Douban 9.4! Domestic variety shows are getting serious, it's nothing Korean

How long have you not read a book completely?

Do you have a feeling that the rapidly developing online world has facilitated our communication, and electronic products have facilitated our lives, but have turned our reading habits into fragments.

has an impetuous heart and is busy every day. We are getting farther and farther from the life of making a pot of tea and reading a good book.

is a vast sea of ​​books. If you don’t know what to watch, you might as well take a look at this show-

The second season of "A Good Book"

aired the first season last year, Douban scored 9.2, and netizens rated it from acting to stage beauty From conception to quality, this show embodies a rare sincerity and attitude of current domestic variety shows. Director Guan Zheng,

, once produced the same type of program "Seeing Words Like Faces", a program that focuses on words, texts, and literature, which is really rare.

When everyone is reading, they will transform words into pictures in their minds. The show is to extract the essence of the whole book through stage play and present it to the audience.

If the content of the stage play can attract you, it will naturally drive you to read the entire book. It is like a "fitting room", allowing everyone to find a book suitable for them to read. But it is not easy to make such a program! How

extracts the essence of a book is a test of the screenwriter’s ability to adapt. Too much talk is not enough time, and too little talk is not understood by the audience.

For actors, the interpretation of stage plays is even more difficult. This is different from ordinary TV movies. If you can't hold it, the audience will feel it is very exaggerated. Due to time constraints, each issue can only be filmed for two days, until 4 o'clock the next morning, and then 6 o'clock in the morning, many staff members fell asleep directly on the stage between shooting. Everyone at

is doing this, the purpose is to bring a good book to the audience. In the second season of

, the program has been broadcast more than half of the time, but the Douban score has surpassed the previous season. In the fifth episode,

selected for the first time the representative work "Book Fan Number One" by Stephen King, a world-renowned thriller novelist, and starred Xuan Ye and Yalin Gao.

The book was adapted into the movie "Ten Days in Crisis" , and the heroine Cathy Bates won the best actress Oscar for this film.

has always advertised that it will not use the director Guan's text that has been adapted from classic film and television works, but this time he had to "bow his head" to this book, because this book completely captures the delicate relationship between people nowadays. The main content of the

novel tells the story of best-selling author Paul Sheldon in a car accident and was rescued by his number one book fan, retired nurse Anne.

However, when Annie learned that he had written his favorite character in the novel "Kuer" to death, she tortured him in every possible way and let him continue his life as "Kuer".

At the beginning of the story, we saw Anne, a retired nurse, awaken the writer Paul. Paul recognized Anne as his number one book fan.

Annie was ecstatic, almost forgetting that Paul, who was in the hospital bed, was being tortured with pain, and couldn't wait to tell her idol how much she liked his work.

Anne's tenderness made Paul think that he had met an angel, but this "angel" had different desires.

As a top book fan, Annie eagerly wanted to read the manuscript of Paul's new book. She madly expressed her love to Paul, so she started to control Paul with drugs.

In order to get painkillers, Paul had to obey Annie.

Unfortunately, Annie learned in the book that her favorite character "Kuer" had passed away in childbirth. She went crazy and jumped up and asked why Paul wrote her beloved character to death.

was extremely angry, and even shook Paul's gauze-covered body vigorously. In her world, it was like her beloved betrayed herself. This is absolutely not allowed!

This is the difference between a book and a movie. The film version is limited to the relationship between a single fan and idol. The essence of the book is that it reveals the essence of the intimate relationship in ordinary people's daily life-

control and anti-control. Dependence and punishment. This doesn’t just happen between couples, couples,It also happens between friends and parents. In the original

, Annie is a middle-aged woman who is as strong as a cow and has a perverted personality. She lives in the mountains for many years without contact with the outside world.

And the image of Annie in the stage play is so beautiful. At first, the audience was completely blinded by her appearance. When Paul shouted angrily, "I am not your prisoner", Annie turned to look at Paul's expression, horrible and true. It makes people gasp.

​​After forcing Paul to drink the dirty water, Anne kissed Paul and threw herself into the arms of the idol very "self-blaming", begging for his forgiveness, because everything she did was for Paul's good.

As commented guest Xu Zidong said, if the background restrictions of writers and book fans are removed, the story is actually like “a man doesn’t want to do something, but a woman is watching him.

’s gentle wife may ask you to make more money, maybe Asking you to be an official may ask you to do a role that you didn't want to play. When a man is unwilling to do it, a woman will do both."

Under the threat of Annie, Paul burned his manuscript of his new book. , He knew he was caught in a huge whirlpool.

In order to survive, he had to write "Bitter Children" alive according to Annie's wishes, but Annie's control over Paul did not cease, but gradually increased.

In order to purify the characters and emotions in Paul's writing, Annie asked Paul to write the plot she liked, otherwise she would not be fed, and if she didn't obey, Annie would abuse Paul in a different way.

The control relationship between people is fully demonstrated here, just as parents will require their children to be obedient and have good grades; the current girlfriend will ask her boyfriend to sever all relations with her ex; the boss, regardless of right or wrong, only hopes that the employees obey Commands and so on. In the final analysis, no one wants to be the controlled party.

​​Xuan Ye controlled the emotional transformation of a crazy fan just right, especially in the last clip, when Annie frantically chopped off Paul's leg with an axe, she felt a sense of fear.

control each other, want to be each other, and worship each other's madness, joy and other emotions will pull the whole drama to a climax.

As a writer under house arrest, Gao Yalin also showed the helplessness and despair in the scene. The story of

​​also lets the audience understand that some controlling and extremely crazy fans need to be rational to face their idols. Lu Yu interviewed 42-year-old Yang Lijuan in the talk show "Afterwards" not long ago. In order to chase the star Andy Lau, his father jumped into the sea to help her realize her dream and died.

Yang Lijuan said frankly: I still want to see Andy Lau once in my life, but now I have completely put down the obsession of the past and want to treat it with a normal heart.

But if life can be repeated again, I will definitely not choose that again.

There is an old Chinese saying that "do not do to others what you do not want to do". The relationship between people is inherently delicate.

Good books, like movies, can eliminate impetuosity and allow you to see yourself in them.