On December 27, the seminar "Hometown, Stay Safe" was held in Beijing. Leaders, guests and creative representatives present at the meeting, chief producer Yue Yang, co-screenwriter Long Shu, script consultant Sun Qijun, and starring actors Ren Suxi and Ren Bin, etc. discussed the

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1905 Movie Network News On December 27, the "Hometown, Goodbye" seminar was held in Beijing. Leaders, guests and creative representatives present at the meeting, including chief producer Yue Yang, co-screenwriter Long Shu, script consultant Sun Qijun, and starring actors Ren Suxi and Ren Bin, discussed the core of the film's creation, artistic value, and the mood of the times, etc., to lay the foundation for future film and television creation. Provide reference and reference, and jointly promote the diverse possibilities of high-quality film and television drama creation.

TV series "Hometown, Goodbye" premiered on the platform on November 3. With Chengdu as the background, it tells the story of the life and growth journey of four girls traveling to their hometown. It discusses hot topics around whether it is better to be in hometown or in a foreign country. The expression of life-oriented light comedy attracted a large number of young audiences to watch and discuss it.

Yue Yang, chief producer and producer of "Hometown, Goodbye" said: Young people are just some of the people who are just starting out in our society and have achieved success. Behind them are the epitome of hundreds of millions of Chinese families. We hope that through Some of their stories express more universal human feelings and sophistication, as well as larger and smaller stories. It’s not easy to be in a foreign land, and hometown is not a paradise to live in. Lying flat and rolling inward cannot cover the mentality of today’s youth. We believe that the self-consistency of brave people is one of our original intentions in shaping characters and creating dramas this time.

Zhang Pei in "Hometown, Goodbye", and Ren Suxi, who plays Ji Nanjia in "I'm Good in a Foreign Country". As the core actor of the two works of the "I'm in a Foreign Country" series, she has a deep understanding of the core of the creation of the series. She said: I I am honored to have come across realistic-themed works such as "I'm Good in a Foreign Country" and "Hometown, Never Come Back" in my career. For me, the two works that healed me were "Hometown, Never Come." "Everything Is Well", Zhang Pei is one of my personal favorite characters in recent years, because I think self-reconciliation is very important. I hope I can continue to make the third film and repay the society and the dear kind-hearted viewers with better works.

"Hometown, Goodbye" Ren Bin, who plays Xie Yang, can also gain resonance from the life anxieties encountered by the character. He said: TV series cannot give everyone the answer, but it can trigger everyone's thinking. In the end, this choice only requires I have no regrets and I think it is right as long as I can bear the consequences. On the day of the

seminar, the participating leaders and experts also conducted an in-depth analysis and affirmation of the artistic value and regional creative highlights of the My In Another Country series. Wang Yichuan, vice chairman of the Chinese Literary Critics Association and professor at the Literary Research Center of Beijing Normal University, expressed great appreciation for the female-friendly community presented in the play and the talk show in the lines. Lin Yuxiao, a lecturer at Communication University of China, elaborated on the power of women shown in the drama: The protagonist in the drama is not looking for a geographical hometown, but a place of peace of mind. Behind this peace of mind truly reflects the life attitude of women in the new era pursuing economic independence and spiritual independence. The plot combines elements of death, youth, growth, weddings and funerals to inspire the audience to think about the meaning of life, and reflects the endless power of thousands of little people.

Ren Shanshan, deputy editor-in-chief of the Theoretical Review Editorial Office of the Literature and Art Department of the People's Daily, said: "I am fine in a foreign country", which is like an answer to my hometown and relatives. "Hometown, farewell and safe" is like an answer to friends who are still working hard in other places. These two dramas combine to form the AB side of life. Regardless of whether you choose your hometown or a foreign country, both dramas present the answer to "Hometown is where your soul rests" in the form of group portraits of contemporary young people.

Yi Kai, Secretary-General of the China Television Arts Committee, also said in his concluding speech: Looking at the two works "I'm fine in a foreign country" and "Hometown, I'm fine" together, it really shows that the young creative team can Find the right topic, take root in life, and make a good artistic refinement of real life. The success of both works provides a good example for identifying and persisting in exploring a topic for continuous creation.