On the evening of December 27, the large-scale red Teochew opera "Mao Chi·Spark" made its wonderful debut at the Guangzhou Beilei Theater. The play mainly tells the story of the Mao Chi Conference in 1927 as the historical background. Jin Feng and Yu Yidao, revolutionary warriors

On the evening of December 27, the large-scale red Teochew opera "Mao Chi·Spark" made a wonderful debut at the Guangzhou Beilei Theater. The play mainly tells the historical background of the Mao Chi Conference in 1927. Jin Feng and Yu Yidao, revolutionary warriors and sons and daughters of Chaozhou, are determined to survive. Yu’s revolutionary story.

It is reported that this performance is directed by the Propaganda Department of the Guangdong Provincial Committee and the Southern Press and Media Group, and hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Propaganda Department of the Chaozhou Municipal Committee. "Maozhi·Spark" is a large-scale modern Teochew opera that Chaozhou fully explores the local red cultural resources and combines the artistic characteristics of Teochew opera to innovate. The play connects the revolutionary uprising, the unity of the military and the people, the awakening of the people, and the power of the people, and is reproduced in a new art form "Maozhi Conference".

The Teochew opera "Mao Chi·Sing Huo" incorporates more modern elements in the stage design, lighting and performance form. In July 2021, the play was included in the list of works of the Guangdong Province Grassroots Stage Art Support Plan. In 2023, "Maozhi·Spark", which has been polished and improved again, was selected into the final evaluation of the large-scale stage art works of the 15th Guangdong Art Festival , and stood out among more than 70 large-scale plays in prefectures and cities, and won the third prize for large-scale stage art works in the 15th Guangdong Art Festival.

This is the first time the play has been performed in Guangzhou. In order to present it perfectly to the Guangzhou audience, the crew repeatedly selected suitable performance venues and carefully fine-tuned the performance. According to reports, the latest version of the performance that night was also carefully polished again. As the deputy director, Ding Jiachun, who also plays the role of "Chief of Staff Lin" said: "Compared with the previous version, the latest version has some changes in the moves and the performance is smoother."

As one of the top ten dramas in China, Teochew opera is known as " Known as the "Fantastic Flower of the South", it is an important carrier of Chaoshan culture and was selected into the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists in 2006. In order to let more audiences enjoy the charm of Teochew opera, the crew made innovations in traditional Teochew opera. Huang Yikai said: "Our innovation is reflected in all aspects of stage beauty, lighting and performance forms." In the past, the scenery behind Teochew operas was fixed for each scene, but the background props of "Mao Zhi Spark" will be changed according to the needs of each scene. It is adjusted according to the changes and plot development. Huang Yikai believes that flexible and novel modern operas are closer to today's aesthetic concepts, so they are more attractive to the younger generation of Teochew opera audiences. Let more audiences appreciate the beauty of Teochew opera from multiple levels such as singing, performance, costume design, and stage presentation.

In recent years, Chaozhou City Teochew Opera Inheritance and Protection Center has used the provincial key drama creation platform to pay close attention to the creation and production of dramas, and launched excellent Teochew opera works such as "Maple Leaf Love", "Gift of Plum Blossoms", "Hanjiang Paper Shadow Man", "Maozhi Spark", etc. It has produced high-quality plays and participated in many cultural performances to benefit the people, enriching and activating the spiritual and cultural life of the masses.

In the future, Chaozhou will give full play to its advantages as a hometown of overseas Chinese, strengthen the dissemination and exchange of Chaozhou culture, tell the story of Chaozhou well to the outside world, spread the voice of Chaozhou well, show the unique charm of Chaozhou culture, create a display window for China's excellent traditional culture and a spiritual home for Chaozhou people around the world, and boost The Chaozhou cultural dissemination project was implemented.

Written and written by: Nandu, n video reporter Li Jiaying