Is a certain C movie in arrears with the cinema ticket? Actually another OFO deposit dilemma

"As one of the earliest domestic platforms to develop online seat selection functions, it must be admitted that a certain C movie has played an indispensable role in the Chinese film market, especially small and medium-sized movie theaters for a period of time. Without him, there would be a few people I’m concerned about these small movie theaters." Recently, some media and movie studios reported that a certain C movie had defaulted on the ticket payment. Unlike the daily ending and weekly endings of Mao and Tao, a certain C movie is a monthly ending, which also makes There is great uncertainty in the payment cycle of the movie city. According to the knowledge that a certain C movie has been taken over by another company, a certain C also announced through an announcement that it will settle all arrears in November this year.

For most movie fans and audiences, the reputation of a certain C movie is far inferior to that of Maoyan and Taopin, and it can't even be compared with the previous Weiping and Nuomi movies. As a well-known online seat selection platform in the industry, his appearance, rise, fall, and demise are only a few years away.

A certain C movie started in the theater, and died out of the market and the concept of empty

"When it comes to a certain C movie, the above theater must be a topic that cannot be bypassed. After all, a certain C movie was once a marketing department under the theater. During the period of rapid growth in the film market, all leading theater chains and film management companies hope to use their own resources and capabilities to establish a good and complete marketing organization." According to an industry insider,

is currently at the forefront of the storm. A certain C film, formerly a marketing department of a theater company, was split up to do online voting and film marketing business. During the stable development period of the theater, he borrowed the resources and connections of the theater to some extent. This allows a certain C movie to completely break away from the "cat's eye and Taoping ticket" model, and bind some users to the cinema.

The last large-scale appearance of a certain C movie to the public was at the new product launch conference and the fourth anniversary celebration dinner last summer. Like many product launch conferences, this is still a meeting that can only stay on PPT. In the current Chinese movies In the market, using only concepts and one or two ideas is extremely difficult to capture users and bind studios.

Along with fierce market competition, Maoyan and Taopiao Piao gradually realized market "monopoly" and control. QQ groups and Taobao users overlap each other, but the overall users are cross-communicative, so even some leading companies in the industry, they Promoting the ticket purchase channel of its APP itself has also struggled to open up user channels.

This is something that the former Feifan app and and other industry leaders who have been trying to join the battle have fully realized. The ticketing app is really too difficult.

▲ The dunning comment under a certain C movie's Weibo

According to feedback and other media reports, a certain C movie has stopped part of the payment in August of this year. Initially, when the movie city exchanged the matter in the WeChat group, it was also received by everyone The group laughed at "unbelievable", but with the constant complaints about the unsettled debts of a certain C movie, the problem finally broke out on a large scale.

Some shocks and personnel changes in related theaters have also hit a certain C movie from another side. The original personnel relationship and working partners can still maintain the normal operation of a certain C. Once the support and backing of the theater is lost, it will operate. A certain C movie with an unreasonable model is bound to enter a difficult dilemma.

"Now is not the time to open up the market with just one or two concepts. Needless to say, the current market economy pattern. Haven't we also been guilty of utopian socialism in the early years? Under the impact of Maotao, the film side It will become very utilitarian. Some of the original advantages of a certain C movie are gradually weakened, and problems will only happen sooner or later." A friend of

who has expanded the theater said meaningfully that in the face of the utilitarian market, ideals are not enough. What's more, the ideal of a certain C is too unrealistic.

Ponzi scheme? In fact, it is another OFO deposit dilemma

Where did a certain C movie crash?

is actually very simple. They do not charge platform fees and even subsidize the movie theater. The only risk and problem is that they will withhold the ticket and then pay the movie theater at the monthly settlement.

This requires very high goodwill and corporate credit as a guarantee, with the support of leading theaters and stable development. During the period of stable development, the model of a certain C movie is reasonable and sustainable. If the theater is completely stripped off, it will be done separately. For the film party, they may not be able to obtain direct and effective benefits.

A certain C movie has been committed to becoming a platform information and marketing integrator, trying to use its own capabilitiesTrying to open up the communication bridge between the platform and users joining the cinema, but the actual effect is not good. As we all know, the opening and click-through rate of the studio's own official account is extremely poor, and only in the welfare and ticket grabbing, it will have a good effect.

"Our cinema also cooperates with a certain C movie, but we did not enable them to store the value of membership card in the background. After all, this direct recharge behavior of three to five hundred, the audience actually agrees with the cinema’s own platform or movie. City box office, I think even if it’s opened, no audience will recharge it."

