Is it a good show after just 3 minutes? Qin Hailu and Wang Xinjun’s husband and wife file lead, and old dramas gather

2019 is destined to be a year of the main theme.

has "My Motherland and Me", "Captain of China" and "The Climber" leading the way. There are also TV series such as "The King of Land War", "In the Distance" and "The Pentium Age".

On November 6th, we ushered in another great gift-giving movie-


The large-scale Patriotic War TV series "Heshan" starred by the husband and wife Qin Hailu and Wang Xinjun. Both play the protagonist in the play and also participate in the whole process of behind-the-scenes production.

Wang Xinjun created his own script and personally acted as the director, while Qin Hailu, who played the heroine in the play, was the producer. On the day of the premiere of

, Qin Hailu released her photos of Jiugong during the filming on Weibo, and stated that she participated in the whole process from the initial script creation to the later editing. Everyone is welcome to check.

He Jiong, Yao Chen, Huang Xiaoming, Ma Tianyu and other celebrities have also helped out the publicity. Liu Tao even revealed that the production of "Heshan" took up to 5 years, which can be called a "exquisite masterpiece" and supports his little sisters.

The show’s ratings broke 1.3 on the first day it was broadcast, making it into the top five!

The excellence of "River Mountain" is not only reflected in the ratings, but also the word-of-mouth applause from netizens:

is definitely a good movie after only 3 minutes.

Actually, it is not uncommon for us to see the theme of the War of Resistance against Japan. What is better about "Heshan" than the previous dramas of the War of Resistance against Japan, and why is it a good film?

Next let us have a closer look.

1. Husband and wife stalls lead the way, and old dramas gather in the

"Heshan" actor camp. It is Qin Hailu and Wang Xinjun that are the couple who bear the brunt.

Qin Hailu, who plays the leading actress, won the Golden Horse Award for Best Newcomer and Best Actress with a "Durian Piaopiao" right after her debut, and won the queen laurel.

was evaluated by insiders as “a rare talent who is very good at acting and knows how to play”. She has appeared in some of the best reputation films, such as "White Deer Plain", "Steel Piano", "Sister Yao" and other works. A well-deserved capable actor.

In the hit "Old Tavern" in 2019, Qin Hailu played the role of Gu Sanmei, a member of the underground party of the Communist Party of China, "women do not let her beard", and this time in "Heshan", she once again appeared as a member of the underground party of the Communist Party.

Just from the makeup photos, a smart, calm, determined and courageous female image is ready to emerge. In the

play, Qin Hailu's role is to send intelligence to members of the underground party who contacted her on a single line.

On the way to the junction, Qin Hailu was calm and elegant first, looking around attentively. When

met the joint personnel, there was an accident and the joint personnel were shot directly in front of her.

Faced with the sudden tragedy, there were tears in her eyes.

However, he must calmly face the national army's interrogation and control his facial expressions so as not to arouse suspicion.

And after the interrogation, her tension and grief came out suddenly. Although

was still walking forward, his legs were trembling, his steps staggered, and tears filled his eyes.

From facial expressions to body details, Qin Hailu used outstanding acting skills to grasp every emotional transition that the character faced in just a few minutes, and vividly showed the image of an underground party member who was calm and calm in case of trouble and had flesh and blood in his heart. The protagonist of

Wang Xinjun has appeared in many anti-Japanese themed works. As a soldier, he can be said to be able to play as a soldier, surrounded by tough guys. In the

play, he played Wei Dahe and Fang Gang. In order to resist the Japanese invaders and warriors for his life, he showed the strength of a hero. Zhang Jiayi, a powerful actor who worked with

and Qin Hailu in "White Deer Plain", also joined the show.

Zhang Jiayi, known as the "teacher killer", has portrayed a number of deeply rooted characters, such as Song Siming, who calls the wind and rains and is deep in the city in "Snail House", and He Jianyi, the casual but meticulous doctor in "Emergency Doctor", The benevolent and principled Bai Jiaxuan at the center of "White Deer Plain"...

played the role of Jian Xiuzhang, a villain in the national army this time, in the play. On the surface, he is gentle and kind, but in fact he is hard-hearted and cruel.

