The truth concealed by the movie "Beneficiary": Yue Miaomiao was killed, Zhong Accounting succeeded


movie "The Beneficiary" is adapted from a real story. Wu Hai, Yue Miaomiao, and Zhong Zhenjiang all have prototypes.

Reality is far more cruel than the movie. Yue Miaomiao did not escape the bad luck, and Wu Hai did not wake up. Zhong Zhenjiang almost cheated the insurance money.

01 Back to the crime scene

time traced back to May 10, 2013. Early this morning, in a park in the high-tech zone of Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, someone found a female body floating on the lake and immediately called 110.

Subsequently, the police salvaged the body ashore. In terms of physical characteristics, the deceased was about 1.5 meters tall and was about 27 or 28 years old. He had no obvious fatal injuries and was in line with the characteristics of drowning. However, besides the gold necklace and cash, the woman had no other valid documents, and her identity could not be verified. The

police immediately launched an investigation, but because the park was not equipped with monitoring facilities and could not record the incident, the investigation reached a deadlock.

Until about 3 pm that same day, a man named Li Liang came to the police station to report the crime, saying that his wife had not returned home since going out alone to practice the car the night before. He also went out to search for it, but never found it. I was worried about her accident so I called the police.

Based on Li Liang’s verbal description of his wife’s age, height, and clothing when she left home, the police preliminarily determined that the woman salvaged from the lake was his wife.

Li Liang said that he and Liao Fengxian had just married two months ago, and he was full of self-blame for the death of his wife. According to him, during the day of the incident, he had just spent thousands of yuan to buy an electric bicycle for his wife. At night, his wife couldn't wait to practice the bike alone, but an accident happened.

He also emphasized several times that the speed of this electric car can reach up to 75 yards per hour. He is not good and should not buy such a car for his wife.

According to Li Liang, Liao Fengxian, a novice, should have drowned when he fell into the lake while practicing.

For this reason, the police came back to the scene of the incident and, as expected, a newer electric bicycle was salvaged from the lake. After Li Liang identified it, he had bought it for his wife.

In order to further restore the truth of the incident, the police expanded the scope of evidence search and retrieved surveillance video near the residence of Li Liang and his wife. The

video shows that at around 9 o'clock that evening, Liao Fengxian indeed went out by bike alone. After rushing all the way into the park, he never came out.

02 There are many doubts about drowning or killing

It seems like Li Liang said, but there are still doubts pervading the minds of the police.

For example, the artificial lake in the incident was about 30 kilometers away from Li Liang’s home. Why did Liao Fengxian go to such a far place to train?

What’s more suspicious is that the water in the artificial lake is not deep. 1.5 meters and five, and Liao Fengxian was wearing a pair of high heels, even if she was not good at water and accidentally fell into the water, she would not drown...

With these questions, the police checked Liao Fengxian's call records on the night of the incident.

Coincidentally, a number ending in "716" had called her many times, and the call time was almost always after she left home that night.

More importantly, a few days before the incident, the number also sent a text message to invite her to the artificial lake. The

police inferred that the person who dialed Liao Fengxian's mobile phone with this number was probably the last person who had contact with her, and only through him can all doubts be solved.

Li Liang said that he has been using this number. However, according to police investigations, Li Liang did not leave home at the time, nor did he make frequent calls. Obviously, he lied.

It was verified that the number ending in "716" was originally Liao Fengxian's and was later used by Li Liang, but it was used by another man before the incident, and then returned to Li Liang's hands.

Soon, the identity of this strange man was also verified. He was Li Liang's high school classmate Zhou Jiuwei.

In the surveillance video near the park, the police also found Zhou Jiuwei's figure, but this man seemed to have "evaporated" since that night. The police continued to intensify their search, and a month later, he was finally found.

