Zhang Wansen, it’s snowing. This sentence has been popular on a certain short video platform for a long time. Thanks to the popularity of this "quotation", Jiao Hai's novel "Twinkle Twinkle Star" also successfully became popular. As the saying goes: In the Internet era, traffic i

Zhang Wansen, it’s snowing. The phrase

has been popular on a certain short video platform for a long time.

Thanks to the popularity of this "quotation", Jiao Hai's novel "Twinkle Twinkle Star" also successfully became popular.

As the saying goes: The Internet era is an era where traffic is king. As long as there is traffic, there is money to be made. Where there is money to be made, there is capital. There is indeed nothing wrong with the sentence


When Jiao Hai's "Youth Campus Theme" novel "Twinkle, Twinkle Shining Star" became popular, the novel was naturally adapted into a TV series.

The drama version of "Twinkle Twinkle Star" was successfully released in early 2022 without any publicity or advance preparation.

Against this background, this youth campus love drama co-starring Zhang Jianing and Qu Chuxiao did not create too high ratings.

Of course, due to the "adaptation of novels" into TV series, it is always easy to make some "common sense" mistakes.

For novels, such mistakes don't matter. After all, readers read novels after "storing their brains". However, TV dramas are different and have a wider audience. Not everyone will "save their brains".

Therefore, some "details" in the play cannot withstand scrutiny.

Under such circumstances, "Twinkle Twinkle Star", which was released in early 2022, successfully became a work that was "neither popular nor popular".

Generally speaking, after a work achieves such results, it will be abandoned.

But the popularity of the phrase "Zhang Wansen, it's snowing" has never diminished.

This has also led some people to think that the failure of "Twinkle Twinkle Star" was due to the lack of good publicity and the fact that the TV series was too delayed.

So, on the New Year's Eve of 2023, Qu Chuxiao and Zhang Jianing came with their "movie version" "Twinkle Twinkle Star".

This time, the creative team and the film and television company, as well as the teams of Qu Chuxiao and Zhang Jianing, have "warmed up" the drama in advance.

A long time ago, Qu Chuxiao and Zhang Jianing's "Zhang Wansen and Lin Beixing" was coming, and it became a hit on a certain short video platform.

Under such marketing, before "Twinkle Twinkle Star" was released, the number of people who "wanted to watch" on a certain film and television data platform exceeded one million. The figure of

may be a bit exaggerated, but the box office is indeed not an exaggeration: the premiere exceeded 100 million, setting a record, and won the box office championship of the "New Year's Eve" in 2023.

From a box office perspective, capital won.

Qu Chuxiao and Zhang Jianing also won. A TV series starring the two of them also starred in a "movie version", and then harvested a large number of "audiences".

is no exaggeration to describe it as winning.

It's just that the novel is not a TV series, and the TV series is not a "movie".

Novels can "store the brain", and TV series can have a slightly absurd and protracted plot, but the audience of the movie has paid for the tickets: the movie you make is still so boring, and when it drags on, the audience will be confused. Emotional.

As expected, behind the high box office is the "collapse of reputation" of "Twinkle Twinkle Star".

Why is it that such a popular novel and a TV series that makes people feel sorry for it became a movie and had a high box office, but its reputation suddenly plummeted?

This has to mention the "imagination" of the editor and director: a large amount of space is used in Zhang Wansen's "recalling" the "bits and pieces" of his time with Lin Beixing.

also used "slow motion" in order to "sensation".

You can tolerate a martial arts scene in slow motion, but for a campus youth romance drama, it is a crush type, and if you use slow motion to make up the duration, it is going too far and you cannot tolerate it at all.

The collapse of reputation is a matter of course.

But it doesn’t matter to investors. The collapse of reputation is a matter for the director, author and actors. If it sells well at the box office, investors can laugh.