In addition, there are many classics such as "The Love of Hawthorn Tree" and "1942" in the play.Pin’s old drama bones Li Xuejian, You Yong in A World Without Thieves and Drug War, Xin Baiqing in The Legend of the Demon Cat, My Motherland and Me, and Wang Hui in The Yongzheng Dynasty and The Qiao Family Courtyard ...... What kind of wonderful performance

, the powerful old drama bones, will bring in the play is full of expectations.

2. The context of the story is clear, and the first episode shows the potential of "good drama"

The drama is based on the history of the War of Resistance after the Xi'an Incident. The first episode clearly depicts the background of the main characters and the immediate tension in Xi'an at that time situation.

Xi'an in the winter of 1936.

Jiang Ya is really an underground member of the CCP who sneaked into the office of the Northeast Military Security Bureau.

She received a piece of secret intelligence, which showed that Chiang Kai-shek would come to Xi'an in the near future and attend a dinner with Zhang Xueliang, Yang Hucheng and others.

Due to this important visit, the National Military and Political Training Department, the gendarmerie, and the police station are investigating suspicious people at the gate of the city.

However, the situation is not as simple as it seems. According to intelligence, Chiang Kai-shek will openly rupture the relationship with Zhang and Yang during this visit and take the military power of the two in Xi'an.

On December 12, Jiang Huaizhu, commander of the Northeast Army, was ordered by the marshal to guard Huaqing Pool and heard gunshots.

The next day, news that Zhang and Yang had launched their remonstrances spread within the national army, and the situation instantly became tense.

In the first episode, the story describes the reaction caused by this incident from three different camps.

was first in the national army. The Nanjing Central Army went to Shaanxi to seize Tongguan and rescue Chairman Chiang, who was under house arrest by Zhang and Yang.

Yang Hucheng asked Feng Jingtang, the commander of the 72nd Division of the Shaanxi Army, to send troops to Tongguan to block the Central Army who came to rescue Chiang Kai-shek.

In this incident, the division commander’s troops were in a key position. Whether he chose to support the Central Army or Zhang Yang was crucial to either side. The subordinates of

suggested that Master Feng should take advantage of this opportunity to rescue Chiang Kai-shek in order to make a contribution. However, Master Feng finally chose to stand still, preferring to be punished by the central government rather than hitting his own people. He can see that he is a man with his own principles.

​​In our side, leaders have been sent to negotiate and will arrive in Xi'an soon.

members of the Chinese Communist Party in Xi’an must stabilize the current situation before then, assist the Northeast Army and the Shaanxi Army in blocking the Central Army that came to rescue, and defend Tongguan.

Similarly, the Japanese also learned of the news. Once the negotiations are successful, the two armies join forces to form an anti-Japanese united front, and the situation will be very unfavorable for them.

Japanese spy chief Ichiro Iwai intends to sabotage the negotiation and sent intelligence personnel to find out the news.

Starting from the single event of the Xi'an Incident, "Heshan" draws out important figures in different camps and clarifies their goals. In the first episode, the overall story background and framework are constructed. The plot line of

is clear and the rhythm is orderly. From the opening, it can be determined that "Heshan" is definitely a potential stock that can be called a "good drama"!

Three, full of enthusiasm, small people are also national heroes

Some people say that "Heshan" may be the next anti-Japanese drama, but in my opinion it is not the case.

It does not only give the hero's halo to those soldiers in military uniforms, but to the entire Chinese nation, as Qin Hailu said:

"It is not just a growth legend of a person, but a group of people. Group portraits of the ages." The reason why the Xi'an Incident established the anti-Japanese united front is because the anti-Japanese war is of the nation and the people's will.

Therefore, in the play, we saw soldiers throwing their heads and blood on the front line, and we also saw the group of ordinary people behind to defend their homes and nations. The definition of

heroes has never been so narrow.

He can be a strong young man in his prime, or an old man who has entered his dying years but still has a patriotic heart.

"Heshan" made me truly feel the "soul" of the Chinese people.

and worthy of this great river and mountains can only be the Chinese nation.

​​In terms of cast, plot arrangement, and spiritual connotation, "Heshan" has shown the courage and strength of a good drama. I hope it will not disappoint us in the future!