According to Zhou Jiuwei, Qi and Li Liang are very good friends, so they came to Changzhou to join him. But I am very sorry for Li Liang. After he came, he had an affair with Li Liang's wife. The reason why

asked Liao Fengxian to come to the park that day was to end this sinedge. Unexpectedly, when the two of them rode home, they accidentally rushed into the lake due to the dim light and escaped by themselves, but she was missing.

didn't call the police because he was afraid that Li Liang would know about his "underground love" with each other, and chose to leave without saying goodbye.

At first glance, Zhou Jiuwei's words seemed reasonable. But since he was summoned by the police, Li Liang's behavior has appeared very abnormal.

He occasionally lamented the misfortune of his family, but he kept silent about the affairs between his wife and Zhou Jiuwei, and went to the Public Security Bureau again and again to consult the time limit for handling the case. It seemed that he wanted to close the case very urgently. There are many abnormalities in

. For example, surveillance showed that in the early morning when his wife disappeared, he did drove a van to search for it, but he only searched for 26 minutes before returning home;

also reported from the masses. In the few days when Liao Fengxian's body was just salvaged, in order to prove that his wife had contacted himself before drowning, he specially spent 2,000 yuan to "reward" the phone that fell into the water by his wife.

According to common sense, the wife drowned and the husband would only be immersed in grief, but Li Liang wanted to salvage a mobile phone with a lot of money, and specifically asked others to prove that this mobile phone was indeed salvaged from an artificial lake engaged in hairdressing. , Very suspicious.

Moreover, according to the reports of Li’s relatives and good friends, the couple almost never had the same room after marriage. Li Liang’s ex-wife has been taking care of his ex-husband’s sick father in his hometown. It’s not like a real divorce...

has been around Li Liang. There are more and more suspicious points, and people have to doubt that there is a certain connection between the death of him and his wife.

03 The cruel husband set up a “serial game”

. What’s surprising is that according to Liao Fengxian’s younger brother, the two have always been very affectionate. Li Liang is also very kind to his sister, such as gold necklaces, mobile phones, battery cars, etc., no matter what requirements he Satisfy one by one at any cost.

But at the same time, the Liao family also provided the police with a key piece of information: Someone told them that Liao Fengxian had bought an insurance.

It was verified that the insurance purchased by Liao Fengxian was not one but two, and they were all one-year personal accident insurance, with a total insurance amount of up to 4 million yuan, and the beneficiary was Li Liang.

Faced with ironclad evidence, Li Liang and Zhou Jiuwei’s psychological defenses were finally breached, and they explained the criminal facts one by one, and a series of "killing wives and cheating insurance" finally emerged.

It turned out that Li Liang once ran a black Internet cafe in the past years, but it closed down due to poor management; he also liked gambling and owed hundreds of thousands of foreign debts.

, ​​who has no source of livelihood, came up with a conspiracy to "kill his wife and defraud him", but his ex-wife and himself are eager to deal with each other and can't do it. For this reason, he often deliberately found fault and quarreled with his ex-wife, and eventually "successfully" divorced the other party.

In order to find a suitable person, Li Liang got to know Liao Fengxian through the WeChat "shaking" method, and the two chatted together online.

At this time, Liao Fengxian had just divorced shortly afterwards, and she was in a blank period of feelings. This generous-speaking and generous mature man almost made her "resistance". Only 13 days after they met, she agreed to his marriage proposal. Shortly after the marriage of

, ​​he bought an electric bicycle for his wife. He also bought two personal accident insurances for Liao Fengxian of 1 million yuan and 3 million yuan for Liao Fengxian on the grounds that his wife wanted to learn to drive and fear accidents. Liao Fengxian. After

, ​​he tried to persuade his wife to change the beneficiary of the two insurances from the legal beneficiary to himself.

When things have progressed to this point, there is only the illusion of "accidental death" of a wife. Of course the cunning Li Liang would not do it himself, he thought of his old classmate Zhou Jiuwei. The relationship between the two of

has been very close since high school. After hearing this idea, Zhou Jiuwei was not surprised, but quickly agreed.

