In an era of rapid technological development, Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. has always stood at the forefront of the times with its unique vision and outstanding strength. We are not just a smartphone manufacturer, we are a global technology giant with a diversified product line. S

In an era of rapid technological development, Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. has always stood at the forefront of the times with its unique vision and outstanding strength. We are not just a smartphone manufacturer, we are a global technology giant with a diversified product line. Such achievements are inseparable from each of our talented and passionate employees.

Today, Xiaomi is looking for a group of talented and innovative college graduates to join the Xiaomi family. However, for this group of young and dreamy talents, our recruitment standards are not low.

Xiaomi prefers graduates from 985 and 211 engineering universities, because this is not only proof of their talent, but also a reflection of their strength.

These universities not only have rigorous education systems, but also cultivate students with solid professional knowledge and outstanding practical abilities. More importantly, they have an indomitable spirit and dare to challenge and innovate.

And this is the corporate spirit that Xiaomi has always adhered to. Xiaomi believes that only talents with the same spirit can achieve great success in the vast world of Xiaomi.

Of course, Xiaomi is not satisfied with this. At Xiaomi, we provide our employees with a platform full of challenges and opportunities. There are the world's top technology R&D teams here, countless creative products waiting to be developed, and a global market waiting for us to explore. Xiaomi hopes that every employee can find their own position and realize their own value here.

From the list of colleges and universities recruited by Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. for autumn 2023, it can be seen that graduates from 985 Project University and 211 Project University are the mainstream of company recruitment.

Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, Nanjing University, University of Science and Technology of China, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Harbin Institute of Technology, etc. are all on the list. Northwestern Polytechnical University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Southeast University, Twenty-seven 985 engineering universities, including Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Dalian University of Technology, and South China University of Technology, are also on the list.

In addition, there are 10 211 Project universities including Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Dalian Maritime University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Technology, and Wuhan University of Technology. The best of them are also on the list.

We have seen that only one "double-non" institution such as the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences has entered Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd.'s autumn recruitment list.

Xiaomi Technology: The Pearl of Recruitment, the Future Leader

In the world of technology, Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. has always led the trend with its outstanding innovation and market insight. For a company that strives for excellence, recruitment standards are certainly not low. So, why does Xiaomi prefer graduates from 985 and 211 engineering universities? The answer lies in their strength.

985 and 211 Project University graduates represent the top talents of China's higher education. They have received systematic professional education and have rich academic backgrounds and solid knowledge foundations. At Xiaomi, these graduates can quickly integrate into the team and adapt to work quickly. Their comprehensive quality, innovation ability and team spirit are all what Xiaomi needs.

For Xiaomi, graduates from 985 and 211 engineering universities are not only human resources, but also the company’s future strategic assets. They can bring new thinking and new perspectives to Xiaomi, promote the company's continuous innovation, and maintain its market leadership. Their joining will undoubtedly inject more vitality and passion into Xiaomi.

Of course, Xiaomi’s recruitment standards do not only focus on academic background, but also on personal abilities and potential. However, the outstanding strength demonstrated by graduates of the 985 and 211 Project Universities is exactly what Xiaomi appreciates and expects. They have rich knowledge reserves, excellent practical abilities, and strong thirst for knowledge and enterprising spirit. These are the qualities that Xiaomi values.

In short, for Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd., high recruitment standards are high requirements for the company's own development and high respect for talents.Graduates from 985 and 211 Project Universities are exactly the future leaders Xiaomi is looking for. They will work together to create a better future.

However, Northwest A&F University, Lanzhou University, Chongqing University, Ocean University of China, Sun Yat-sen University, China Agricultural University, East China Normal University, Beijing Normal University, Renmin University of China, Minzu University of China, Xiamen University, National University of Defense Technology, Nankai University Thirteen other universities under the 985 Project "broke their appointments" with Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd.

Xiaomi Park Recruitment College List: A Look at the Missing 985 Project Universities

In the era of knowledge economy, the relationship between higher education and enterprises is getting closer and closer. Recently, Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd.’s autumn recruitment list has attracted widespread attention from society. In this list, some non-985 project universities such as Zhejiang University and Nanjing University are prominently included.

However, some 985 Project universities such as Xiamen University, Nankai University, Renmin University of China, Sun Yat-sen University, Beijing Normal University, Minzu University of China, Chongqing University, Lanzhou University, China Agricultural University, etc. have not been among them. This makes people wonder why these well-known universities missed Xiaomi’s recruitment list?

First of all, we must understand that Xiaomi’s recruitment does not only focus on academic background. As a company with innovation and practicality at its core, Xiaomi pays more attention to candidates’ technical abilities, innovative abilities and identification with the company culture. This explains why some universities with outstanding performance in specific fields are favored by Xiaomi, even if they are not 985 engineering universities.

Secondly, the subject settings and research directions of each university are different. Xiaomi may prefer universities that better match their business needs. Some 985 engineering universities may not have enough advantages in certain subjects, or their professional settings do not quite match Xiaomi’s needs.

In addition, we cannot ignore the influence of geographical location. As an Internet and technology-based company, Xiaomi has its business spread across the country. Therefore, when recruiting, priority may be given to universities that are geographically closer and convenient for companies to conduct training and exchanges.

Generally speaking, although these 985 Project universities are well-known in academia, their failure to be selected in Xiaomi's recruitment does not mean that their education quality is not high.

On the contrary, this more reflects the diversity of talent needs of different companies and organizations. For students, it is more important to find a job that matches their interests and abilities, rather than blindly pursuing the so-called "aura of a prestigious school."