The youth-hardened counterattack drama "The Boy Who Calls the Dragon" directed by the well-known director Ding Hei received an enthusiastic response in the first week of its broadcast, with ratings rising step by step, and igniting social public opinion upon its launch. As a real

The youthful and hard-working counterattack drama "The Boy Who Calls the Dragon" directed by the well-known director Ding Hei received an enthusiastic response in the first week of its broadcast, with ratings rising step by step, and igniting social public opinion upon its launch. As a realistic-themed work focusing on the "counterattack" of the college entrance examination, the play tells the story of two teachers, played by Zhang Ruoyun and Huang Yao, who teach students in accordance with their aptitude from the perspectives of education and psychological counseling to help five adolescent children with different personalities and facing different difficulties. The story of the college entrance examination attack.

In the play, Xu Qijie, a new generation actor who has attracted much attention recently, plays Jiang Qinglang, a "dream boy" who dreams of becoming a rapper. As one of the students in Class 11 of Minglong High School, he participates in this counterattack journey against himself. medium and very bright. Jiang Qinglang was born in a well-off family. Her parents are both top students in prestigious schools. The difference is that her mother has a strong desire for control and believes that life should be strictly planned and no mistakes should be made; her father advocates the combination of work and rest and "happy growth". "The completely different educational concepts of "Tiger Mom and Bear Dad" caused Jiang Qinglang's parents to quarrel endlessly. However, Jiang Qinglang, who had been in such a repressive environment for a long time, still maintained his independent thinking ability and became a cheerful and determined girl. , a sunny boy who dares to express himself.

In the recently aired episode, Jiang Qinglang, who is lively and cheerful and dares to lift the wheat, is appointed as the English class representative of Class 11 by his class teacher Lei Ming (played by Zhang Ruoyun). When he is immersed in the creative English class, his mother breaks into the classroom and discovers that Jiang Qinglang Qinglang did not go to the Mathematical Olympiad class, and the conflict broke out. Faced with her mother who insisted on elite education and Class 11 who "integrated education with pleasure", Jiang Qinglang was caught in a dilemma. In the end, in order to stick to his dream, Jiang Qinglang fought side by side with his classmates in Class 11 and studied hard. Although he failed to achieve the goal of 90 points set by his mother by one point, his determination and renewed enthusiasm for learning , finally moved my mother and allowed me to continue to stay in Class 11.

The reason why Jiang Qinglang's character played by Xu Qijie is easy to resonate with is because he vividly displays the two most common conflicts in Chinese families - one is the "bear-tiger" dispute between parents or elders about family education concepts; The "generation gap" between parents and children regarding study and life. Whether it is controlling sweets or strengthening cram school education, these are the most common family and learning problems faced by young people of the Millennial generation. Jiang Qinglang in the play has both the innocence and rebelliousness of a child when facing the problems. He is as mature and steady as a "little adult". He would drink three cups of double-sugar milk tea to express his dissatisfaction with his mother, and would act as a mediator between his parents when they quarreled; he would bravely refute rumors about himself in front of his classmates, and would also actively fight against injustices for the classmates around him, and so on. The natural and real details make Jiang Qinglang's character vivid and vivid, and also make Xu Qijie's image of the brother next door deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Xu Qijie, who looks warm, sunny and handsome, is undoubtedly the best choice for the role of Jiang Qinglang. When Xu Qijie was a student at Beijing Film Academy, he not only had good popularity and got along well with his classmates, but he was also unambiguous in his performances and was highly praised by his teachers. He has been studying basic skills seriously and is very versatile. In addition to coinciding with Jiang Qinglang's enthusiasm and brightness, his natural acting skills also make the audience more sympathetic. The addition of Xu Qijie adds a touch of youthful beauty to "The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon". Can Jiang Qinglang reconcile the tense relationship between his parents, and can he continue to pursue his rap dream? What kind of wonderful performance will Xu Qijie bring us? Looking forward to the follow-up plot development of "The Boy Who Calls the Dragon".