Have you heard of the trilogy of liver cancer: The reason why cirrhosis is not classified as a chronic liver disease is because cirrhosis is not a disease that appears alone on the liver! As the name suggests, cirrhosis is a disease of the liver. In most cases, ordinary chronic l

Have you heard of the trilogy of liver cancer:

The reason why cirrhosis is not classified as a chronic liver disease is because cirrhosis is not a disease that appears alone on the liver!

Liver cirrhosis, as the name suggests, is a disease of the liver.

In most cases, ordinary chronic liver disease will not affect the complexion, but liver cirrhosis is different! In the development stage of liver cirrhosis, patients will have typical faces with liver disease, such as facial

. The reason why there are similar symptoms is, in layman's terms, that the liver function is rapidly declining, resulting in excessive melanin production. Here we need to mention a substance called estrogen. The liver is the organ responsible for inactivating estrogen. When

continues to develop as liver cirrhosis progresses, it will also affect the patient's adrenal gland function, causing

to suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. , patients will have obvious

The main reason is that the liver function declines, which affects the normal production and excretion of bile,

And when food nutrients cannot be fully absorbed and utilized, the body will also experience a series of malnutrition symptoms, such as

There are complete systems in the human body, and these systems are in a state of dynamic balance, such as

. Moreover, liver cirrhosis will also merge with

. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, cirrhosis is the end-stage manifestation of chronic liver disease. Therefore, for patients with chronic liver disease, once diagnosed, they need to cooperate with a doctor for treatment, and undergo regular physical examinations to observe the recovery of the disease. Once you have the above symptoms, you should seek medical examination as soon as possible.