Zhu Dan recently appeared on a variety show and broke down and cried many times because of a slip of the tongue when the host called her by the wrong name five years ago. She said that this incident is still a demon in her heart, and she never thought that her career would one da

Zhu Dan recently appeared on a variety show and broke down and cried many times because of a slip of the tongue incident in which the host called her by the wrong name five years ago.

She said that this matter is still a demon in her heart, and she never thought that her career would one day end because of being called by the wrong name.

In the show, she hosted a local small party. The always aloof Zhou Yiwei praised her for the first time in terms of hosting status, rhythm and other aspects, just to "whitewash" her hosting ability.

It’s a pity that the public doesn’t buy it.

In fact, it’s not just Zhu Dan. Hosts from Zhejiang and Jiangsu who were once popular, such as Hua Shao, Meng Fei, Le Jia, etc., have been “unsafe” in recent years. Zuo Yan, Li Hao, Li Xiang, and Peng Yu, who are less famous, have not even found this person.

Zhejiang and Jiangsu presided over an overall overturn. Is it just a coincidence? From Piao's point of view, this is completely a collective closing ceremony that will eventually come.

Except for Hunan TV, the other three TV stations in China are rounded up by Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, and each of the latter regards the former as their only rival.

"Happy Camp" was launched in 1997 and became Hunan TV's unique and iconic entertainment program.

After 2000, local stations entered a brutal growth period competing for ratings. Other satellite TV stations are aiming at Hunan TV and aiming at "entertainment", and they are also sharpening their heads to develop hit programs.

Zhejiang Satellite TV focuses on games and launches programs such as "Sweet Food Travels the World", "I'm the Best", "The More You Dance" and "I am the Grand Judge" from different dimensions of food, dance and competition. Food, drink, and entertainment surround the audience's attention. Hosted by

, good talents from Hunan TV were also introduced one after another. Li Hao, Li Xiang, and Peng Yu were all new generation hosts at Hunan Satellite TV, but were later poached to Zhejiang and Jiangsu Satellite TV. In addition to professional hosts,

also recruited some highly entertaining people to join the show, such as Yang Di, who had just debuted at the time.

Yang Di hosted "Sweet Food Traveling the World" in his early years. He is now the first brother in Zhejiang, Hua Shao, who often takes him with him, and can be regarded as his first teacher in hosting.

"Sweet Food Travels the World" Second from left: Hua Shao; First from right: Yang Di

Yang Di's first Weibo-certified masterpiece is still "Sweet Food Travels the World"

In addition to poaching people and foreign aid, training of own hosts is also a channel one.

Shen Tao, who has become familiar to everyone through "Ace vs. Ace" in recent years, was the fat boy who hosted "I'm the Best" back then.

Among them, Taiwan is most optimistic about the game variety show based on guessing songs.

arranges two music variety shows each week during the golden period on Fridays and Sundays, "I Love Memorizing Lyrics" and "Love to Sing to Win."

At that time, it was already common to clone popular foreign programs, but there was no localized version of super-hit programs.

On September 30, 2007, "I Love to Remember Lyrics" was officially launched.

It has been 11 years since the first national variety show "Kuaiben" was launched. No one thought that "I Love to Remember Lyrics", a song guessing variety show cloned from the American FOX program "Singing Bee", would become a hit for the new generation. Comprehensive, and praise Zhu Dan and Hua Shao.

The variety show atmosphere at that time emphasized "universal participation", and "I Love to Remember Lyrics", as the music competition with the lowest threshold in the country, just hit the pain point of the audience. How popular is


created a record of average ratings of 1.103%, which is equivalent to an average of one in 100 viewers nationwide watching this program.

In addition to watching in front of the TV, people are also attracted by the program and go to offline singing karaoke. It is similar to the trend of "Celebrity Detective" in previous years that led to nationwide secret rooms and script-killing offline.

Just like later, various stations also competed to produce many puzzle variety shows. At that time, other TV stations also competed to produce many music variety shows.

