On December 28, a seminar on the TV series "He Came from the Fire" co-sponsored by the China Television Arts Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Radio and Television Bureau was held in Beijing. The meeting was chaired by Yi Kai, Secretary-General of the China Television Arts Com

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1905 Movie News On December 28, a seminar on the TV series "He Came from the Fire" co-sponsored by the China Television Arts Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Radio and Television Bureau was held in Beijing. The meeting was chaired by the Secretary-General of the China Television Arts Committee Hosted by Yi Kai. Wu Yiqiao, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial Radio and Television Bureau, delivered a speech at the meeting.

"He Came from the Fire", as a work focusing on firefighting, tells the daily life and growth of firefighters in emergency firefighting and rescue work in the new era, and shows the loyalty, perseverance, passion and responsibility of firefighting warriors. After the play was broadcast, it achieved good communication and social effects. The seminar aimed to deeply discuss the creation experience of the play and provide inspiration for the future creation of TV series with this theme.

Yin Jiapeng, the special duty squad leader of the Fudong Road Fire Rescue Station of the Changzhou City Fire Rescue Detachment in Jiangsu Province, shared his feelings about watching the drama. He believed that the drama was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It not only showed the professional style of firefighters, but also revealed the reality and greatness of human nature.

Zhou Xiang, chief of the News and Publicity Section of the Changzhou City Fire Rescue Detachment in Jiangsu Province, said that the plot of the play is reasonable, the plot is compact, the characters are realistic and distinct, and the levels are diverse, which has great educational significance.

Jiang Bo, senior professional and technical commander of the Jiangsu Provincial Fire and Rescue Corps, believes that the play has obvious characteristics of a professional drama. It restores fire-fighting and rescue scenes and creates realistic group portraits of fire and rescue personnel. It effectively popularizes fire protection knowledge and reflects a sense of social responsibility.

As a representative of the producer, Yang Bei, iQiyi's senior vice president and general manager of the Copyright Management Center, said that "He Came from the Fire" interprets the growth image of a firefighter by telling 23 fire cases, and reflects the hundreds of people in the world. The main reason why the show has achieved a double harvest of ratings and discussion is that it tells the stories of ordinary people.

Ji Daoqing, the chief producer of this drama, has rich experience in military drama production. He said that the drama also adheres to the standards and concepts of military dramas in creation, and shared the difficulties and challenges encountered during the creation.

Lu Siyu, who plays Yang Zhengang in this drama, said that the script of this work is solid and excellent, his character is written close to life, and he has become one with the character. Through this filming experience, he has a deep understanding of the occupational dangers of firefighters.

Zhang Jin, who plays Yu Qilei, said that he personally felt why firefighters laughed and why they were sad when they took off their heavy fire masks. The success of the show was due to the unobtrusive creation, the tacit understanding between the actors and the creative team. cohesion.

In the expert comment session, Liu Qiong, deputy director of the Literature and Art Department of "People's Daily", believed that "He Came from the Fire" captured the good theme of emergency rescue and was a major breakthrough in the creation of industry dramas and a leading theme in film and television creation. Artistic breakthrough.

1905 Movie Network Chairman Li Wei commented that the whole drama reflects respect and sincerity for life at all times. There are three points worth recommending: first, it is a benchmark for professional dramas with firefighting themes; second, the production and casting are highly restored; and third, it pays tribute to firefighters. The emotional expression of self-sacrifice is particularly vivid and moving, and it also brings a lot of fire science knowledge.

Li Lei, deputy editor-in-chief of film and television reviews of the Guangming Daily's Literature and Art Department, proposed that the play is not bound by the love narrative, but subtracts from the characters, establishing a real and credible industry space, in-depth study and investigation within the industry, and then thinking about society. problems and life issues, and has great highlights in character creation and emotional writing.

Yang Hongtao, professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Drama, Film and Television of Communication University of China, said that the play accurately restored the mental state of the fire rescue team in real life in terms of character creation and performance. In terms of theme expression, it has the affection of children and professional ethics. More feelings of family and country.

Lu Fan, director of the Audio and Video Office of Peking University Integrated Media Center and deputy director of Peking University Television Research Center, believes that the play successfully reflects the brotherhood of fire heroes, allows the audience to see many livelihood issues, and better connects the expression of love and career. .

Xu Hailong, a professor at the School of Liberal Arts of Capital Normal University, observed that there is a new trend in the creation of this drama, which is integrated into the real experience of today’s mass media life and has also entered into today’s digital youth group.

Well-known drama critic Li Xingwen believes that the drama has made a hard-core transformation of the original romance novel. In order to be true to the word, the creative team worked hard.

Zhong Chengxiang, a librarian at the Central Research Institute of Literature and History and a well-known literary critic, also believes that this drama has completely transformed the novel and cleverly transformed the heroine's love into ideals and beliefs. This industry drama has broken through the limitations of the industry and made People who are not in this industry will be inspired by their thoughts and spiritual beauty after watching it.