I believe that many of my friends have heard "if you have trouble, call the police" since they were children, so perhaps in many people's minds, we police comrades are omnipotent. No matter what the difficulty is, you can go to the police for help. It ranges from murder and arson

I believe that many of my friends have heard "if you have trouble, call the police" since they were children, so perhaps in many people's minds, we police comrades are omnipotent. No matter what the difficulty is, you can go to the police for help. It ranges from murder and arson to picking up a penny...Imagine the daily life of police comrades.

According to statistics, Renshou Public Security Bureau received 112,915 calls this year, of which 82,213 were invalid or harassing calls, more than half of which were invalid or harassing calls. Many of them were weird and funny calls that made the comrades who responded to the police dumbfounded. Please enjoy the recent weird calls.

\ Aliens invade the brain /

Caller: Hello, call 110?

answered the police officer: Well, yes.

Alarm person: My brain is buzzing every day, and there are aliens controlling my brain.

Answered the police officer: ...

\ Cow escaped /

Caller: Hello, call 110?

answered the police officer: Well, yes.

called the police: I fed cows at home, and the cows ran away on their own!

Answer the police: ...

\ I am a good person /

Call the police: 110?

answered the police officer: Well, yes.

Caller: I took a taxi, but the taxi driver didn't want to take me away. Please give me a certificate to prove that I'm not a bad person.

Pick up the police officer: ...

\ Deliver oil /

Call the police: Hello, call 110?

answered the police officer: Well, yes.

Caller to the police: My car is out of gas. Send me some gas.

Pick up the police: ...

\ There are snowflakes on the TV /

Caller to the police: Hello, are you calling 110?

answered the police officer: Well, yes.

called the police: There are snowflakes on the TV and I can’t stand it. Come and watch it for me.

Answer the police:...

\ The child is disobedient, arrest him /

Call the police: 110?

answered the police officer: Well, yes.

Caller: My baby is so disobedient! You can arrest him and lock him up for a few days, and help me discipline him.

Answer the police: ...

\ Check phone bill /

Call the police: Hello, call 110?

answered the police officer: Well, yes.

Caller: Check for me. I still have a lot of phone bills.

Answer the police:...

\ Want to break up /

Call the police: Hello, call 110?

answered the police officer: Well, yes.

Caller: I want to break up with my boyfriend because he has viruses all over his body and on his mouth. I want him to pay me the breakup fee.

Answer the police:...

\ There is a problem with the lightning protection wire /

Call the police: 110?

answered the police officer: Well, yes.

called the police: There is something wrong with the lightning conductor. Come and help me. My mother can’t get through to my phone.

Answer the police:...

\ Good morning, I don’t call the police /

Call the police: 110?

answered the police officer: Well, yes.

Caller: Good morning. I am not calling the police. I want to ask if the heroic athletes have returned.

Answered the police officer:...

Such strange police information also includes:

Found a lost chicken...

Suspected that the parents are fake...

Suspected that the wife is a clone...

I am lonely and want to find a police girl. Let’s chat...

Someone is frying chestnuts downstairs, afraid of blowing himself up...

His hand was bitten by a fish...

At the door of his father-in-law’s house, he didn’t open the door...

There was no paper in the toilet...

If you have any questions, please contact these departments. The solution is more effective and professional than 110.

12345 Local government complaints, commonly known as the mayor’s hotline

12320 Health Bureau medical institution complaints, doctor-patient disputes, counterfeit drug complaints

12358 National Development and Reform Commission price complaints

12369 Environmental Protection Bureau pollution complaints, noise pollution, light pollution, environmental pollution, etc.

12377 Internet illegal reporting

In daily life , only these 7 matters can call 110, and other matters are not handled and governed by 110.

Criminal cases;

Public security cases (incidents);

Group incidents that endanger personal and property safety or social order;

Natural disasters, public security disasters, fires, traffic accidents;

Other violations that require emergency handling by the public security organs Crime-related alarms;

emergency requests that endanger public or mass safety and urgently need to be dealt with;

ongoing violations of laws and regulations by public security organs and people's police.

[Source: Renshou County Public Security Bureau]

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