For example, Hunan TV's "Challenge the Microphone", Jiangsu TV's "King of Karaoke", Shandong TV's "First Voice", etc.

But none of them can catch up with the originator "I Love to Remember Lyrics". It was also commended by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and was named the 2008 National Model Program for Innovation and Excellence.

In September 2009, "I Love to Remember Lyrics" struck while the iron was hot and launched the "National Lead Singer Super Competition", using live broadcast to enhance the sense of interaction. There are often singing and laughing in the studio early in the morning.

The amateur singers have even become fans, and the station has even held concerts for them.

Seeing that singing variety shows cannot do as well as Zhejiang TV, Jiangsu TV sets its anchor on another track: blind date.

They have intensively studied more than a dozen different forms of dating programs at home and abroad, mainly drawing on the British dating series "Take Me Out" which became a hit when it was piloted in 2009.

Jiangsu TV station launched "If You Are the One" on January 15, 2010. No one could have expected that this program would make Meng Fei and Le Jia famous.

Compared with traditional TV programs, although the new variety shows of the 2000s are "wild", they have fully entered the era of "increasing entertainment".

So you will find that the hosts of this period are gradually transitioning from the pure functionality of announcing the curtain in traditional programs to more entertaining and personalized ones.

All the popular hosts during this period have clear entertainment labels:

For example, when you mention Hua Shao, you will think of him, not handsome but talented. When you mention Zhu Dan? Intellectual funny + chocolate beauty.

Meng Fei = crooked mouth + bald head; Le Jia = another bald head + poisonous tongue...

TV station is also committed to building the star image of its own host, which further amplifies the host's entertainment label. For example,

spends huge sums of money to package its image, act, sing, and let it cover all radio programs to increase exposure, all in order to plant the entertainment label of the host into the minds of the audience.

Therefore, the reason why they became famous back then was not because of how professional and outstanding they were.

They are a group of people selected by the "increasing entertainment era" of TV variety shows. In the

era, people pay more attention to their clear personal labels and are very tolerant of their lack of professionalism.

These hosts almost all became famous in pairs:

Hua Shao and Zhu Dan;

Meng Fei and Le Jia.

are all deeply bound to a certain program.

are popular because they are popular, not because they stand out absolutely.

is a chemical reaction created by the constant arrangement and combination of new elements during the brutal growth period when TV stations compete for ratings. In order to create hits for so-called innovation,

In a sense, the luck of chance is more important than the host's own subjective initiative and hard-core ability.

When Zhu Dan mispronounced a person's name, in addition to the mistake itself, many people also complained about why a good mainland host spoke with a Hong Kong and Taiwanese accent.

Although Hua Shao was later called "China's good tongue" because of his fast-talking advertisements in "The Voice", he, like Zhu Dan, was criticized for having a strong Hong Kong and Taiwanese accent.

Some words are indistinguishable from flat to tilted. For example, "cheng" in "complete" will be pronounced as "ceng". It can be seen that although both of them are from related majors, they all have problems with their basic hosting skills.

And one of the reasons why these two people fell apart in recent years is due to their emotional intelligence that fluctuates between high and low.

For hosts who need to control the scene, their sensitivity in reading the air should be higher than that of ordinary people, but their performance in this area is erratic.

For example, Zhu Dan has a lot of responsibility for the reason why the marriage between Zhu Dan and Zhou Yiwei is not favored. She always unintentionally reveals too many unflattering details about Zhou Yiwei's life.

For example, the step theory, her husband never takes care of the children, etc...

That's why netizens say Zhu Dan is the high-end black guy in Yiwei. But the essence is that, as a host, Zhu Dan cannot control public emotions and has no understanding of social psychology.

She once wrote a short composition to respond to her marriage controversy. When choosing words and sentences, emotion > reason + skill, it is difficult to imagine that she is a language worker.

Hua Shao repeatedly asked Tang Yan about her income. During the interview, she showed off her wealth and angered Nick Cheung, and introduced Zhu Dan to her single father. These behaviors also caused controversy because they exposed her low emotional intelligence.

