends of all ages enter the theater to celebrate the New Year together.

Stills from the movie "Shuke Beta Pentagram"

The film is produced by Hangzhou Fairy Tale King Film and Television Co., Ltd., Tianjin Maoyan Weiying Culture Media Co., Ltd., Horgos Lianrui Muma Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Hengdian Film Industry Co., Ltd.It is composed of Hangzhou Maoyan Time Machine Film Co., Ltd., Suzhou Aola Animation Technology Co., Ltd., Anhui Xinmeng Culture Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Maoma Culture Co., Ltd., Zhujiang Film Media Co., Ltd., and CCTV Animation Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Co-produced by the company. The New Year’s Eve happy parent-child animated film "Shukebeta Pentagram" looks forward to seeing you in the theater.

(China News Network)