But Li Liang only told Zhou Jiuwei about the 1 million yuan insurance policy, and said that after the incident was completed, he would allocate 200,000 yuan to him, but did not mention a word about the other 3 million yuan insurance.

Zhou Jiuwei has lived in Li Liang's house in the name of a classmate who has taken refuge in Changzhou. In order for him to have an affair with his wife, Li Liang did not always create opportunities for the two to get along alone at home.

"Thoughtful" Zhou Jiuwei often cooks for Liao Fengxian, and often takes her out to play. One month later, the two finally got together.

One day, the husband and wife went out for fun. On the bridge of the artificial lake, Li Liang saw a broken fence.Rod, it made him feel that the opportunity was coming.

Li Liang gave Zhou Jiuwei the mobile phone with the end number "716" and asked him to find a way to ask Liao Fengxian to go to the artificial lake. On the night of the incident, Liao Fengxian set off from home on the grounds of training, and secretly went to the park to have a tryst with Zhou Jiuwei.

All this is actually under Li Liang's control, but he is cunning and deliberately kept sending WeChat to urge his wife to go home quickly.

walked in the park until around 11 o'clock at night. Zhou Jiuwei saw that there was no one around, so he lied to take Liao Fengxian home by bike.

When he rode on the bridge, he deliberately rode into the lake from where the railing was missing, trying to drown her.

What he didn't expect was that the lake was not deep at this time. Although the two fell into the water, they quickly stood up.

When Zhou Jiuwei saw this, he simply pressed Liao Fengxian's head directly into the water until she stopped moving. After

called his wife a busy tone, Li Liang, who thought the conspiracy had succeeded, deliberately drove out for a while, and the next day pretended to go to the police station to call the police...

However, the paper could not contain the fire, and the truth was eventually revealed. open.

04 Late Justice

On January 17, 2014, the Intermediate People’s Court of Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province sentenced Li Liang to death for insurance fraud and intentional homicide, deprived of political rights for life, and fined 50,000 yuan;

for insurance fraud Zhou Jiuwei was sentenced to death for crimes and intentional homicide, suspended for two years, and fined 30,000 yuan. The frantic two received their due punishment.

So far, the two people who were frantic have received their due punishment.

What happened to the million-dollar insurance purchased by Li Liang?

According to Article 43 of the "Insurance Law":

If the insured intentionally causes the death, disability or illness of the insured, the insurer shall not be liable for the payment of insurance money. If the insurance applicant has paid the insurance premium for more than two years, the insurer shall return the cash value of the insurance policy to other right holders in accordance with the contract. If the beneficiary intentionally causes the death, disability, or disease of the insured, or intentionally kills the insured, the beneficiary loses the right to beneficiary.

It stands to reason that these two huge insurances will not be compensated, but it just so happens that the insured and the insured of this policy are both Liao Fengxian. Although Li Liang is the perpetrator, it does not touch on the “insurant’s The guarantor intentionally killed” this article.

In the end, the insurance company lost the money to Liao Fengxian's legal beneficiary, which is her parents.

's daughter's life was exchanged for 4 million insurance money. I don't know what the two elderly people would think. What they want more is their daughter's life.

05 Postscript

This kind of insurance fraud often happens in the insurance industry. Suicides, murders, and medical records are falsified by various means.

However, a series of operations such as unemployed gambling, flash marriages, high-value insurance policies, changing beneficiaries, and quick insurance are too suspicious. As long as insurance companies and public security departments are willing to make efforts to investigate, there is no way to find them.

Insurance is actually a good thing. If it is used properly, it can help people through the difficulties and maintain a stable family life.

, ​​but in the hands of bad guys, it has become a weapon for personal gain.

has no vicious insurance, only vicious hearts. Finally,

reminds everyone that it is necessary to understand basic common sense, don't be sold in the society, and count the money for others!