Meng Fei and Le Jia are more wild. Neither of them came from a major in hosting, and they are also controversial.

Meng Fei worked as a cameraman in his early years, and then gradually became a reporter, editor and director. Lejia majored in foreign trade and later became a sales training instructor for Avon.

Meng Fei is good at dissecting social problems coldly, but it is not entertaining enough. But Lejia only has eloquence and questionable conduct, so her stardom is destined to be short-lived.

But at that time, whether it was Hua Shao Zhu Dan or Meng Feilejia, although they were not professional, in the combination arrangement, they were lucky enough to have an irreversible chemical reaction with their partners and the program they were in.

Hua Shao and Zhu Dan are both fast-talking people, so the overall hosting rhythm is brisk and attracts young people; they also quarreled during the show until the recording was stopped, but their bickering in the show made it more fun and friendly feel.

These two points are just in line with the temperament of a low-threshold national singing variety show.

And their personal characteristics or experiences are also very consistent with the attributes of the program.

Zhu Dan was dark-skinned and tall, and his appearance was special in the aesthetics of the time.

Coupled with the public impression and signature smile of the intellectual host in his early years, Zhu Dan's presence shocked the venue, making the singing variety show, which was very light, less impetuous and more calm.

And Hua Shao had been a DJ in his early years. As a library of Chinese songs, it is not suitable to host such a program. Many times, his sincere sense of participation is very infectious to the audience.

Look at Meng Feilejia again.

Meng Fei endured hardships in his early years. He worked as a porter, water deliveryman, security guard, and printer, and he has an insight into society. Therefore, he developed a unique, critical and cold humor.

As a dating show that has all kinds of monsters and monsters, Meng Fei is in it and has a miraculous sense of independence from the world.

partner Le Jia's "catching the horse" further amplified Meng Fei's valuable characteristics.

For example, Le Jia likes to speak pornographically and often has narcissistic postures.

The female guest gave a polite hug before leaving. Le Jia forced her to tell her the difference between holding herself and Meng Fei, with overtones that suggested both sexes, which embarrassed the female guest, so she could only give up in a hurry with a careless "you know it".

Meng Fei stood on the stage coldly, turning his head to reveal his signature pout.

The contrast between movement and stillness, irrationality and powerlessness gives the program both a dramatic effect and a certain balance.

But the fit is a coincidence and cannot be copied.

became popular back then, and it was a wild path to fame that was unique to the wild era.

Now, wild roads have become its fatal flaw.

their composite ability is very weak.

Some people have psychological endurance that cannot match their fame, such as Zhu Dan.

In addition to the above-mentioned problems with Zhu Dan’s hard power, Zhu Dan also has some shortcomings in psychological quality as a host’s soft power.

Zhu Dan lost his father when he was 7 years old, and his family was suffering. Since he was a child, he has lived to make his mother happy, including being a host. Therefore, he did not have such a deep and spontaneous pursuit of the hosting profession from the source. He had no love for hosting in his early years.

But Zhejiang Satellite TV was making every effort to build the China Blue brand at the time, and it also joined hands with Huayi, which was at its peak. As the TV station's favorite actress, Zhu Dan was pushed onto the stage and became famous along with the trend.

Produced by Huayi, "Falling in Love with the Female Anchor" with Zhu Dan as the female protagonist

not only has her career progress by leaps and bounds, but she also has more choices in relationships.

After her divorce, she had an affair with Tao Zhe, and then fell in love with Song Ke, the owner of the wheat field.

Until 2019:

It is said on the Internet that there were a lot of disputes in Taichung at that time. Zhu Dan’s car parked at his workplace would be scratched for no reason; he was ostracized by Zhou Libo, the smash hit Shanghai style Qingkou.

In the end, newcomer Yi Yi replaced Zhu Dan in "I Love to Remember Lyrics". The following year, Song Ke broke up with her, got married and had a daughter.

