Recently, a new episode of the variety show "Love's School Trip" was launched. From the first episode of this show, the focus has been on Jin Sha and her little boyfriend Sun Chengxiao. In the first episode, many viewers were dissuaded by Sun Chengxiao's "artificial" performance.

Recently, a new episode of the variety show "Love's School Trip" was launched. From the first episode of this show, the focus has been on Jin Sha and her little boyfriend Sun Chengxiao.

Many viewers in the first episode were put off by Sun Chengxiao's "artificial" performance. The little boy showed too much stage fright.

Therefore, Jinsha got the title of "Mom". Sun Chengxiao had to ask her mother before speaking and before doing things. She was very restrained and very unpleasant.

After several episodes, Shi Boxiong and Wu Qianyu arrived. The audience's attention shifted a little, and the program started to look good.

Although Jin Sha and Sun Chengxiao are still criticized for always sitting in the middle when eating, it is reasonable. After all, Jin Sha is actually older than Zhu Dan and is also the oldest among the guests. It is okay to sit in the middle, and there is a whole audience. The youngest boyfriend is also quite interesting.

As a result, in this latest episode of the program, Jinsha started to be on the hot search again. Jinsha said that Sun Chengxiao is her life gift.

hot search terms look quite romantic, but the process told in the program is still very thrilling.

Jinsha first said that since her grandmother passed away, she has not been able to cry very much, and then said that she has been crying recently because Sun Chengxiao is wearing the necklace of his first love.

After the guests on the show kept smoothing things over and interrupting, Sun Chengxiao still honestly gave several reasons: He no longer has feelings for his first love, because this necklace was completed under his own guidance, so it is more meaningful, plus this It was the first time someone gave him a gift. He rarely received gifts from others, so it had special meaning.

However, after knowing that Jinsha was unhappy, he threw away the necklace decisively.

If I had known this before, why would I still have the sadness of just adding to the current situation and impose so much meaning on it?

Some people say that even if you keep it, but you are still wearing it, it is boring but interesting. After

finished explaining, he couldn't think about it and ran outside to cry because he was afraid that Mango Channel would make "malicious edits" after the show was broadcast. It seemed that he was familiar with Mango Channel's routine.

Coupled with the two stages of Jin Sha crying, Sun Chengxiao was afraid of being scolded by the audience, and it seemed that she was scolded badly.

Jinsha also felt very sorry for her little boyfriend. She immediately ran out to comfort her and even cried together.

Later, Yiwei Yiwei came out as the big brother to solve their problems. The young man finally came to a conclusion: reduce distracting thoughts and focus on Aijinsha!

But after Zhou Yiwei walked away, when the two stood up from the ground, the detail that Sun Chengxiao did not pull Jin Sha up was not a detail, because he only focused on patting the dirt on his pants, but Jin Sha got up She didn't even bother to take pictures after that, because all she could think about was her boyfriend.

Although Sun Chengxiao’s narration in the car later also said that he only cared about his own discomfort and ignored Jinsha’s feelings, but every detail is his usual habit. The two have been dating for more than a year, and this little habit has There's none? I do not believe!

Later, the male guests and female guests chatted separately. Sun Chengxiao was asked if she had ever thought about the surprise of a proposal?

His answer was a short video: The whole day was filled with surprises. He picked up money when he went out, caught a doll in the claw machine and became a lucky guest, and even proposed by himself after meeting someone else's proposal.

This is Sun Chengxiao's romantic proposal plan. Later Jin Sha mentioned that she saw records of Sun Chengxiao searching for proposal plans. She felt that Sun Chengxiao would add some other ideas before proposing to her.

But looking at Sun Chengxiao’s lucky day plan, it’s obvious that he just copied someone else’s whole thing without adding any innovation.

is prepared, but his intention is still a little bit worse. Compared with He Youjun's proposal to Xi Mengyao, it should not be on the same level. Although He Youjun's proposal plan was criticized, the entire proposal scene was designed by him, including the details. The pink skirts worn by Xi Mengyao all have meanings.

Jinsha has always emphasized the importance of her boyfriend to her. Even if they look at the two people who are really at odds with each other, they say that love is like a magic mirror, and some people say that it will consume the relationship between the two.

What the audience sees now are all edited and presented in the show. What it actually looks like can only be known after the parties get along with each other, so let’s take a look and see if Sun Chengxiao and Jin Sha will really propose to each other one day ~