The Douyin store has launched the function of "dynamic automatic production of Douyin short videos", that is, the platform will screen high-quality products based on the latest updates released by the store, pull the main image of the product, and high-quality images in the mater

Webmaster’s Home ( December 19 news: Recently, the Douyin store has launched the function of “dynamic automatic production of Douyin short videos”, that is, the platform will screen high-quality videos based on the latest updates released by the store. For products, pull high-quality images from the main image and material images of the product, automatically produce short video works with text and graphics on Douyin, and publish them on the homepage of the store’s official Douyin account.

It is understood that a store can produce up to 10 works per day. This function is currently open in grayscale, and is currently only supported when multiple products are launched. Single product launches, matching templates, etc. will be developed in the future.

According to the official introduction, turning on this function in is beneficial to traffic expansion and conversion improvement.

Among them, traffic expansion: brings more traffic to the store by converting store dynamics into Douyin short videos with graphics and text, allowing the store's products, rights, content, etc. to reach the private domain of the store through richer and more diverse forms crowd.

automatically generates short videos with graphics and text, which will be distributed in the public scene of Douyin, gaining more content/product traffic exposure and bringing about new transaction volume growth.

conversion improvement: diverse content guides users to make faster decisions , and improves store product conversion rate and repurchase rate. The graphic and text short video works generated by

can be directly linked to products/stores. After exposure to the public domain, users can directly click to enter the product details page/store page to browse and place orders. shortens the purchase path and improves user conversion.

How to enable this function

1. Enter: [Doudian] - [Store] - [Store News] - [Automatic Release Settings].

2.Select [Douyin Short Video with Graphics and Text] and click to turn on automatic push.