Cover News Reporter Fu Wenchao In 2023, Chinese films will return to prosperity. On January 1, Maoyan Research Institute released the "2023 China Film Market Data Insight Report". The report shows that the annual box office of Chinese movies in 2023 will reach 54.915 billion, and

cover news reporter Fu Wenchao

In 2023, Chinese movies will return to prosperity. On January 1, Maoyan Research Institute released the "2023 China Film Market Data Insight Report". The report shows that in 2023, the annual box office of Chinese movies will reach 54.915 billion, and the number of moviegoers in urban theaters will reach 1.299 billion. Among them, domestic movies will contribute 83.8% of the annual box office, showing a strong development momentum.

Looking back at the whole year, during the Spring Festival period at the beginning of the year, the two films "Red on the River" and "The Wandering Earth" led the pack and made the first breakthrough; in the middle of the year, "Fengshen Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun", "The Vanishing Her", "Desperate" and "Chang'an Three" Phenomenal films such as "Ten Thousand Miles" jointly created the first summer season in history; in the second half of the year, "Solid as a Rock" won the National Day box office championship with outstanding results; in the year-end Lunar New Year period, "Twinkle, Twinkle Shining Star" refreshed the New Year's Day box office in Chinese film history record, bringing a successful end to 2023.

The industry believes that behind the high box office is the fact that Chinese film themes are becoming more diverse and combine realism and artistic creativity. Film creators are gradually finding the development direction of the Chinese film market. At the same time, the rise of the lower market, the innovation of publicity and distribution channels, and the increase in the proportion of female moviegoers have also provided new momentum for the development of Chinese films.

The number of movie viewers hit a four-year high

In 2023, the Chinese film market will show a strong recovery trend, and the supply of high-quality content and the huge release of movie-viewing demand will jointly promote the rise of the market. The report shows that the total box office of Chinese movies will reach 54.915 billion yuan in 2023. As the market recovers, the overall audience's willingness to watch movies has been activated, with 1.299 billion moviegoers throughout the year, a new high in the past four years. Among them, the proportion of people watching multiple movies has reached the highest level in the past four years, reflecting the strong market demand.

As the market returns to normal, new trends in the film industry have also emerged. First of all, on the supply side, domestic films have become the absolute protagonist of cinemas. The report shows that in 2023, domestic films accounted for 83.8% of the total box office. There were 73 films with a box office of over 100 million yuan throughout the year, of which 50 were domestic films. The top 10 films at the annual box office were all domestic films; in comparison, imported films It has gradually declined after 2020, accounting for only 16.2% of the annual box office. Behind the leaping growth of

’s box office, the Matthew Effect of schedules still plays an important role, but there are also gaps during popular schedules. With the help of films such as "Fengshen Part 1: Chao Ge Fengyun", "The Octagonal Cage", "Chang'an 30,000 Miles" and "All or Nothing", the summer season contributed nearly 40% of the box office for the whole year, and the proportion of the box office during this period was higher than before In four years, it achieved “the strongest summer season in history.” The Spring Festival season contributed 12.3% of the annual box office, ranking behind the summer season.

Secondly, on the consumer side, the movie-watching crowd has also undergone new changes. Behind the 1.299 billion moviegoers, the lower market, parent-child moviegoing, and female audiences aged 25 and above will bring growth momentum to the movie market in 2023. In addition, charity screenings have been carried out in many places, which has also become an emerging force in promoting movie box office growth. In 2023, a total of 8.24 million charity screenings were held, benefiting approximately 450 million people.

ip series of movies show strong box office appeal

In 2023, in the process of strong rise of domestic movies, the themes and content also show new characteristics. In terms of subject matter and content, among the top 10 box office films of the year, "All or Nothing" and "The Vanishing Her" combine suspense, crime, love and other elements to ignite the audience's interest in watching movies from multiple dimensions, becoming the key to the film's "exception".

In addition, the emergence of phenomenal films with high viewership, such as the historical film "Thirty Thousand Miles from Chang'an", the science fiction masterpiece "The Wandering Earth 2", and the "heavy industry" film "Fengshen Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun", also reflects the The film market is showing a diversified trend as it prospers.

Against the background of differentiated movie content, IP series movies still show strong box office appeal. The report shows that among the top 10 imported films in 2023, 7 are sequels to series of films, and IP films have a natural "eye-catching" effect. But in addition to IP movies, domestic films are also achieving "out of the circle" effects through different vertical contents, such as "Cha No. 2 Middle School" to achieve "out of the circle" at the age level.

According to the report, the top 10 pre-sold films on the first day of the year are mainly films with schedules and strong fan rituals. For example, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle", with the topic of "New Year's Eve Ritual", stimulated the audience's enthusiasm for watching movies to a greater extent. At the same time, the top 10 films with annual ratings are concentrated in films with high fan attributes, which also reflects the strong role of fans in promoting films. The top 10 most wanted-to-watch-ticket-conversion movies of the year are concentrated in high-quality films such as "Fengshen Part 1: Chaoge Fengyun" and "Oppenheimer". It can be seen that audiences are now more rational and will comprehensively review the post-screening Use word of mouth to make consumption decisions.