Love blooms naturally for me whether I have it or not, and I hope all my sisters will do the same. This was Tian Ge's reply many years after her divorce from You Xiaogang. When netizens saw that she was in high spirits, they speculated that she must be bathing in the sunshine of

Love blooms naturally whether I have it or not. I hope all my sisters will be like this.

This was Tian Ge’s reply many years after her divorce from You Xiaogang. When netizens saw that she was in high spirits, they guessed that she must be bathing in the sunshine of love.

The public may be familiar with You Xiaogang. As a famous director, his series such as "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang", "The Secret History of Concubine Yang" and "Anti-Terrorist Special Forces" have made many actresses famous, and he has become famous for this. .

As his first wife, Tian Ge has always been the focus of attention. The two met in Wei, and they were supposed to have a happy ending.

Of course, they did have a sweet time, but with the development of each other's careers, they got together less and separated more, and eventually the marriage was disintegrated because of the appearance of a woman.

Some people say that they admire Tian Ge's decisiveness and decisiveness back then. If it were someone else, they would be in a state of uproar if they heard about their husband's affair with a woman.

But Tian Ge didn't. She always maintained her dignity. She didn't listen to the rumors, but went to verify it herself. She heard from You Xiaogang himself that she announced her divorce not long after.

Not long after the divorce, You Xiaogang married that woman, while Tian Ge focused on his career and climbed to one peak after another.

Actually speaking, the label "You Xiaogang's ex-wife" should not be attached to Tian Ge. As a media person, her career achievements are no worse than You Xiaogang's.

She is the first Chinese TV host invited to visit the United States by the United States Information Agency. She founded China's first TV talk show. The tourism promotional video she directed and produced won the International Film and Television Chairman's Award...

She is one of the country's first A level director, he is one of the top ten producers and hosts in the country, and has twice won the title of "National TV Artist with Virtue and Art".

Her life is just like her name, always blooming!

People who are familiar with Tian Ge most comment on her as hearty and direct, and her smile is beautiful and charming. Her laughter seems to have the power to penetrate time and space, making people unconsciously fascinated by it.

In the inherent impression of many people, if a woman can achieve high achievements, she must have a backer behind her.

When you are single, you rely on your beauty. After you get married, of course, you rely on your man.

But Tian Ge really doesn’t have it. She has reached this point all by her own ability.

If there is such a man, it would be her father.

A man who died of illness before she was 10 years old taught her the ability to love herself and the world.

Tian Ge is the eldest daughter of the family. She was born in Hefei, Anhui Province in 1962. Her father is the director of the Anhui Provincial Museum and her mother is a singer.

Tian Ge is the first child of her parents' love. She also has two younger sisters and a younger brother. Her younger sister Tian Min is also a famous actress and is deeply loved by the audience.

In the opinion of many people, Tian's father must have favored sons over daughters if he wanted to have so many children. To be honest, in that era, no family had more than four or five children.

Of course, Tian's father has never hidden his true feelings. He really really wants a son.

But this does not prevent him from loving his daughters, especially the eldest daughter Tian Ge. He always has a preference.

Tian Ge himself has clearly felt this since he was a child.

When Tian Ge was almost ten years old, her father passed away. It has been more than fifty years now, but the happy days she spent with her father during her childhood have become increasingly clear, and she has never forgotten them.

When I was a child, my father traveled all year round for work, but every time he came back, he would bring them various gifts.

Every time she knew her father was coming back soon, she would sit at the door of the Anhui Museum and wait for him until he came.

Every time her father saw her, he picked her up and took out all kinds of delicious food he brought them from the bag. Sometimes it was oranges, sometimes bananas, and sometimes bayberries.

In that era of material scarcity, these were rare items, but her father never let her down.

Tian Ge grew up being pampered by her father. He was her source of confidence, and his preference for her made her confident since she was a child.

When she was a child, Tian Ge didn’t dare to ask for toys because her family was poor. However, there were two little things at home that became her best friends. One was a violin hanging high, which was used by her father; When her parents were not at home, she took out the inkstone and Hui ink in the drawer to look at and observe them countless times.

