All the unforgettable regrets are fulfilled. Every moment in the river of stars, the heavy snow of youth falls on the two people who love each other. This is the beautiful expectation given to young people before the movie "Twinkle Twinkle Star" was released. The problem is, this

All the unforgettable regrets are fulfilled. Every moment in the stars, the heavy snow in youth falls on the two people who love each other.

This is the beautiful expectation given to young people before the movie "Twinkle Twinkle Star" was released. The question is, has this expected beauty really come? At the end of the

movie "Twinkle Twinkle Star", the male protagonist finally said the words "I love you", but it was "Hello, Lin Beixing, my name is Zhang Wansen". That's it for


angry, furious! Feel cheated! Too many viewers expressed their dissatisfaction. Is this really the case? The long and humid rainy season, a touch of sadness, beautiful wishes, the beautiful silhouette in anticipation becomes more and more beautiful as I think about it, the constant longing, and the anticipated reunion. Isn't this the love of youth? The movie is actually performed.

The relationship between Lin Beixing and Zhang Wansen has never been a one-way secret love. When Zhang Wansen secretly liked Lin Beixing, Lin Beixing also secretly liked him.

All encounters are not accidental, they are all the longings in each other's hearts, they are all due to the mutual attraction of the souls, and they are all the longing to see you that each other does not want to declare.

I follow your back and footsteps, carefully recording every bit of it. Isn’t this beautiful enough?

The evening wind blew away the fog, and there were bright stars twinkling in the sky. In Lin Beixing's eyes, the stars were dotted like a starry sky. Isn't this beautiful?

Do we still need marriage after love?

What about marriage after love? It’s work, livelihood, family and children, trivial matters in life, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, and all kinds of worries. As a result, marriage has become the tomb of love. The once elegant spiritual dream has been smudged by the smoke and smoke of the world. Only when looking at the photos of youth can some memories be evoked.

Youth is the season of dreaming. Since it is a dream, there will be a day when you wake up. After waking up, if you are still living in the dream, it is natural to feel lost and sad.

The once slim and graceful people will become fat; the once high-spirited people will become sophisticated. Isn’t this life?

"Twinkle Twinkle Star" It snows, but it only falls on many people, not in the hearts. Only when it falls in the hearts can beauty last forever.

will be disappointed if you read it, and you will regret if you don't read it. This is the same as youthful love. You will be disappointed if you fall in love and get married, and you will regret if you don't fall in love. What's the problem? In the heart, as long as the heart changes with the situation, adjust in time, don't expect too much, accept the changes in life, and sink your heart into it, the daily necessities of life are all beautiful, and they are all eternal youth.

Disappointment is normal. Disappointment is not only the end, but also the beginning. Let the stars twinkle in your heart forever.