When the slogan "Women hold up half the sky" resounded across the land of China, countless women immersed themselves in the kitchens and fields finally had their power confirmed. However, even so, real heroines are still rare. In the 1990s, there was a big heroine who shined. She

When the slogan "Women hold up half the sky" resounded across the land of China, countless women who were immersed in the kitchens and fields finally had their strength confirmed.

However, even so, real heroines are still rare.

In the 1990s, having a leading heroine would shine.

She said she didn’t want children, so she didn’t want children;

When her husband, a well-known director, “wasn’t in the heart,” she didn’t hesitate and left happily.

has been dependent on his career for most of his life, and has enjoyed great success for most of his life.

Later, she also entered old age together with her sister, who was still single.

In her long life, she was always on the way to pleasing herself, living freely and happily.

She is Tian Ge.

Speaking of Tian Ge, one must talk about her ex-husband You Xiaogang.

They are both directors, but they work in different directions. Tian Ge mainly produces TV programs, while You Xiaogang specializes in film and television dramas.

But there is no doubt that both men are famous in their own fields.

Tian Ge is the founder of TV talk shows. You Xiaogang's "Triumph at Midnight", "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang", "The Secret History of the Crown Prince" and so on are famous all over the country.

No matter how you look at it, this couple is a match made in heaven. However, 10 years later, Tian Ge chose to separate.

For women in the last century, having children after marriage was a family responsibility that a woman must bear.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant a woman is, and no matter how successful a woman's career is, not having children is a big mistake.

This is the mainstream social thought. Only a few sober women do not accept this approach, and Tian Ge does not accept this approach.

However, because of this, she was cuckolded by You Xiaogang.

For many women, this is unbearable. But for Tian Ge, hearing You Xiaogang's admission from her own mouth would bring an end to her marriage.

's courage can be said to be a proper heroine nowadays, but back then, her approach was not clever at all. After all, in the minds of many people, if they marry a man, he will definitely not be better than You Xiaogang.

But who knew that Tian Ge, who had left her marriage, was actually not troubled because she no longer focused on relationships. It's also because her career is developing at a speed that even her ex-husband You Xiaogang can't compare to.

In 1995, Tian Ge and You Xiaogang divorced. After the divorce, she traveled to Italy, the United States, and South Africa for academic exchanges, and became the first Chinese host invited by the United States Information Agency.

This honor shows her strength. But Tian Ge's strength is not that great.

In 1998, Tian Ge even took the TV program overseas and won numerous awards, becoming the standard for people in the industry to catch up with. In addition to producing programs,

also planned and directed the tourism promotional film "Beauty in Guangxi", which won an international award.

Later, she launched a new talk show, raising the ratings to a new standard. In the days after the divorce, her career was in full swing.

But this excellence did not let the world define her as a successful person. On the contrary, many people believed that as long as she did not get married, her life would be incomplete.

People around her have become her "marriage urgers". Just like many girls nowadays, they are obviously well-fed in their careers, but they have to be "navigated" by others. It seems that starting a family and establishing a career are the life standards set for ordinary people. Not getting married means misfortune.

Tian Ge was not affected by this. Even if her mother came to urge her, she would react lightly.

In 2010, Tian Ge's career reached a new height. She became the only Grand Slam talent in China to win national-level awards for director, producer, and host.

She held the grand prize and celebrated happily with her mother, sister and brother. At the banquet, Tian Ge told her family that she planned to never get married again, but she promised that she would still live a good life.

was so open and honest that the family members were slightly taken aback, but no one tried to persuade him. After all, their family had shared the joys and sorrows and already understood what perfection and support meant.

Tian Ge’s confidence is also because she has a very tolerant family.

Confident and free girls are always born in loving families, and Tian Ge happened to be born in a loving family.

Tian Ge was born in Hefei, Anhui Province in 1962. Both his parents had decent jobs. His mother was a singer and his father was a museum curator. When Tian Ge was a child, he lived a very happy and prosperous life.

Her mother would often take her to work, and her father would buy her various snacks from time to time. In an era when supplies were scarce, her parents gave her the best.

Even after her younger siblings were born, her parents never forgot to be kind to her, and their kindness to her was always unique.

Because of this, Tian Ge developed the spirit of a heroine who is not afraid of anything.

She dares to speak for herself and does what she wants to do.

htmlWhen she was 09 years old, she went to help her family buy groceries and met an art troupe recruiting people. She found it very interesting and even asked if she could participate.

People from the art troupe saw that she was just a little kid, so they said that when she grew up, she could join.

Unexpectedly, Tian Ge kept these words in her heart, and when she grew up, she actually joined the art troupe.

When Tian Ge’s father passed away when he was 10 years old, everything at home fell on his mother. Tian Ge considered himself the boss of the family and took the initiative to take over the housework. My mother took care of the outside world, and she took care of the inside. In this way, I successfully passed through the long and difficult period. After

joined the art troupe, she received a monthly salary, but Tian Ge only kept enough money for her own meals every time and sent everything else to her family.

The living expenses she left behind were only enough for one steamed bun per meal. This was also the reason why You Xiaogang was moved by her back then. For a woman who is so persevering, not afraid of difficulties, and never complains, who wouldn’t treat her differently?

What's more, such a woman has never felt that she is inferior to others. Her self-confidence simply shines.

When she was 17 years old, Tian Ge went to the army to perform. Just before the performance started, she made a surprising statement to the leader next to her: "Please give way, I can't perform."

Such straightforwardness made the leader think that she was magnanimous and a good person. A rare true temperament.

Nowadays, Tian Ge is already a national first-level director. She has been honored and her life is complete.

When she has free time, she will take her old and healthy mother out to travel to relax.

lived a very comfortable and satisfying life.

It is worth mentioning that Tian Ge’s sister is also unmarried and not pregnant. The two are sisters and allies of the non-marriage principle. They never feel lonely.

And her ex-husband, after divorcing her, went through his third marriage before finally having the child he longed for. Speaking of which, his life may not be as exciting as Tian Ge's.

We often say that we should be our own heroine. Tian Ge is undoubtedly the representative of the heroine.

She doesn’t resist getting, nor does she regret losing. She has her own ideals in life, and she lives her life sparklingly.

can envy her, or he can be her. I hope each of us can live happily and understand that ordinary life is not ordinary!


Author of this article | Editor in charge of Jasmine

| Zhenzhen