Later I thought about how she had been immersed in music and ink painting as early as childhood.

Perhaps Tian Ge was destined to become an excellent media person later. What she liked most at that time was being in a small room with her father and him showing her slides.

The little Tian Ge looked at the people on the slide with great envy and yearning. She also wanted to be the person on the slide, and later she really became it. It was a pity that her father could not see it, but she believed that he would be able to see it in heaven. arrive.

Tian Ge remembers that when she was a child, her father would always let her choose first when he bought new clothes and tell her which one suited her best.

I think Tian Ge’s sensitivity and bold use of colors are all influenced by his father, including flower gardening, which is also influenced by his father.

Father also promised Tian Ge that he would give her a bicycle as a birthday gift when she turns ten.

Unfortunately, he died of illness before she turned ten.

Tian Ge grew up early because of her father's death. She saw that it was not easy for her mother to raise several children by herself. She always thought about how to help her mother reduce the burden.

When my father was still alive, what he cared about most was his mother and their siblings. As the eldest of the family, she had to shoulder the responsibility of the eldest sister to help her mother support the family.

She has this confidence, and she also believes that she has this ability.

Tian Ge and sister Tian Min

Father's love fills Tian Ge with courage.

still remembers that when she was nine years old, Tian Ge was shopping for vegetables at the vegetable market on Huancheng South Road in Hefei, and she was attracted by two young cadres recruited from the army's art troupe, and they took her back to the army.

looked at her appearance, listened to her voice, estimated her figure, and finally patted her little face and said, ‘Awesome! Go for it! ’

Although this experience did not allow her to put on the military uniform, her inner self-confidence was shaken out and she gained more courage.

At the age of 15, Tian Ge was admitted to the art troupe and was "electrically shocked" for the first time and played one of the leading roles in the movie "Rufeiyan".

This movie shows the life of young gymnasts. At that time, the crew went to the Guangxi Gymnastics Team to practice with the future "Prince of Gymnastics" Li Ning.

At that time, all the young actors were very obedient, except Tian Ge. She didn't really listen to discipline and liked to make conditions.

For example, if you give a simple handstand command, everyone else will do it, but she will not do it unless she has chocolate to eat.

In other words, from this period onwards, the rebellion or independent spirit in her bones has been revealed, and this spirit has continued to this day.

At the age of 17, Tian Ge entered the Engineer Corps Repertory Troupe. She finally put on the military uniform and began her real military career.

During the recruit performance, they danced "Red Detachment of Women". The leader stood in the front row. She waved her hand:

Please stand back, I can't jump away.

is still so individual. Who else has the courage to talk to the leader like this? Tian Ge can. Her wave and shout made her famous.

Sometimes when she had a cold and went to the infirmary to get medicine, she would perform a "Red Detachment of Women" for each of the little soldiers at the registration office, the doctor, the toll office, and the little nurse at the pharmacy. At this time, they would take the initiative to stand in the corner of the room to let her go. She danced wider.

Tian Ge is not an opportunistic person. She likes to speak with her strength. Every morning before the bugle sounds, her comrades are very active in grabbing brooms to clean the barracks in order to improve their performance.

Tian Ge didn't do anything. She didn't even wash her own clothes, but took them to the laundry and dyeing shop outside the barracks.

Do you think Tian Ge has no ambition? Others are working hard to get promoted, but she is carefree.

This is not the case. She is just focusing on her professional abilities, so she will actively fight for it when it is time to be promoted. The reason why she fights for it is also very simple:

Because cadres can wear lightweight, polyester fabric military uniforms, It won't hurt your hands to wash.

Of course, Tian Ge, who has excellent professional skills, can still do it smoothly even if he doesn't grab the broom or do the laundry.

In 1982, Tian Ge and her then husband You Xiaogang were faced with the problem of work arrangements after changing careers.