She admitted that she had a psychological problem at the time.

In 2012, she joined Mango and was called the second sister of Mango (the first sister is Xie Na). However, in "China's Strongest Voice", he pronounced the phone number of Mango Channel as that of his old club, and it is suspected that he was "fired" by Mango because of this.

But what is horrifying when you think about it is that it is reported online that the program is a recorded broadcast. If it is true, Zhu Dan was not only defeated by his own slip of the tongue, but also by the sinister interest disputes in the world.

Later, she got married and had children and retired from the world, placing her inner stability on Yiwei Yi and not caring about the world at all.

did not have the mental state to face the controversy head-on, so she chose to avoid it.

's avoidance and leisure also made her not even heard of the names of several popular artists many years later, leading to her mispronunciation, and she made mistakes again and again on multiple stages and programs in a short period of time.

Just like she is still crying today over the slip of the tongue 5 years ago, there is a clear gap between Zhu Dan's mental endurance and the title hosted by a star.

And what about Hua Shao? Indeed, as first seen, he has a brain, and his ability to control the field is his most conspicuous advantage. But he is a profit-oriented businessman.

He said in his early years that he had no journalistic ideals. He was more concerned about whether his programs could be sold and at what price.

Many years later, as the Gao Yixiang incident and the injustice suffered by Coco Lee in "The Voice" fermented, everyone noticed that Hua Shaochang, who was good at controlling the situation but often sided with Taiwan's interests, chose to remain silent, which completely chilled the hearts of the audience.

We will not discuss Le Jia, a crazy and excessive narcissist, but let us finally talk about Meng Fei.

Meng Fei has great limitations and can only serve a single scenario to shine.

In 2022, Meng Fei replaced He Jiong as the host of the third season of "Heart-warming Offer", but was criticized by netizens for being inferior to He Jiong, or even inferior to the singer guest Zhou Shen's ability to control the show.

So much so that Meng Fei quit the show after hosting only four episodes.

Meng Fei's coldness is a much-needed cooling agent in a dating show like a wet market, but in another scene, he seems distant and cold, and has no role in binding the theme of the show.

That season was about medical students. When observing and commenting on medical students, he put his hands on his hips and made auxiliary gestures. Without reading the subtitles, it sounds like a leader giving a speech at a large meeting.

Meng Fei is not very able to perceive the life pain points of people who are on different channels and have different life experiences from his own. In the

program, there is an excellent medical student with strong academic attainments who turns into a poor student who knows nothing about clinical practice.

Meng Fei didn't understand the intern's anxiety, which almost collapsed at that time, and even asked:

Was she in a daze?

Meng Fei's cross-industry perception is poor and his acuity is low. The advantages of "If You Are the One" are exposed in other fields, and the shortcomings are exposed 360° under the comparison of He Jiong.

is a positive example of strong professional ability. You can compare it with Sa Beining, who has boasted many times. His compound ability is very strong. In addition to his professional skills,

can perform in any scene, whether formal or funny. He has journalistic ideals and a stable core, which constitutes his image as a professional host who is not prone to overturning.

On the variety show and on the Spring Festival Gala, the status is completely different

But in the wild era when hosts are transitioning from professionalism to entertainment, there is no doubt that they who were so popular before can not do it. The so-called overturn of

today is nothing more than a lack of professional ability that was covered up by the dividends of the times, and is now exposed.

Let’s look at the decline of our former rival Hunan TV, the decline of our neighbor Oriental TV after the “Birthday Banquet” scandal, and the degradation of the hosts of the four major channels, which reflect the crisis of the domestic TV ecosystem.

After all, hosting is not only a skill, but also one of the most challenging jobs in the entertainment industry that tests humanity and soul. Over the years, almost all of the hosts who have stayed and gained respect have been recognized for their character. On the contrary, most people are not eliminated because of their abilities, but because of their weakness in human nature.

It’s still the same sentence: the key on the stage is not only the “host”, but also the “people”.

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