Hupu reported on November 30 that the Korean media Kookmin Daily published an article on an interview with a Ruler player. Part of the original text was translated as follows: (Reprinting without permission is prohibited, and screenshots are moved) Q: In other interviews before,

Hupu News on November 30th, the Korean media Kookmin Daily published an interview with Ruler players. Part of the original text was translated as follows: (Reprinting without permission is prohibited, and screenshots are moved)

Q: In other interviews before, you thought that the strongest enemy was Bang. Bae Junzhi, does this idea still exist?

Ruler: Looking back now, there was a time when Bang was the strongest player and I didn’t know how to beat SKT. At the center of these troubles, there were always players Faker and Bang. Bang was the strongest player at the time.

Q: Who is the most difficult opponent to beat next?

Ruler: Then there is the player Uzi.

Q: Although there may be different opinions, in fact I don’t think Park is as weak as I think when facing Uzi.

Ruler: I agree to a certain extent, but Uzi is actually playing really well. I still think this way now. Even if Uzi from 2017 to 2018 faced other players instead of me, he would still be beaten. At that time, Uzi was truly an unstoppable player.

source: kmib