Yes, Tian Ge and You Xiaogang were married at this time. They met in the art troupe and fell in love for a long time. At the age of 20, she married You Xiaogang, who was 10 years older than her.

Tian Ge is a person who likes to ask questions. She clearly knows that she is not suitable to be an actor controlled by others, so after retiring from the army, she plans to become a director on a television station.

At that time, she and You Xiaogang saw a recruitment advertisement for the Beijing Television Arts Center in Popular Magazine and agreed to go together.

was very lucky. Without any relationship, one of them was assigned to be a director at the Television Art Center, and Tian Ge was assigned to be a director in the film and television section of the Beijing Television Station's Literature and Art Department.

There is a popular legend in that era: "Can you take pictures? Can you light? Can you put on makeup?

You can't do it, so you can become a director.

It was under this opportunity that both of them became Director, after that the couple moved forward on their own paths.

Tian Ge's first TV work was "The Origin of the Academy Award", and he won the award that year, which gave Tian Ge great encouragement, and then She also found Hu Weili, the composer who scored the film directed by Tsui Hark, and co-produced a special interview "An Unforgettable Song".

In this process, Tian Ge, who can't light up or take pictures, understood the flesh-and-blood relationship between music and pictures, and no matter how In a few years, she became a professional in this field.

In 1990, Tian Ge created the first domestic TV talk show "Screen Connects Me and You" and became the founder of Chinese talk shows.

Tian Ge's career is developing more and more. The better, and various honorary awards came one after another.

However, there was a problem with her relationship with You Xiaogang. Because they were busy with work for a long time, the couple neglected to communicate with each other about their feelings, and they drifted further and further away. After that, You Xiaogang was on the set There were rumors of an affair with an actress.

After Tian Ge learned about it, he asked You Xiaogang for confirmation, and You Xiaogang was frank and confessed honestly.

If marriage makes you stronger, calmer, and better at After thinking about it, I can only tell you ruthlessly that your marriage is unfortunate.

If this is the case, you should find a tolerant world, because in Tian Ge's view, home should be a harbor where the false remains true.

Life is short, don't feel wronged. For yourself, find a world that may not understand you, but will definitely love you, and let your heart have fun.

Tian Ge and You Xiaogang divorced, and their marriage of more than ten years came to an end.

After the divorce, she devoted herself wholeheartedly work, and has been invited to Japan, Norway, Italy, the United States, South Africa and other countries for academic visits, artistic exchanges, and interviews. The program has become better and better, winning various awards.

Tian Ge was still very young when he divorced You Xiaogang. Family and friends all hope that she can find another man and have someone to rely on.

Tian Ge doesn’t think so. In her opinion, “Happiness comes in many forms. "

There is a kind of happiness when others trust you with their work. This kind of happiness cannot be measured by money.

It cannot be felt by a man. For her, if she is not the one she loves, she would rather stay single. She doesn’t need others to be her backers.

I will pursue her career closely and insist on what I want. I am my own backer.

Tian Ge’s sister Tian Min also had an unforgettable love , the two have lived together for ten years. She is so eager to have a family, but he is not a bad man. After breaking up with him, Tian Min has been single.

As a mother, Tian's mother has always been worried about her two daughters, fearing that they would be childless and have no one to rely on when they grow old. Tian Ge and Tian Min do not reject love. They are all waiting for that soul mate.

As time went by, the mother realized that both daughters were capable of taking good care of themselves and had a deep love for each other as sisters, so she figured it out.

As long as the daughters are happy.

For Tian Ge, her mother’s presence is happiness. Now, at the age of 61, she is still shining in the TV field she loves. After work, she spends more time with her mother, traveling, hiking...happy and comfortable.

Looking back on the years along the way, Tian Ge has never regretted it. Whether it was the short marriage or the choices he made at every critical node, he always followed his own heart.

If she had to do it all over again, she would still choose this way. Those setbacks would not defeat her, but would only make her braver. In her own words:

I was not defeated by setbacks, the rest is all confidence and courage.

I hope you will have the confidence and courage to fight and bloom no matter what you face.

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