"If it’s my studio, I don’t even have to think about it. Ticket partners who settle monthly payments must deposit money in the studio. We don’t have a deposit. Cooperation, who knows that they ran away with money that day, Maotao is actually okay, other platforms seeking to cooperate with any of our cinemas must require a deposit."

communicated with two cinema chains and cinema friends , Pai sir suddenly discovered that the ticketing platform APP has his very strong rules and restrictions, but such rules and restrictions did not form industry rules, nor did they have corresponding legal regulations to restrict them, which also made a certain C movie to some extent There is a considerable backlog of risks.

▲The phenomenon of Luo Yonghao that cannot be explained by current rules

Many people will say that a certain C movie is a complete Ponzi scam. Individuals who shoot the sir here can’t completely agree. From the essence and original intention of a certain C movie, its purpose and ideas It is definitely done in a good way, and it is completely different from the "Antman" and other financial fraud cases in the early years.

Current entrepreneurs in China, we do not rule out that they realize personal value, wealth accumulation and financial freedom through the growth of the industry, but everyone will still develop their business with a strong attitude and serious spirit, but In terms of personal ability and judgment and understanding of industry development trends, only a few can achieve success. The most extreme example of

may be Luo Yonghao. He does not deny his talent and wisdom, but Luo Yonghao always makes mistakes when judging his own ability and industry trends.

OFO is like this, hammer is like this, so is a certain C movie. The good thing about

is that a certain C movie still has a good attitude and solution. This may not be an acceptable ending for most movie studios, but it may be a more difficult beginning for the future of these movie studios. The

industry continues to reshuffle, self-operated ticketing APP is difficult, and small and medium-sized movie theaters must be integrated into the large theater line. At the beginning of last year, sir will be optimistic that there will be big players entering the ticketing system and ticketing platform in the future, but the final result is Relevant departments' attitudes towards ticket replenishment tightening and the stretched pockets of various platforms and film parties, at the same time, are accompanied by ever-increasing fares.

Since last year, everyone can already feel the industry's reshuffle very clearly. This reshuffle is not only at the cinema, but also at the cinema, regional distribution and some marketing companies, but today, the ticketing platform Some small households have also begun to enter a difficult bottleneck period.

▲ Countless movie theaters & ticketing APP

A certain C movie is already doing its best in the industry to bundle users, and it still can’t compare with Maoyan Taoticket. Major theaters and movie studios are also trying to " Go to Maoyan and Taobao tickets", but the actual effect has always been very low. It can even be said that all the ticketing apps independently promoted by theaters and movie theaters in the past two years have basically ended in failure.

When talking about the problem of a certain C movie, most of the movie theaters that are owed are small movie theaters and remote movie theaters. Unlike Wanda and other large theaters, they can get tickets from the film party, Maoyan, and It gets more resources there. Because it is too small to support a certain C movie and similar ticketing platform, the situation will become more difficult.

Don't accuse these studios of why they always violate the rules and make mistakes. The filmmakers should actually think carefully. What have you done for these studios?

Judging from the previous attitudes and policies of the General Administration, the integration of cinema chains is an inevitable trend. In the future, even more film management companies will be incorporated into cinema chains. Self-operated cinema chains and franchised cinema chains will eventually join the large cinema chains. Become a cinema with a stronger chain.

But the problem still lies in the unfair distribution of resources and the difficulty in balancing adjustments. After all, the cost that the film party can invest is always limited, and the resources controlled by Maoyan and Taoping tickets cannot benefit all studios. This is indeed for small and medium studios.It is an extremely difficult question.

"Holding a group for warmth" is definitely a problem that everyone can think of at the first time. From a certain point of view, "idle movie studios" (especially movie studios that have not joined the big movie tube company on the large theater line) currently account for the country's movie theaters The number is not a small number, but organizations that can provide good services for them are still blank.

This is extremely difficult to solve by relying solely on regional distribution and China Film & China Film. Even if they are combined, the energy they can provide is very limited. Their contribution seems to be less than the enthusiastic masses who supplied food to the front during the war.

The problems of a certain C film are also an aspect of the problems exposed by the current Chinese film industry reforms. He will warn us that industry risks are everywhere, and industry rules need to be established urgently. The blind spots that appear will continue to appear with the in-depth development of the industry. The good thing about

is that the problem this time is a certain C movie with not so much influence and ticket price. This is what everyone wants to see for the subsequent development of Maotao and the purification and progress of the industry. Regarding how to better support and support small and medium-sized cinemas, it is also hoped that relevant departments can adjust the rules to obtain further improvement.