The 27th theatrical version of "Detective Conan" "Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram" has released a new trailer and a new visual poster, which will be released in Japan on April 12, 2024. The treasure that Kaitou Kidd is targeting this time is the "Japanese sword",

"Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Star" has released a new trailer Duration: 01:00 Source: Movie Network

"Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Star" has released a new trailer Close Starting

Duration: 01:00 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News "Detective Conan" the 27th theatrical version "Detective Conan: The One Million Dollar Pentagram" has released a new trailer and a new visual poster, which will be released in 2024 It will be released in Japan on April 12, 2018. The treasure that Kaitou Kidd is targeting this time is a Japanese sword, and Conan and Hattori Heiji will have a fierce duel with Kaitou Kidd.

Judging from the latest trailer for this lifting of the ban, the story involves two eras. During the end of the Tokugawa period, Hijikata Toshizo (CV: Tsuda Kenjiro), the deputy commander of the Shinsengumi, who was holding a Seisengumi sword, was suddenly attacked. Hijikata resolutely faced the enemy. After a close-up of the blood-soaked Seishori sword, the scene turned to modern times. In Hakodate, Hokkaido, Kaitou Kidd, who was supposed to only target gems, this time targets a Japanese sword. Conan, who wants to find out Kidd's true intentions, will join forces with Hattori Heiji to stop Kidd's actions.

Kidd, who was staring at the knife and muttering to himself in the rain, seemed to still not understand the value of the knife. Heiji, who chased out, had a fierce duel with Kidd, and cut off Kidd's glasses to see his true appearance. Heiji seemed shocked.

In addition, Ooka Momiji, who claims to be Heiji's fiancée and Kazuha's love rival, Okita Souji, who is a kendo rival with Heiji, and a mysterious figure wearing a fox mask also appear. It can be predicted that in the new theatrical version, love and the entire incident will be full of ups and downs.